Biên Hoà 2019
Capitulum Generale
- [DECLARATIO] Following the General Chapter of Bologna, the new Ratio Studiorum Generalis (RSG) has been approved and promulgated. This new Ratio Studiorum Generalis (2017) offers the opportunity for brothers to renew their understanding of the place of study in the life and mission of the Order and the key principles of Dominican intellectual formation. These principles are relevant for all dimensions of our Dominican life and make us capable of offering a fruitful response in dialogue with the challenges of our time.
- [GRATIARUM ACTIO] We thank all those responsible for its writing and publication.
- [ORDINATIO] We ordain that the prior provincial and the regent of studies of each province that have not yet submitted their Ratio Studiorum Particularis should do so by the next general chapter.
- [EXHORTATIO] We exhort the regent of studies of each province, or someone designated by him, to lead the students at the beginning of their institutional studies in a reading of the RSG, especially 1-23 & 77-79, regarding the characteristics of Dominican study.
- [EXHORTATIO] We exhort the promoter of permanent formation of each province in conjunction with the conventual lectors to periodically carry out a similar task with all the brothers of the province.
- [DECLARATIO] Among the emphases of the RSG, we highlight the importance of the integrative, communal, and continuous dimensions of Dominican study.
- [ADMONITIO] We remind every brother that there is a profound unity between study and all other elements of Dominican life (RSG 7). Study, when grounded in contemplation, leads us to appropriate an intellectual habitus that affects the entire person. It impacts not only what we do, but who we are. Study is integrative, it is fostered in a communal context, and it is an essential element of our life and mission as preachers.
- [EXHORTATIO] We encourage each brother, in light of this, to make a personal synthesis in relation to his identity and vocation as a preacher, integrating theological and philosophical perspectives with the apostolic and human experiences acquired throughout his life (cf. RSG 14.10). We also encourage each brother to share his personal synthesis with his brothers.
- [DECLARATIO] Each brother accepted into the Order has the right to receive a Dominican intellectual formation according to the RSG. This is not possible in some entities of the Order due to circumstances and the lack of necessary institutions or resources. This represents a serious inequality that must be resolved (Relatio of the Master of the Order 100).
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Master of the Order and the Socius for the Intellectual Life to address this issue and help the provinces to achieve the goal of providing access to a Dominican intellectual formation for each student brother.
- [DECLARATIO] The Dominican intellectual tradition seeks to cultivate an ever more qualified and meaningful contribution to the critical questions and issues of our times by helping our contemporaries to appreciate more deeply the intelligibility of reality and the saving plan of God through:
I. transcending, by dialogue, the temptation of polarisation;
II. encouraging an interdisciplinary approach which brings the arts and sciences into contact with philosophical and theological studies;
III. cultivating a knowledge and familiarity with the Holy Scripture and the monuments and documents of Tradition, especially the principles, methods, and pedagogy of St.Thomas Aquinas as recommended in the RSG, in a time when theological learning can be neglected in the wider culture;
IV. putting into dialogue Christian faith and specifically the Dominican intellectual tradition and charism with the richness of the diverse cultures and religious traditions of the world. - [EXHORTATIO] We exhort the brothers in academic and pastoral ministries to undertake a creative reflection on secularisation and the questions of secularism, relativism and fundamentalism, religious ignorance and indifference. Through this engagement, the Order will be in a position to place its intellectual resources at the service of the evangelisation.
- [EXHORTATIO] We exhort the brothers present in academic settings “…to have a constant concern to deploy the theological act in interdisciplinary dialogue with others, in spaces of transition between different types of knowledge, in the service of a theological discernment of the signs of the times.” (Relatio of the Master of the Order 129)
- [EXHORTATIO] We exhort the brothers in academic settings to develop connections with non-Dominican and non-ecclesiastical centers of studies and scholars.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission regents of studies and moderators of centres of studies to ensure that the philosophical studies mandated by the RSG are effectively implemented for each brother in institutional formation. (RSG 6, 13.4, 15, 18).
