NW EUROPE | Toulouse | GRANGE, Ghislain-Marie | lic. théol. lic. philo. | théol. philo. | dogmatique philo. Nature | CEI/Bx | prof. associé | 1988 | 2020 | 2053 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | HUMBRECHT, Thierry-Dominique | doct. Philo. et théol. | philo. | métaphysique | CEI/Bx + ISTA ICT/fac. phil. | prof. stable | 1962 | 1993 | 2027 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | NARCISSE, Gilbert | doct. théol. | théol. | fondamentale | CEI/Bx + ISTA | prof. stable | 1957 | 1993 | 2022 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | PERDRIX, Sébastien | lic. théol. et philo. | philo. | épistémologie culture générale | CEI/Bx | prof. stable | 1979 | 2015 | 2044 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | PERRIN, David | lic. philo. doct. lettres | philo. | CEI/Bx | prof. stable | 1985 | 2017 | 2050 | |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | SYSSOEV, Pavel | lic. théol. et philo. | philo. | histoire philo. | CEI/Bx ISTR Marseille | prof. stable | 1977 | 2008 | 2042 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | DAGUET, François | doct. théol. | théol. | dogmatique | CEI/Tls + ISTA ICT/fac. théol. | prof. stable | 1957 | 2006 | 2022 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | DETOC, Sylvain | lic. théol. | théol. | patristique | CEI/Tls ICT/fac théol. | prof. associé | 1979 | 2019 | 2044 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | DONNEAUD, Henry | doct. théol. | théol. | fondamentale | CEI/Tls + ISTA ICT/fac. théol. CIFOR | prof. stable | 1960 | 1992 | 2025 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | HAMONIC, Thierry-Marie | lic. théol. | théol. | morale | CEI/Tls | 1961 | 1993 | 2026 | |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | LE HEGARET, François | lic. théol. | théol. | morale | CEI/Tls | prof. associé | 1968 | 2012 | 2033 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | MARGELIDON, Philippe-Marie | doct. théol. | théol. | dogmatique | CEI/Tls + ISTA ICT/fac. théol. | prof. stable | 1962 | 2004 | 2027 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | PERRIER, Emmanuel | doct. théol. | théol. | dogmatique | CEI/Tls + ISTA | prof. stable | 1969 | 2003 | 2034 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | POHLE, Eric | lic. théol. | théol. | patristique | CEI/Tls ICT/fac. théol. | prof. associé | 1980 | 2019 | 2045 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | SAINT-MARTIN, Olivier de | lic. théol. | théol. | sacramentaire | CEI/Tls ICT/fac. théol. | prof. associé | 1970 | 2003 | 2035 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | SILLY, Renaud | doct. théol. | théol. | Écriture Sainte | CEI/Tls ICT/fac. théol. | prof. stable | 1977 | 2014 | 2042 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | BONINO, Serge-Thomas | doc. théol. et philo. | philo. | philo. Médiévale | Angelicum | prof. stable | 1961 | 1992 | 2026 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | DESTIVELLE, Hyacinthe | doc. théol. | théol. | œcuménisme | Angelicum | prof. associé | 1970 | 2015 | 2035 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | LE BOT, Loïc-Marie | doc. droit can. | droit can. | vie consacrée | Angelicum | prof. stable | 1969 | 2014 | 2034 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | MICHELET, Thomas | doc. théol. | théol. | dogmatique | Angelicum | prof. invité | 1968 | 2015 | 2033 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | DEVILLERS, Luc | doc. Ecrit. Sainte | Exégèse | N. T. | UNI/Fribourg | prof. stable | 1954 | 2009 | 2020 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | LA SOUJEOLE, Benoît-Do. de Benoit | doc. théol. | théol. | dogmatique | UNI/Fribourg | prof. stable | 1955 | 1992 | 2021 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | CABARET, Dominique-Marie | doc. théol. doc. archéologie | archéologie | Jérusalem | EBAF | prof. associé | 1967 | 2015 | 2032 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | VENARD, Olivier-Thomas | doc. théol. doc. lettres | Écriture Sainte | Nouveau Testament | EBAF | prof. stable | 1967 | 2007 | 2032 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | GABORY, Thomas de | doc. théol et philo. doc médecine | théol. | morale | Collège OP d’Ottawa | prof. associé | 1977 | 2020 | 2042 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | VAN AERDE, Michel | doc. philo. relig. | philo. | sciences humaines | DOMUNI | prof. stable | 1950 | 2000 | 2015 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | FRANCOIS, Jorel | doc. philo. | philo. | philo. de la religion | DOMUNI | prof. associé | 1968 | 2006 | 2033 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | PINI, Joseph-Thomas | doc. droit public lic. droit can. | droit can. | histoire du droit can. | ICT/fac de droit can. | prof. associé | 1968 | 2018 | 2033 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | DANROC, Gilles | lic. théol. | théol. | histoire relig. | ICT/ IERP | prof. associé | 1950 | 2013 | 2015 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | PISANI, Emmanuel | doc théol. et philo. | théol. | islamologie | ICP/ISTR | prof. stable | 1972 | 2010 | 2037 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | LAMOTHE, Willy-Do. | lic. théol. | théol. | dogmatique | CIFOR (Haïti) | prof. stable | 1968 | 2011 | 2033 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | RIVERO, Manuel | doc. théol. et philo. | théol. | communication | UCM (Tananarive) | prof. invité | 1951 | 2013 | 2016 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | SOMME, Luc-Thomas | doc. théol. | théol. | morale | UCM (Tananarive) | prof. invité | 1960 | 2012 | 2025 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | DIVRY, Édouard | doc. théol. | théol. | dogmatique | sémin. de Bayonne | prof. invité | 1954 | 2011 | 2019 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | GUILLOU, Marie-Olivier | doc. théol. | théol. | théol. Mariale | sémin. Ars et Aix-en-Prov. | prof. invité | 1974 | 2016 | 2039 |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | BARRE, Dominique | lic. théol. | théol. | théol. Spirituelle | sémin. Toulon | prof. associé | 1970 | 2018 | 2035 |
NW EUROPE | France | BELLOY de SAINT-LIENARD (de), Camille | Docteur philosophie | Philosophie | Université catholique de Lyon | Maître de conférence | 1972 | 2021 | / | |
NW EUROPE | France | BERCEVILLE, Gilles | Docteur HDR | Théologie spirituelle | Institut catholique, Paris | Professeur | 1961 | 1994 | / | |
NW EUROPE | France | BOURDIN, Ceslas | Docteur HDR | Philosophie politique | Institut catholique, Paris | Professeur des universités | 1959 | 2013 | 2024 | |
NW EUROPE | France | BRACHET, Jean-Yves | Docteur | Théologie morale | Institut Internationale de théologie, Trumau (Autriche) | Enseignant | 1961 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | BRUNEEL, Jean-Dominique | Doctorant | Ancien Testament | Hébreu | Séminaire de Rennes | Enseignant | 1980 | 2020 | 2022 |
NW EUROPE | France | CANDIARD, Adrien | Docteur | Institut pontifical d'études arabes et islamiques Institut Catholique de Paris Domuni | Chargé de cours | 1982 | 2021 | Renouvelable chaque année | ||
NW EUROPE | France | CATEL, Olivier | Docteur Lettres | Judaïsme | EBAF Domuni | Assistant | 1979 | 2021 | Renouvelable chaque année | |
NW EUROPE | France | CHARLES, François-Dominique | Docteur | Exégèse | Institut Saint Nicolas- formation du diocèse de Metz- DOMUNI | Enseignant | 1951 | Renouvelable chaque année | ||
NW EUROPE | France | DAVID, Pascal | Doctorant | Philosophie | Université catholique, Lyon | Chargé de cours | 1978 | 2015 | Renouvelable chaque année | |
NW EUROPE | France | DRUEL, Jean | Docteur | Langues orientales / Islam | INALCO Faculté des sciences religieuses (Le Caire) Domuni | Chargé de cours | 1971 | 2021 | / | |
NW EUROPE | France | DUBOIS, Franck | Docteur | Théologie dogmatique | Université de Strasbourg | Chargé de cours | 1976 | 2019 | Renouvelable chaque année | |
NW EUROPE | France | DUMONT, Emmanuel | Doctorant | Théologie pastorale | Domuni | Chargé de cours | 1980 | 2019 | Renouvelable chaque année / | |
