New Publications

Dominican Brothers: Conversi, Lay, and Cooperator Friars by the noted Dominican author and historian, Fr. Augustine Thompson, O.P., captures the rich and elaborative history of the vocation and ministry of Dominican brothers since the very foundation of the Dominican Order in 1216.Through exhaustive and ground-breaking research, Fr. Thompson has uncovered a legion of little known facts and about the history,…

The Historical Institute of the Order of Preachers has recently published the volume Agiografie Domenicane (Dominican Hagiographies), a collection of essays by the Italian historian of medieval and early modern spirituality Alessandra Bartolomei Romagnoli. Hagiography was a form of sacred writing that the Dominicans practiced with particular diligence and commitment. One of its purposes was to convey to the faithful…

Sr. Helen Mary Josephine Alford, who was born in London and graduated with a doctorate in engineering from the University of Cambridge, is a member of the Congregation of St Catherine of Siena of KwaZulu Natal. She is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pontifical University of St Thomas, also known as the Angelicum since…

Fray Jorge A. Scampini, OP Fray Jose Scampini, OP es fraile de la Provincia Dominicana Argentina desde 1980 y presbítero desde 1987. Su mayor dedicación se encuentra en el ámbito academico y, más concretamente en el campo de la Teología Dogmática, tanto en el Centro de Estudios de la Orden como en la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad Católica…

We are pleased to announce a new publication on St. Dominic: Domenico di Caleruega alleorigini dell’Ordine dei Predicatori. Le fonti del secolo XIII. Edited by Gianni FESTA, AgostinoPARAVICINI BAGLIANI and Francesco SANTI (Millenio medievale 121, Testi 33), Firenze 2021.One of the editors, Brother Gianni Festa OP, is the former Postulator General of the Order andcurrent Regent of Studies of the…

This edition of two chapters of Lorens of Orléans’ best-selling Somme le Roiin French and Occitan is intended as a tribute to the late Prof. Peter Ricketts,whose untimely death prevented the achievement of his own projectededition of the complete Occitan text, for which a commentary was to beprovided by Dr Simon Tugwell OP in which particular attention would bepaid to Lorens’s…

This book presents the first critical edition and translation of the travel diary of an Italian journey of 1777 written in Latin by Father Ignatius Swieteczky O.P. The journey passed through the present Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, and Germany. Generous space has been devoted to historical, social and cultural background in an effort to place Swieteczky’s thought in its…

Nei suoi otto secoli di storia l’Ordine dei Predicatori ha sviluppato una ‘politica della santità’, dando corpo ad un originale disegno politico di costruzione e pro-mozione del proprio “santorale”, che ha contribuito efficacemente ad affermare la propria identità e il proprio carisma. La promozione del culto e l’attiva-zione dei processi di canonizzazione sono serviti,

The treatise on the Eucharist is the last completed part of St Thomas Aquinas´ Summa Theologiae (STh III, q. 73-83). The following writing on the sacrament of penance has remained an unfinished torso. This book presents a Czech translation of the treatise accompanied by a critical apparatus as well as explanatory notes. The translation itself is preceded by an extensive introductory study and a glossary covering key terms.

Le Dictionnaire Jésus est une œuvre ambitieuse et cohérente. Mettant à la portée du public une somme inédite de science, sa publication est destinée àfaire date et s’inscrit pleinement dans la tradition des grands dictionnaires de “Bouquins”.
Ce Dictionnaire est une œuvre originale, qui puise dans…

fr. Rodrigo H. Kahl OP, Die liturgischen Psalmen der lateinischen Kirche. Lateinisch – deutsch. Textfassung der Vulgata – Wörtliche Übersetzung – Traditionelle geistliche Deutungen, Kulmbach: Verlagsbuchhandlung Sabat 2021, 560 pp., € 24,95, ISBN 978-3-943506-70-9.

For the Friars Preachers, the Gospel was not considered to be just any book. On the contrary, their officium sanctae praedicationis was born out of contemplation and the encounter with the Word of God that took place also – if not above all – in liturgical actions. Br. Dominik Jurczak’s study aims to explore …

fr. Isnard W. Frank OP, Charisma in Verfassung. Dominikus und der Dominikanerorden, hrsg. und eingeleitet von Klaus-Bernward Springer (Dominikanische Quellen und Zeugnisse Bd. 22), Leipzig: Benno Verlag 2021, 178 pp., € 14,95, ISBN 9783746258997.

Si tout le monde est unanime sur l’existence de la spiritualité dominicaine, le désaccord s’installe dès qu’il s’agit de lui donner un visage. Cet ouvrage propose celui de l’étude-prière : « oratio et studio » (étude et prière), ou encore « ora et stude » (étudie et prie). Cette option que fait l’auteur en faveur du binôme étude-prière …

Une étude du renouveau thomiste depuis l’encyclique fondatrice “Aeterni patris” de Léon XIII en 1879. L’auteur étudie l’insertion du thomisme dans l’effervescence intellectuelle du catholicisme français à la fin du XIXe siècle et au début du XXe siècle, retrace l’histoire du couvent d’études du Saulchoir et …

fr. Inocent-Mária V. Szaniszló OP, Moral and theological virtues. From moral theology to social ethics. Study about classic and modern interpretations, Roma: Angelicum University Press 2021, 235 pp., € 18,00, ISBN 9788899616410.