- [COMMENDATIO] The Ratio Studiorum Generalis speaks of the fundamental importance of “philosophy in our Dominican tradition” (RSG 13.4, 18; ACG 2001 Providence 118-119). We recommend that provinces prepare sufficient numbers of brothers specialised in philosophy to teach, in view of the dialogue between faith and reason, of cultures and diverse religious traditions. Centres that provide research degrees in philosophy (Angelicum, Berkeley, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Manila, Ottawa, etc.) should be considered as resources for the whole order and can also be invited to coordinate their efforts.
- [DECLARATIO] As stated in the Relatio of the Master of the Order: “The purpose of the Order and its specific service to the Church obliges it to provide itself with the means to always establish a dialogue between the experiences of evangelisation and the theological intelligibility of realities.” (Relatio 150)
- [COMMENDATIO] We encourage brothers in pastoral ministry and brothers in academic ministry to participate in these activities with the aim of developing a theology of evangelisation for their time and place.
- [DECLARATIO] The expression Salamanca Process, “by analogy with the meeting of the preachers of Hispaniola and theologians of Salamanca”, refers to research based on the experience of situations where the equal dignity and the rights of persons and peoples are not respected or are endangered that “aims to place theology at the service of law and respect for human, individual and social dignity”. (Relatio 154).
- [EXHORTATIO] We exhort brothers in charge of universities, faculties and centres of studies in the Order to organise regular activities in line with the Salamanca Process that promote dialogue between academic work and the pastoral experience of brothers, especially of those working in places where the rights of individuals and of peoples and the integrity of the creation are not respected or are threatened. This dialogue should also be extended to bioethical issues, especially those related to the respect of life.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Socius for the Intellectual Life and the Socius for the apostolic life, in conjunction with the Promoter for justice and peace, to create a working group to promote the Salamanca process on issues of justice and peace and put its work at the service of the Order’s representative to the United Nations
- [COMMENDATIO] Nous recommandons au Maître de l’Ordre de nommer un frère comme directeur adjoint afin de renforcer le travail de la délégation permanente auprès de l’ONU à Genève. Ce directeur adjoint devra avoir une qualification théologique relative aux droits de l’homme et à la doctrine sociale afin de promouvoir, sur la base du recueil des expériences, et en s’appuyant notamment sur l’expertise des laïcs dominicains, l’orientation donnée à la recherche par le «Processus de Salamanca» (Cf. Relatio du Maître de l’Ordre 54).
- [EXHORTATIO] Nous exhortons chaque province de l’Ordre à relayer l’attention à la justice et à la paix par exemple en continuant la célébration d’un «mois dominicain pour la paix» pendant l’Avent (Relatio du MO, 152).
- [DECLARATIO] Each brother, from his initial formation on, should be in contact with the universal dimension of the Order in its multicultural expressions. This same perspective should be encouraged for all those involved in teaching and research (RSG 80).
- [EXHORTATIO] We exhort regents of studies and moderators or heads of Dominican centres of studies to implement concrete projects of interprovincial cooperation in accordance with the propositions of RSG 82.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Socius for the Intellectual Life, the regional coordinators of regents, and the regents of studies of the provinces to update and enhance the database of the brothers involved in the intellectual life of the various provinces.
- [COMMENDATIO] Nous recommandons au Maître de l’Ordre de constituer, parmi les responsables des bibliothèques les plus importantes de l’Ordre, et en lien avec la commission des Archives, une commission des bibliothécaires chargée de faire un état du potentiel intrinsèque à nos bibliothèques et de proposer des développements possibles. Dans un second temps, cette commission se tiendra à la disposition des bibliothèques de l’Ordre pour des conseils et des évaluations concernant la professionnalisation de leur organisation, en tenant compte de l’évolution des sciences liées à la bibliothéconomie, et pour en développer le rayonnement apostolique.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Socius for the Intellectual Life and the heads of the institutions under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order to reach out to regents of studies and heads of the other Dominican academic institutions around the world in order to implement concrete collaborative projects. These could include, but are not limited to, exchange of professors and students, organisation of conferences and co-hosting events, joint graduate degree programs and co-direction of theses, publication of common research, collaboration for online resources, collaboration in intellectual evangelization.