NW EUROPE | France | DURAND, Emmanuel | Docteur | Théologie dogmatique | Université de Fribourg | Professeur | 1972 | 2021 | 2039 | |
NW EUROPE | France | GOUPIL de BOUILLE, Raphaël | Licence | Théologie pastorale | Institut catholique de Lille | Chargé de cours | 1981 | 2021 | Renouvelable chaque année | |
NW EUROPE | France | GUYEN, Franck | Traditions religieuses d'Asie | Institut catholique, Lille | Chargé de cours | 1961 | 2010 | 2026 | ||
NW EUROPE | France | JAJÉ, Ameer | Docteur | Islamologie | Religions monothéistes ; dialogue islamo-chrétien | Babel College (Erbil- Irak) Institut théologie (Bagdad) | Chargé de cours | 1969 | 2007 | / |
NW EUROPE | France | JANUARD, Pierre | Docteur | Macroéconomie | Université Paris 1- Panthéon- Sorbonne | Chargé de cours | 1978 | 2022 | 2023 | |
NW EUROPE | France | KHOSHABA, Philippe | Docteur | Dogmatique | Babel College Institut catéchétique de Basora, Bagdad et Erbil Domuni | Enseignant | 1967 | 2004 | / | |
NW EUROPE | France | LAURENT-HUYGHUES-BEAUFOND, Grégoire | Doctorant | Bible et lettres classiques | Université de Lorraine | Chargé de cours | 1986 | 2022 | 2025 | |
NW EUROPE | France | LEFEBVRE, Philippe | Docteur | Ancien Testament | Université de Fribourg | Professeur | 1960 | 2005 | 2025 | |
NW EUROPE | France | LINCK, Patrick-Dominique | Docteur | Théologie spirituelle | Séminaire de Metz | Chargé de cours | 1961 | 2022 | 2025 | |
NW EUROPE | France | MALLEVRE, Michel | Docteur | Institut catholique de Toulouse Studium Frères de St Jean, Institut Notre-Dame de Vie Séminaire d'Issy les Moulineaux, | 1952 | 2018 | Renouvelable chaque année | |||
NW EUROPE | France | MARIN, Pascal | Docteur HDR | Philosophie | Université catholique, Lyon | Professeur | 1959 | 1996 | 2029 | |
NW EUROPE | France | PIC, Augustin | Docteur | Théologie spirituelle | Université catholique de l’Ouest | Chargé de cours | 1956 | 2003 | Renouvelable chaque année | |
NW EUROPE | France | RAUSCHER, Jacques-Benoît | Docteur en sociologie, doctorant théologie | Théologie morale Sociologie | Université Catholique de Lyon Institut Notre Dame de Vie Studium des frères de Saint Jean Institut théologique des Dombes Université de Fribourg Université de Strasbourg | Chargé de cours | 1980 | 2023 | Renouvelable chaque année | |
NW EUROPE | France | REGIS Jean-Baptiste | Doctorant | Théologie fondamentale | Université de Strasbourg | 1985 | 2021 | Renouvelable chaque année | ||
NW EUROPE | France | RIAUDEL, Olivier | Docteur | Théologie fondamentale | Université catholique, Louvain-la-Neuve | Professeur | 1969 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | RUMŠAS, Saulius | Docteur | Patristique Théologie systématique | Grand Séminaire, Vilnius/Institut de | Professeur/Chercheur ordinaire | 1975 | 2009 | / | |
NW EUROPE | France | TOXE Philippe | Docteur en droit. Docteur en droit canonique | Droit canonique | Studium de Droit canonique de Lyon Faculté de Droit canonique de Paris Faculté de Théologie de Lyon | Professeur ordinaire | 1961 | 2018 | / | |
NW EUROPE | England | GANERI,Martin | DPhil (Oxon) | Theology | Inter-religious dialogue, Old Testament | Blackfriars, Oxford | Provincial | 1965 | 2002 | |
NW EUROPE | England | O'CONNOR, John | PhD (Edin) | Philosophy | Moral Philosophy | Blackfriars, Oxford | Regent and Moderator | 1971 | 2020 | |
NW EUROPE | England | O'CONNOR, John | MA (St Mary’s, London) | Bioethics | Bioethics | Blackfriars, Oxford | Prior of Oxford | 1984 | 2013 | |
NW EUROPE | England | OMBRES, Robert | JCD (PUST) | Canon law | Canon law | Blackfriars, Oxford, PUST | Lector | 1948 | 1977 | |
NW EUROPE | England | NICHOLS, Aidan | PhD (Edin) | Theology | Dogmatics, Culture | St Michael’s Seminary, Jamaica | Lecturer | 1948 | 2020 | |
NW EUROPE | England | DAVIES, Brian | PhD (Lond) | Philosophy | Aquinas, Philosophy of Religion | Fordham University,New York | Distinguished Professor of Philosophy | 1951 | 1995 | |
NW EUROPE | England | CONRAD, Richard | STL (PUST) | Theology | Sacraments, the Holy Trinity | Blackfriars, Oxford | Director of Aquinas Institute | 1954 | 1987 | |
