“Quest for Truth: The Legacy of St. Thomas Aquinas” The 15th Fu Jen Academia Catholica International Conference & the Jubilee Conference on the 800th Birth Anniversary of St. Thomas Aquinas June 11-13, 2025Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan Fu Jen Academia Catholica is pleased to announce the 15th Fu Jen Academia Catholica International Conference, titled “Quest for Truth: The Legacy of…
Sevgili Arkadaşlar,Dear friends Sen Piyer Kilisesi, Galata Kulesi sk. 26, Beyoğlu15 Kasım, saat 19.00Yuhanna İncili’ne göre Efkaristiya Her ayin sırasında kutlanan ve Kilise’nin en önemli sakramenti olan Efkaristiya’nın gizemi üzerine dört dersten oluşan seri, İstanbul Episkoposu Episkopos Massimiliano Palinuro tarafından açılacak. İstanbul Episkoposu konuşmasında Yuhanna İncili’nde yer alan Efkaristiya öğretisini açıklayacaktır. Episkopos Palinuro, Roma’daki Papalık Biblicum Enstitüsü’nden İncil Çalışmaları alanında…
Estimados compañeros: El Instituto Histórico de la Provincia de Hispania de la Orden dePredicadores vuelve este año a organizar un seminario para seguirprofundizando en la historia de nuestra orden en particular y de laIglesia en general. En esta ocasión nos hemos centrado en la épocacontemporánea y la liturgia, dando continuidad cronológica a la ediciónanterior. Además hemos querido concluirlo con una…
Siamo lieti di annunciare il convegno internazionale In viaggio verso Oriente. Marco Polo e i Frati Mendicanti organizzato dall’Istituto di Studi Domenicani di Istanbul con il sostegno dell’Istituto Storico dell’Ordine dei Predicatori. Scarica il programma: In viaggio verso Oriente_pdf Dominican Study Institute: Pubblicato in Eventi
This lecture will examine the implications of Al to the idea of the dignity of work and the relation of this dignity to individuals as workers. It will raise critical questions and attempt solutions to same from the Catholic Social Teaching
Gerardo CIOFFARI Il Maestro dell’Ordine dei Predicatori, fr. Gerard Francisco TIMONER III OP, dopo aver esaminata insieme al Consiglio Generalizio […] Gerardo CIOFFARIIl Maestro dell’Ordine dei Predicatori, fr. Gerard Francisco TIMONER III OP, dopo aver esaminata insieme al Consiglio Generalizio la richiesta inoltrata dal Capitolo Provinciale della Provincia “San Tommaso d’Aquino in Italia”, celebrato nel Convento di Madonna dell’Arco (Napoli)…
Çin’deki Hristiyanlar ve Müslümanlar Sevgili Arkadaşlar,Dear friends Strange Encounters in the Middle Kingdom Orta Krallık’ta Tuhaf Karşılaşmalar Cuma 26 Nisan , saat 19.00 Sen Piyer Kilisesi’nde Orta Krallık’ta Tuhaf Karşılaşmalar Çin’deki Hristiyanlar ve Müslümanlar Ermanno Visintainer Ortaçağ’da Hıristiyanların Çin kültürüyle nasıl temas kurduğunu, Hayrettin İhsan Erkoç ise aynı dönemde Müslümanların Çin kültürüyle nasıl temas kurduğunu anlatacak. Konferansta siyasi ve askeri konulardan ziyade kültürel konulara…
Sergi / Exhibition “Konstantinopolis’in surları” Çizim | Fotoğraf Drawing | Photographing “the walls of Constantinople” 5 Nisan – 30 Haziran 2024 Sen Piyer Kilisesi’nde Her hafta cuma-cumartesi günleri 14:30-17:30 saatleri arasında ziyaret edilebilir. “Konstantinopolis’in surları”Çizim | Fotoğraf Küratörlüğünü Silvia Pedone ve Domenico Ventura’nın üstlendiği sergi, küratörlerin Konstantinopolis/İstanbul surları üzerine onlarca yıldır yürüttükleri çalışmalara, kavramsal ve metodolojik, tarihsel ve güncel ikili…
Tomismo in dialogoDialettica dell’inclusione e dell’esclusionedal 23 febbraio al 24 maggio 2024 – ore 17.45/19.15AULA 2 – Piazza San Domenico 13, Bologna CORSO GRATUITO ACCESSIBILE IN STREAMINGle lezioni saranno registrate e rese disponibili sul sito dell’Istituto TomisticoInformazioni: – 0516400425 MORE INFORMATION (Schedules and Topics)
The Intellectual Life Office extends our joyful greetings to Fr. John O’Connor for his reappointment as the REGENT of STUDIES of England province for the second term. Best wishes, and rest assured of our prayers for your good health and the success of your plans and activities for the good of the province. Continue to be blessed and a blessing…
In celebration of the three Jubilees of St. Thomas Aquinas from 2023 to 2025, Philippiniana Sacra editor Rev. fr. Jesus M. Miranda, Jr., O.P., PhD, invites scholars to submit their research articles on Thomistic studies. More Details
March 31, 2024by Mrs. Roxie Krausser, OP, Lay Dominican, Memphis, TNWhen I was a young child helping my mother set the table with her white linen napkins, she was quite insistent that I fold them a certain way. I also noticed throughout the years that she folded all cloth items her hands touched, whether soiled or clean. Years later, I…
PRAYER FOR THE LORD: Almighty God, we beseech thee graciously to behold this thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ was contented to be betrayed, and given up into the hands of wicked men, and to suffer death upon the cross, who now liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.…
Prayers For Lord Jesus: May I console Your Sacred Heart and know the love and Mercy that flowed forth. Lord, when I face the crosses of my own life, give me Your divine courage and strength to say “Yes” to the Will of the Father. Your love for me is abundant and is perfect in every way. Maundy Thursday is…