- [COMMENDATIO] We recommend the Master of the Order, the Socius for intellectual life, and those responsible for the Order’s universities, faculties and centers of university studies to set up a university network OP, with the aim of promoting collaboration, exchange and some common activities among them, placing the Dominican charism and intellectual tradition into dialogue with the challenges of the present, in an interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective.
- [COMMENDATIO] We recommend that the head of each of the above-mentioned institutions be asked to designate a representative to promote such collaboration in concrete ways in the coming years, so that each institution undertakes at least one international collaborative event or engagement of inter-collaboration. The idea should be to explore potential forms of systematic or occasional collaboration.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Master of the Order, the prior provincials, the Socius for intellectual life and the coordinator regents of studies of each region in dialogue with the Regents of each entity, to initiate a process of planning and evaluation to implement regional collaboration in the field of institutional studies. The objective should be that in each region the friars can carry out at least part of their institutional studies in a center of studies of the Order, having access to an adequate Dominican intellectual formation, in contact with other brothers of the region and with a more universal perspective of the Order. Possible centers of studies for this purpose should be identified among those already existing in each region. Entities that send student brothers should participate with a certain co-responsibility in this task of formation.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission provincials assisted by regents of studies to draw up in each entity a plan for complementary studies of brothers. It will be submitted to the Master of the Order and will be updated within three months after each provincial chapter. It will estimate the number and the concrete proportion of brothers who will carry out complementary studies, as well as the disciplines to which they will devote themselves. The implementation of this planning will be included in the annual report of the regents of studies and evaluated in canonical visitations of the provinces. The Master of the Order and the provincials are co-responsible for this objective for the common good of each province and of the institutions under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order (RSG 44.7).
- [COMMISSIO] We charge provincials, regents of studies and brothers in charge of centres of studies, using their respective competencies, to ensure that brothers who undertake complementary studies are adequately accompanied, especially when they carry them out outside their own province, and complete the studies within the time agreed (RSG 25, 45.4). In order to support these brothers their progress should be regularly evaluated and to confirm the viability and continuity of his work. Sufficient funding should be provided so that they might focus on their studies.
- [COMMISSIO] We charge the Master of the Order, the Socius for intellectual life, and the Permanent Commission for the Promotion of Studies, in dialogue with the regents of each region, to initiate a process of evaluation and planning, so that collaboration at the level of the whole Order in the field of complementary studies is taken up. This is so brothers from different regions, especially those with a good number of young brothers, can undertake complementary studies in centres of studies of the Order together with brothers from other regions, so giving a more universal perspective of the Order. In addition to the centres of studies under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, other possible centres of studies that could offer specific programs of complementary studies in one of the three official languages of the Order should be identified to support the mission of the Order.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Socius for the Intellectual Life to clarify the meaning of additional studies in RSG 24 for provincials and regents of studies.