NW EUROPE | England | FINN,Richard | DPhil (Oxon) | Ancient Church History | Ancient Church History | Blackfriars, Oxford | Director of Las Casas Institute | 1963 | 1998 | |
NW EUROPE | England | HUNTER, Peter | PhD (London) (Theology) | Philosophy | Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Nature | Blackfriars, Oxford. St Michael’s Seminary, Jamaica | Lector | 1970 | 2005 | |
NW EUROPE | England | GAINE, Simon Francis | DPhil (Oxon) | Theology | Christology, Theological Anthropology | PUST | Pinckaers Professor | 1969 | 2003 | |
NW EUROPE | England | OUNSWORTH, Richard | DPhil (Oxon) | Theology | New Testament | Blackfriars, Oxford | Lector, assistant priest Leicester | 1972 | 2005 | |
NW EUROPE | England | GOODILL, David | STD (Fribourg) | Theology | Fundamental Moral Theology | Blackfriars, Oxford | Provincial Bursar | 1971 | 2006 | |
NW EUROPE | England | RYAN, Dominic | MPhil (Cantab) | Theology | Christology, theology of nature | Blackfriars, Oxford | Bursar of Oxford | 1970 | 2019 | |
NW EUROPE | England | LEW, Lawrence | STL (PFIC) | Theology | Apologetics | Blackfriars, Oxford | Director of Rosary Shrine, London, Promoter General of the Rosary | 1977 | 2019 | |
NW EUROPE | England | KEENAN, Oliver James | DPhil (Oxon) | Theology | Fundamental Theology | Blackfriars, Oxford | Student Master, Oxford | 1986 | 2015 | |
NW EUROPE | England | ROCKS, David | MA (Notts) | Philosophy | Modern Philosophy | Blackfriars, Oxford | Parish Priest, London | 1882 | 2014 | |
NW EUROPE | England | CLIFTON, Bruno | PhD (Cantab) | Theology | Old Testament | Blackfriars, Oxford | Vice Regent | 1977 | 2020 | |
NW EUROPE | England | VERRILL, Robert | Doctoral Student at Baylor University | Philosophy | Philosophy and quantum physics | Blackfriars, Oxford | Student/Lector | 1973 | 2020 | |
NW EUROPE | Netherlands | MANGNUS, Stefan | MA, STL (PhD expected in 2021) | Systematic theology, pastoral counseling | Theology of Thomas Aquinas, pastoral counseling | Tilburg School of Catholic Theology | Assistant professor | 1975 | 2020 | |
NW EUROPE | Ireland | WALSH, Liam | STD STM | Theology (Dogma) | Sacraments Fundamental Theology Ecumenical Theology | Dominican Studium, Dublin Priory Institute, Dublin | Lecturer | 1933 | ||
NW EUROPE | Ireland | MURRAY, Paul | STL PhD MST-STM | Theology | Spiritual Theology | Angelicum, Rome Visiting Professor Notre Dame Uni., Sydney, AUS. | Lecturer | 1947 | ||
NW EUROPE | Ireland | CARRAGHER, Michael | STL DCL | Canon Law | Angelicum | Lecturer | 1947 | |||
NW EUROPE | Ireland | TUOHY, Seamus | BA LSS STD | Scripture | New Testament | Dominican Studium, Dublin Priory Institute, Dublin | Lecturer Secretary of Studies | 1960 | 2006 | |
NW EUROPE | Ireland | DINEEN, Joseph | BA STB LCL | Canon law | Teaching Office of the Church | Dominican Studium, Dublin | Prior | 1960 | 1998 | |
NW EUROPE | Ireland | HARRIS, John | BA STD | Theology | Ecclesiology | Dominican Studium, Dublin | Lecturer Prior | 1963 | 1992 | |
NW EUROPE | Ireland | DUNLEAVY, Michael | STB MA STL | Theology | Spiritual Theology | Dominican Studium, Dublin | Lecturer | 1953 | 2006 | |
NW EUROPE | Ireland | O’SULLIVAN, Alan | B.Soc.SC. BA STLect STD | Theology | Moral | Dominican Studium, Dublin | Lecturer Chaplain - Trinity College, Dublin | 1969 | 2004 | |
NW EUROPE | Ireland | CROTTY, Terence | BDS BA LSS STD | Scripture | Old Testament | Dominican Studium, Dublin | Regent of Studies Moderator of the Studium | 1970 | 2010 | |
NW EUROPE | Ireland | MANNION, Colm | BA STL | Theology | Spiritual Theology | Dominican Studium, Dublin | Lecturer Vocations Director | 1979 | 2017 | |
NW EUROPE | Ireland | O’REILLY, Kevin | MA H.Dip.Ed PhD Dr.of Theology | Theology | Angelicum | Lecturer | 2016 | |||
NW EUROPE | Ireland | BOLAND, Vivian | STD | Theology | Moral | Angelicum | Lecturer | 1953 | 2019 | |
NW EUROPE | Ireland | TOMAN, Columba Mary | Theology | Moral/Bioethics | Dominican Studium, Dublin & Priory Institute, Tallaght | Lecturer | 1972 | 2021 | ||
