„Glaube und Wissenschaft Hand in Hand für eine nachhaltige Zukunft“ (Faith and science hand in hand for a sustainable future)
The Platform for Creation Responsibility continues the work of ARGE Schöpfungsverantwortung as of March 2023.
For more than 30 years ARGE Schöpfungsverantwortung has been active in church and society. It is the initiator of church environmental work in Austria (1992) and co-founder of the European Christian Environmental Network, ECEN (1998). It acted internationally within the framework of the initiative to introduce a “Time of Creation” in the church year…
To read more, you may open the Plattform Schöpfungsverantwortung website.
fr. Hans Ulrich Steymans, OP – Chair/President
Postgasse 4
1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 / 512 91 74
E-MAIL: secretariat |at|wien.dominikaner.org
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Schöpfungsverantwortung
Tesarekplatz 2, 1100 Vienna
Email: office@argeschoepfung.at
IBAN: AT12 2011 1292 5730 9601
Instagram: @arschoepfung