- [COMMISSIO] Nous chargeons le maître de l’Ordre, la Fondation Spem Miram et les frères responsables des universités et facultés de l’Ordre, en collaboration avec le socius pour la vie intellectuelle et les socii régionaux, du soin d’offrir des bourses d’études complémentaires aux frères des provinces qui en ont besoin. Compte tenu du nombre de jeunes frères et des exigences actuelles dans le domaine académique et universitaire, jusqu’au prochain Chapitre général, une priorité particulière sera accordée aux frères des régions Afrique, Amérique latine – Les Caraïbes et Asie-Pacifique.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Master of the Order and the Socius for the Intellectual Life to encourage the efforts of the province of St. Joseph the Worker in Nigeria and Ghana and the province of St. Augustine in West Africa in the development of the Dominican University of Ibadan and the Saint Dominic University of Doulougou, respectively, by promoting collaboration with other universities of the Order.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Master of the Order, with the assistance of the Socius for the Intellectual Life and a coordinator designated by the Master of the Order, to constitute a new commission for inter-religious dialogue, appointing its members and some invited experts. This commission will coordinate and promote collaboration among the centres and institutes of the Order in the field of inter-religious dialogue. It will seek to integrate doctrine, philosophical reflection, shared experience, common responsibility for peace, and concern for the common good.
- [COMMENDATIO] We encourage the major superiors and regents of studies of the Asia-Pacific region to implement the objectives for Dominican formation and studies agreed upon in the regional meeting of 2019. These objectives are to be updated with the relevant decisions of this Chapter.
- [COMMENDATIO] We recommend that the same major superiors and regents, with the aid of the Socius for the Intellectual Life if necessary, establish a working group to coordinate and develop the activities of brothers of the diverse provinces aiming at a Dominican intellectual presence in the region, in order to commence a dialogue between the Dominican spiritual and intellectual tradition and charism with the riches of Asian cultural and religious traditions.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Master of the Order, in consultation with the Socius for Intellectual Life and the heads of the relevant institutions, to strengthen and renew in the coming nine years the faculties of Fribourg, PUST, and EBAF with academically qualified brothers, for the service of the common good of the Order and the Church.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Master of the Order, the Socius for Intellectual Life, and those responsible for academic institutions under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order to apply the following procedures for the identification and appointment of professors or members of such institutions:
I. The rectors or heads of the institutions will send annually to the Master of the Order a list of the positions to be filled in the following 5 years, including the names of possible candidates to be professors in the various disciplines, or to carry out other tasks;
II. The Socius for the Intellectual Life will send the list of positions to be filled to all regents of studies and make the necessary contacts with all concerned, adding if possible other candidates;
III. The Master of the Order, after dialogue with the prior provincial and the brother himself, will implement the designation or entrust the brother to apply for the corresponding chair or task. - [COMMISSIO] We commission the heads of academic institutions under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order to make known to all provinces their activities along with the possibility of brothers of all regions participating in these institutions. These activities should be made known on the Order’s website, when possible.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission those brothers responsible for ecclesiastical faculties and universities of the Order take into account in the updating of the statutes in accordance with the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis Gaudium, with its norms, the criteria of the RSG for centers of studies under the responsibility of the Order.
- [DECLARATIO] We value and support the process of enhancing academic quality and research at PUST, in particular through the implementation of the Thomistic Institute and the Institute of Ecumenical Studies, the incorporation of newly qualified professors, and the fulfillment of other objectives established by the last general chapter (ACG 2016 Bologna 176-184).
- [GRATIARUM ACTIO] We thank the Grand Chancellor, the Rector and the entire academic community for the efforts made over these past years and encourage them to continue this process of renewal and strengthening of the university.
- [COMMISSIO] In the revision of the statutes of PUST, we commission the Master of the Order to ensure the prerogative of the Order to exert its responsibility towards the University, as well as to revisit the norms proper to the university in this light. It should be noted in the statutes that Dominican brothers who participate in the teaching or management of PUST do so by virtue of the permission and commission received from the Order.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Master of the Order and his Council, to place the Convitto S. Tommaso at the service of PUST for formation activities of the Order, without excluding its present uses. The brothers residing there should be incorporated into the community of the convent San Domenico and San Sixto. A commission should be formed with the concerned parties to plan and implement this decision in the academic year 2019-20.