Mit dem Synodalen Weg tritt die Frage nach der Laienpredigt wieder auf den Plan. Welche pastoralen Chancen bietet eine Ausweitung des Predigtdienstes auf nichtgeweihte VerkündigerInnen mit und ohne Amt, gerade auch am symbolisch verdichteten Ort der …

El autor presenta los argumentos del naturalismo con toda su fuerza y en la mejor de las modalidades, a fin de debatir después una versión digna de esa doctrina. Esta publicación tiene también la virtud de poner al alcance del lector en lengua española las posturas de una serie de autores disidentes del naturalismo y, sobre todo, de esbozar una…

I Domenicani hanno segnato la storia e la spiritualità cristiana, ma poche sono le tracce lasciate dal loro fondatore. Chi è Domenico di Guzmán? Quali ragioni hanno portato questo gigante della fede a rimanere nell’ombra? Cosa rende originale e attuale la sua opera e la sua spiritualità? Per svelarne il carisma il testo ripercorre l’esperienza del Santo nella chiave…

This book provides a fundamental introduction to Aquinas’s theology of the One Creator God. Aimed at making that thought accessible to contemporary audiences, it gives a basic explanation of his theology while showing its compatibility with contemporary science and its relevance to current theological issues. Opening with a brief account of Aquinas’s life, it then…

Poverty, inequality, violent conflicts, climate change, migration, racism, burn-out are just a few of the symptoms showing how living life to the fullest is out of reach for so many people in our world. Is, then, seeking ‘fullness of life and justice for all’ not a too ambitious project?

Para conmemorar la larga historia de la intervención dominicana en la defensa de los derechos humanos, en el año que se celebra el 800 aniversario de la confirmación de la Orden de Predicadores, doscientos hermanos, hermanas y laicos dominicos se reunieron en Salamanca, España, …

Christian Müller / Elmar Nass / fr. Johannes Zabel OP, Soziale Marktwirtschaft – Ordnung der Zukunft, Münster: Aschendorff Verlag 2020, 213 S., € 29,80, ISBN 978-3-402-29618-9.

Presentación de las enseñanzas del P. Luis Ferro OP acerca de la antropología filosófica de Santo Tomás de Aquino. El cuidado trabajo de edición de los textos originales –realizado por un equipo liderado por el p. Rafael Cunsulo OP– incluye el acceso directo a los textos fuente y claves de Santo Tomás de Aquino, presentados en forma bilingüe (latín/español).

¿De qué se trata?
Los autores presentan una antropología filosófica inspirada en el tomismo y que hace suya la metáfora del hombre como microcosmos.
Se trata de un trabajo que puede utilizarse en la enseñanza profesional, o bien puede verse como punto de arranque para la discusión sobre el problema …

Mr. Hans Gasper OP, Die Theologie der Vermählung. Über die Einheit von Gott und Mensch und das Connubium divinum bei M.J. Scheeben (Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag. Theologie Bd. 13), Baden-Baden: Tectum-Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 2020, 718 pp., € 138,00, ISBN 978-3828845053.

En 2016, année de célébration du 800e anniversaire de la confirmation de l’Ordre des Prêcheurs, deux cents frères, sœurs et laïcs dominicains se sont réunis à Salamanque, en Espagne pour marquer la longue histoire de l’engagement dominicain dans la défense des droits de l’homme.

En la presente obra, Mauricio Beuchot realiza un profundo análisis del pensamiento de los principales filósofos medievales de la Orden de Predicadores. Son protagonistas de este estudio figuras tan representativas en el campo intelectual como Alberto Magno, Roberto Kilwardby, Tomás de Aquino, Maestro Eckhart, Vicente Ferrer…

Le fonti e la documentazione letteraria, agiografica e artistica dei primi secoli dell’Ordine dei Predicatori – dal XIII al XV secolo – fanno più volte riferimento al monachesimo primitivo, in particolare ai Padri del deserto e a Cassiano.Ciò, con il fine di predisporre un modello austero di vita religiosa al frate predicatore, e di sobrietà di vita cristiana ai fedeli laici che…

This book provides information on the question of memory in post-genocide Rwanda. It should be seen as a resource for students and community activists dealing with issues of memory, healing, and reconciliation. Tharcisse Gatwa is research Professor of Ethics and Missiology and Director of research at…

Se dico legge, molto probabilmente tu pensi subito a una legge scritta, farraginosa e complicata. Qui non parlo di queste leggi, ma delle leggi morali, cioè di tutti quei tipi di giudizi sapienziali che mettono ordine nel nostro agire.
Le leggi morali sono leggi di libertà: ci emancipano …

To mark the long history of Dominican involvement in defence of human rights, in the year celebrating the 800th anniversary of the con rmation of the Order of Preachers, two hundred Dominican brothers, sisters and laity met in Salamanca, Spain, to discuss the contribution of the Dominican Order, in the past,