The Cairo Edition of the Qurʾān 1924 Texts, histories & challenges Conference of the IDEO in Cairo

Cairo (Egypt)

This conference offers an historical reflection on the Cairo edition of the Qurʾān made under the authority of al-Azhar committee in 1924 and also known as the “King Fuʾād’s edition”. Deadlines May 15ᵗʰ, 2021: Proposals in the form of a one-page abstract should be sent to (subject of the email: “Proposal for the Cairo Qurʾān conference”). September 15ᵗʰ, 2021: summary of 3…

VIII Simposio de Estudios Tomísticos: GRACIA Y SALVACIÓN

“La gracia de la justificación, que renueva al hombre, lo hace activo y causa en él obras libres meritorias de vida eterna. De otro modo, la satisfacción de Cristo ante el Padre no habría fructificado en la comunicación de una novedad de vida. Y puesto que ninguna naturaleza como tal podría ser totalmente corrupta y pecadora –pues todo mal y…

Die vier Evangelisten aus der Perspektive Alberts des Großen

Albertus Magnus began his exegetical works, the commentaries on all four Gospels, the Prophets and the Book of Job, in 1257 as a lector at the Cologne Convent with the interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew. He regarded the four Gospels as a group of works whose individual parts complement each other to form a comprehensive picture of the God-man…

St. Albert the Great: Medieval Wisdom for Modern Science

Angelicum Thomistic Institute – Science and Religion Online Series   St. Albert the Great: Medieval Wisdom for Modern Science   Fr. Thomas Davenport, OP The Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas   Click here to register.   Click here to go to the Thomistic Institute Angelicum YouTube Channel.