- [COMMENDATIO] Recognising the importance of permanent formation for preaching, we recommend that PUST offer each year a Dominican Renewal Programme. This would be available not only to Dominicans but to other religious, diocesan clergy and lay people. It would include enrolling at the University for either a semester or an academic year. Participants would choose their courses and also whether or not simply to audit them or to be engaged more academically in the courses. Participants can be accommodated at the Convitto, depending upon the availability of space in that institution.
- [COMMENDATIO] We recommend that the administration of PUST, in collaboration with the prior provincials and the Master of the Order, seek to find the funding necessary for the renovation of the library.
- [GRATIARUM ACTIO] We thank and express our gratitude to Brother Bruno Cadoré and to all the brothers who made possible the renovation of the three wings of the university and priory at PUST.
- [GRATIARUM ACTIO] We thank with gratitude the brothers of the University of Santo Tomas in Manila for their generous gift to PUST for the renovation of the fourth wing of the priory.
- [GRATIARUM ACTIO] We thank the International Dominican Foundation (IDF) for establishing the Val McInnes Chair at PUST and for the administration of the scholarship fund of the PUST in the United States. We encourage the Master of the Order to maintain and develop IDF as an important support to the institutions under the jurisdiction of the Master in their fundraising efforts.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Grand Chancellor and the Rector of PUST to implement the project of renewal foreseen for the Faculty of Canon Law, given its current situation of weakness, and to incorporate new professors.
- [GRATIARUM ACTIO] We thank the brothers teaching at the faculty of theology at the University of Fribourg for their commitment, their generosity towards the brothers in formation, and their contribution to the development of Dominican intellectual life.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Master of the Order and his Council, the Socius for Intellectual Life, and the brothers who work in the Faculty of Theology in Fribourg, Switzerland:
I. to evaluate before the next General Chapter the feasibility of a renewal of the agreement with the Canton of Fribourg and the Swiss Bishops’ Conference with the present or other conditions;
II. to consider, in the context of this evaluation, the possibility of securing some chairs relevant to the Dominican theological presence, of a number that is appropriate and adequate;
III. to take steps in interdisciplinary dialogue, recalling the opportunity that this specific presence affords in a state and bilingual university. - [COMMISSIO] We commission the Master of the Order, the priors provincial and the regents of studies of French and German speaking provinces to explore the possibility of supporting the Dominican theological presence in the Faculty of Theology of Fribourg, sending brothers to study there and especially preparing brothers who can serve as professors. by the next General Chapter.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Master of the Order and his general council to study how to advance the common mission of the order at Fribourg, in teaching and fostering an international house of formation (St. Hyacinth), to which the Swiss Province contributes, in synergy with the Albertinum as a House of the Master, and in keeping with the convention with the Canton of Fribourg and the Swiss Bishops’ conference.
- [DECLARATIO] We value and support the process of renewal and strengthening that has been developing in EBAF in recent years, favouring academic quality and research, in particular the implementation of the new doctoral program and other initiatives of dialogue with other institutions and the community of researchers.
- [GRATIARUM ACTIO] We thank the Master of the Order, the Director and the whole academic community for their efforts over the years to promote this process, and we encourage them to continue this process of renewal and strengthening of EBAF.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Master of the Order to renew the position of archivist at Santa Sabina in view of mutual collaboration with the Historical Institute of the Order.
- [GRATIARUM ACTIO] We thank the Director and the members of the Historical Institute of the Order for the work done and the steps taken with regard to publications and encourage them to continue this process of renewal and development.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Master of the Order to appoint new members, covering the existing vacancies, so that the Historical Institute may adequately develop its objectives in the service of the Order.
- [COMMISSIO] We commission the Master of the Order to renew in the coming nine years, the personnel assigned to the College of confessors at St. Mary Major. In order to maintain this important service of the Order on behalf of the Church, brothers should be assigned who have the suitable theological, pastoral and linguistic preparation.