Liebe Schwestern und Brüder, wie bereits angekündigt, schicke ich allen das Programm und das Anmeldeformular für die diesjährige Meisterklasse mit Freimut Löser, Dietmar Mieth und Markus Vinzent. Die Tagungskosten sind für Mitglieder der CTS-Trägergemeinschaft und des Fördervereins (d.h. auch für die Mitglieder deutschen Dominikanerprovinz und die Schwestern vom Arenberg) reduziert. Für die Übernachtung etc. muss allerdings jeder selbst Sorge tragen,…
March 27, 2024 by Fr. Orlando Cardozo, OP Today’s Gospel narrative of Matthew 26: 14-26 offers two scenes in which the life of Jesus is in conflict. In the first one, Jesus is celebrating the Passover Meal with his disciples in which they are commemorating the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. The Passover Meal is a…
April 12, 2022by Fr. Francis Orozco, O.P.Lent is a season of preparation for Easter, for the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. But before the resurrection, comes the passion and death of Jesus. We’re in the last week of Lent and Jesus is telling us that things are going to ramp up quickly with a betrayal. To be betrayed by…
The retreat for Dominican friars studying in Rome with the Master of the Order was held at the Angelicum on Saturday, Feb. 24. During the meeting, fr. Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., gave an extraordinary talk on study, entitled: Sanctifying oneself in studying theology. More Details
École d’été (Summer School) en islamologie IFI-Idéo-Ifao 15-28 juillet 2024 « Formation à l’étude des textes de la tradition islamique » Date limite de candidature : 15 avril 2024 ObjectifsL’IFI, l’Idéo et l’Ifao proposent aux étudiants en master ou en doctorat en islamologie ouaffiliés à l’islamologie, inscrits dans une université ou un institut européen, une École d’été(Summer School) dédiée à…
FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY STUDENTS’ FORUM (FPSF)The Main Student Organization of the Ecclesiastical Faculty of Philosophy, University of Santo Tomas, Manila since1979 Board by: Sem. Sean Patrick C. Nagar Presenting the FPSF Student Body for A.Y. 2023-2024 composed of student-priests, religious, and diocesan seminarians from all over the country. Together, we will traverse uncharted pathways through philosophizing together, furthering the cause…
If you follow us on social media, you may have seen pictures of our current cohort of TI Study Abroad students learning, exploring, and making lifelong friends in Italy. But did you know that we’re currently accepting applications for the spring semester of 2025? Whether you are in college or know someone who is, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to…
Please Watch the Actual Conference
Pope Francis celebrates the beginning of Lent with Mass at the Basilica of Santa Sabina, and calls on the faithful to take up Jesus’ invitation to “return to the heart.”By Christopher Wells At the beginning of Lent, Jesus invites each one of us to “go into our inner room,” Pope Francis said in his homily for Mass on Ash Wednesday.“Going…
The Thomistic Institute is looking for an Executive Assistant to the Director to work in person in our office at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. The Executive Assistant holds a vital role, working in close collaboration with the Director with respect to all aspects of the TI’s mission and activity. The EA acts on behalf of the…
Deadline: 28 febbraio 2024San Tommaso d’Aquino, uomo del Mediterraneo, uomo del dialogoConvegno di Studi sul pensiero di Tommaso d’AquinoNapoli, 25-27 aprile 2024 L’obbiettivo del Convegno è quello di celebrare il 750° anniversario della morte di San Tommaso d’Aquino e considerare l’Aquinate nel suo contesto mediterraneo, essendo il Mediterraneo un crocevia di culture e un costante richiamo al dialogo. Il primo…
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Applications Are Now Open For All 2024 Summer Conferences! Apply now for one of our five major summer conferences in 2024, including our first-ever VERITAS:• The Aquinas Philosophy Workshop: St. Thomas Aquinas on Divine Simplicity• The Civitas Dei Summer Fellowship: Can War Be Just? Augustinian, Thomistic, and Contemporary Perspectives• VERITAS: Why Be A Thomist?• The Thomistic Philosophy and Natural Science…
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you…” (John 14:27) Christmas is a time for us to create lasting memories with those we love and to celebrate the peace of God. Yet sometimes in the world around us, within families, and even in our own minds, peace is hard to find. Many of us admit to feeling…
Dans le cadre des activités de la Chaire Anawati, l’Institut dominicain d’études orientales recrute pour un an, un volontaire de la Délégation catholique pour la coopération (DCC) pour enseigner le français aux étudiants de l’université d’al-Azhar, et aborder des questions politiques, juridiques et culturelles. Cliquez ici pour plus d’information…
On November 30th 2023, brother Jean-Michel Poffet, OP of the Province of Switzerland was awarded the degree of Master in Sacred Theology. After the provincial of Switzerland, brother Benoît -Dominique de la Sougeole OP had read out the decree of the Master of the Order, Br. Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP, conferring brother Jean Michel his degree, and the regent…