- [DECLARATIO] Nous déclarons que la mise en perspective des écrits de saint Thomas est importante pour que leur lecture continue à nourrir le débat philosophique et théologique contemporain. Au coeur de l’Ordre, et en coopération avec les institutions académiques de haut niveau et les chercheurs les plus qualifiés, la Commission léonine travaille à l’édition critique des écrits de saint Thomas. Elle développe ainsi la connaissance du contexte culturel et historique de son enseignement
- [GRATIARUM ACTIO] We thank the Director and the members of the Leonine Commission for the work done and the steps taken to put it in contact with the Provinces and Centers of studies of the Order and encourage them to continue this process of communication and collaboration.
- [COMMENDATIO] Nous recommandons aux régents, en vue du renforcement de l’équipe par des frères convenablement formés en latin, d’adresser à la commission, pour un stage de formation ou pour les sessions régulièrement organisées par la commission, les frères intéressés par la dimension philologique de l’étude de saint Thomas.
- [DECLARATIO] Certains défis et opportunités de recherche théologique, académique ou apostolique, répondant à un besoin clairement identifié, demandent la collaboration de plusieurs entités. Des réponses, déjà existantes ou encore à l’état de projet, réclament, pour un temps donné, le soutien institutionnel, collaboratif et économique, du Maître de l’Ordre. Ce soutien fait pleinement confiance à la créativité des frères à l’origine de l’activité et respecte son autonomie. Souple et réactif, il implique aussi une évaluation annuelle et triennale de chaque activité ainsi soutenue. Ces activités seront appelées «Activités sous la vigilance du Maître de l’Ordre».
- [DECLARATIO] Nous déclarons que les «Activités sous la vigilance du Maître de l’Ordre» devront répondre aux critères suivants: 1. Le besoin identifié et le but poursuivi par l’activité (théologique, académique, caractère international etc.). 2. Les acteurs engagés dans l’activité et son caractère dominicain. 3. La recherche d’autonomie financière. 4. Le but visé par le soutien (naissance de l’activité, accompagnement jusqu’à sa maturité, soutien ponctuel etc.). 5. Les moyens à mettre en oeuvre. 6. La durée du soutien envisagée. 7. Les critères d’évaluation propre à l’activité soutenue (publications, rapport d’activité et financier etc.).
- [COMMISSIO] Nous chargeons le Maître de l’Ordre et le Conseil général, lorsque cela est opportun pour certaines activités apostoliques ou académiques communes à deux ou plusieurs entités ou projets au service de l’Ordre tout entier, de les déclarer «Activités sous la vigilance du Maître de l’Ordre» pour une période déterminée de deux triennats, prorogeable. Ces activités, en lien avec les provinciaux concernés, bénéficieront d’un soutien apostolique, académique et financier pour l’accomplissement de leur tâche, en préservant les institutions dont elles ont la charge, leur propre nature et leur responsabilité. Chaque activité ainsi reconnue devra, en lien avec le Maître de l’Ordre et son Conseil, déterminer des critères précis d’évaluation.
- [GRATULATIO] Nous félicitons les responsables de DOMUNI Universitas pour le développement considérable de ses formations en ligne, dispensées en cinq langues, ainsi que pour son autonomie financière. Cette réponse novatrice à un besoin apostolique, académique, théologique et pastoral mérite d’être développée.
- [COMMENDATIO] Nous recommandons à DOMUNI Universitas de mettre en place plusieurs cours (environ 15 à 30 heures) de formation permanente dans les langues de l’Ordre. La version anglaise devrait être préparée en étroite collaboration avec l’Angelicum. Ce matériel en ligne pourrait également faire partie chaque année du Programme de renouveau dominicain.
- [COMMENDATIO] Nous recommandons à DOMUNI Universitas de communiquer régulièrement ses programmes de formation aux différentes entités de l’Ordre afin que celles-ci puissent les diffuser à l’extérieur et les utiliser à leurs propres fins.
- [COMMISSIO] Nous chargeons le Maître de l’Ordre et le Conseil généralice d’accompagner DOMUNI Universitas en déclarant cette activité «Activité sous la vigilance du Maître de l’Ordre» pour six ans. Ce soutien prendra la forme d’un comité de perfectionnement formé par des experts. Le comité, en dialogue avec les responsables de DOMUNI Universitas, aidera par ses propositions DOMUNI Universitas à mettre en place les critères universitaires mis en lumière par le processus de certification entrepris en Suisse: conseil scientifique, professeurs stables, activités de recherche, cohérence entre les cours, gouvernance.
- [GRATULATIO] Optic est un réseau de recherche et d’action qui affirme et défend la priorité des dimensions éthiques dans le développement des nouvelles technologies. Nous félicitons les membres d’Optic pour le travail de recherche mené ces dernières années (ACG Bologne, 154) sur les enjeux théologiques, anthropologiques et éthiques des technologies de rupture ainsi que pour les activités et publications réalisées.
- [COMMISSIO] Nous chargeons le Maître de l’Ordre et le Conseil généralice d’accompagner Optic en déclarant cette activité sous sa vigilance pour une période de six ans. Il s’agit de renforcer les liens et collaborations entre Optic et l’Ordre, par exemple en impliquant un plus grand nombre de membres de la famille dominicaine aussi bien à l’intérieur d’un comité scientifique que dans l’organisation et la participation effective aux événements mis en place par Optic. Il s’agit aussi de consolider l’autonomie financière en intégrant les indemnités versées aux frères.
- [GRATULATIO] Nous félicitons les supérieurs et les régents de la région Asie-Pacifique de la création d’un centre de collaboration pour les études spécialisées en Asie. Son but est de promouvoir le dialogue interreligieux entre le christianisme et les grandes religions d’Asie, en particulier l’hindouisme, le bouddhisme, le confucianisme et l’islam (ACG Bologne 2016 174). Il doit fonctionner comme un réseau d’experts avec sa base institutionnelle au Centre d’études des religions de l’Université de Santo Tomas à Manille (Philippines) avec des activités dans d’autres endroits de la région.
- [COMMISSIO] Nous chargeons le Directeur de ce centre, avec le régent coordonnateur et le Socius du Maître de l’Ordre de la région, en dialogue avec les supérieurs concernés: 1. de mettre en oeuvre ce réseau de collaboration; 2. d’établir une brève réglementation; 3. d’identifier des frères et des lieux permettant de développer cette activité dans les autres pays dans la région.
- [COMMISSIO] Nous chargeons le Maître de l’Ordre et son Conseil de déclarer le programme dudit centre comme «Activité sous la vigilance du Maître de l’Ordre» pour une période de six ans, et d’établir ainsi une collaboration apostolique et financière pour la réalisation de ses objectifs.
- [GRATULATIO] Nous félicitons les supérieurs et les régents de la région Afrique de leur consensus pour la constitution d’un institut destiné à promouvoir le dialogue entre la théologie, les différentes cultures de l’Afrique et ses diverses traditions religieuses (ACG 2016 Bologne 186). Cet institut aura sa base institutionnelle dans la Dominican University d’Ibadan (Nigeria), avec une chaire à Yamoussoukro (Côte d’Ivoire), et des activités en réseau dans d’autres lieux de présence dominicaine en Afrique.
- [COMMISSIO] Nous chargeons le Directeur de cet institut, avec le régent coordonnateur et le Socius du Maître de l’Ordre de la région, en dialogue avec les supérieurs concernés: 1. de mettre en oeuvre ce réseau de collaboration; 2. d’établir une brève réglementation; 3. d’identifier des frères et des lieux pour développer cette activité sur le continent africain.
- [COMMISSIO] Nous chargeons le Maître de l’Ordre et son Conseil, de déclarer le programme dudit institut comme «Activité sous la vigilance du Maître de l’Ordre» pour une période de six ans, et d’établir ainsi une collaboration apostolique et financière pour la réalisation de ses objectifs.