NW EUROPE | Ireland | DOYLE, Brian | PhD, BA, STL | Theology | Dogma | Dominican Studium, Dublin | Lecturer | 1975 | 2017 | |
NW EUROPE | Ireland | MCDONOUGH, Conor | MA (Cantab), STL | Theology | Dogma | Dominican Studium, Dublin | Lecturer | 1986 | 2019 | |
NW EUROPE | Belgium | LENS, Patrick | docteur | théologie | Théologie dogmatique | Séminaire du dio-cèse de Breda | professeur | 1963 | ||
NW EUROPE | Belgium | HENNE, Philippe | docteur | théologie | Théologie dogmatique | Inst. Cath. Lille | Professeur ordinaire | 1954 | ||
NW EUROPE | Belgium | DENIS, Philippe | docteur | Philosophie & Lettres | Histoire | Univ. Kwazulu Natal | Professeur | 1952 | ||
NW EUROPE | Belgium | COLLIN, Dominique | docteur | théologie | dogmatique | Centre Sèvres | Enseignant invité | 1975 | ||
NW EUROPE | Switzerland | HODEL, Paul-Bernard | Dr en histoire Dr (STD) en théologie | Histoire de l’Église | Histoire de l’Ordre Histoire religieuse de la Suisse romande | Faculté de théologie Université de Fribourg | Professeur ordinaire | 1965 | 2008 | 2030 |
S EUROPE | Hispania | CASTRO RODRIGUEZ, Sixto José | Doctor en filosofía | Filosofía | Estética y teoría de las artes, Filosofía de la religión | Universidad de Valladolid | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | PÉREZ MARCOS, Moisés | Doctor en filosofía, Licenciado en teología | Filosofía/Filosofia de la ciencia y dela naturaleza/Antropología filosófica/Filosofía del lenguaje | Facultad de Teología san Vicente Ferrer (Valencia) | |||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | CABALLO FERNÁNDEZ, Francisco Javier | Doctor en filosofía, Licenciado en teología | Filosofía/Teología Fundamental | Fenomenología de la religión y teología fundamental | Facultad de Teología San Esteban de Salamanca y San Vicente Ferrer de Valencia | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | HIDALGO TORRES, Rodrigo | Licenciado en Teología y en Filosofía | Teología Moral | Moral y economía | Facultad de Teología San Esteban | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | BOTELLA CUBELLS, Vicente | Doctor en teología | Teología Dogmática | Facultad de Teología San Vicente Ferrer (Valencia) | |||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | DÍAZ SARIEGO, Jesús Antonio | Doctor en teología | Teología Fundamental/Dogmática | Cristología/Teología Fundamental | Facultad de Teología San Esteban de Salamanca y San Vicente Ferrer de Valencia | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | LUIS CARBALLADA, Ricardo | Licenciado en Teología, Licendiado en filosofía | Teología Dogmática/FundamentalDiálogo con el judaísmo | Diálogo con la filosofía contemproánea;Pensamieno judío contemporáneo | Facultad de Teología San Esteban de Salamanca | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | DEL RÍO GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel | Doctor en Liturgia | Liturgia | Liturgia | Facultad de Teología San Esteban de Salamanca | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | ÁLVAREZ ÁLVAREZ, Jorge Luis | Licenciado en Filosofía y en Teología. Máster en Filosofía práctica. Máster en Edición | Filosofía/Antropología/Teología Fundamental | Filosofía y Teología Fundamental | Facultad de Teología San Esteban de Salamanca y Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | GONZÁLEZ ROJAS, Ismael | Doctor en teología / Lic. Historia | Homilética / Teología fundamental | Teología Fundamental y Homilética | Facultad de Teologia San Esteban (Salamanca) y Facultad de Teologia San Vicente Ferrer (Valencia) | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | REYES GONZÁLEZ, José Rafael | Lic. Re Biblica / Lic. Teología | Exégesis Bíblica | Orígenes cristologia y del cristianismo; Cartas paulinas; Evangelios Sinópticos; Padres Apostólicos griegos – Estudios clásicos | Facultad de Teología San Vicente Ferrer (Valencia) | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | LÓPEZ RIBAO, Alejandro José | Dr. Historia / Lic. Hist. de la Iglesia / Lic. Teología | Historia de la Iglesia/Historia de la Teología | Historia Moderna / Historia de la Orden de Predicadores / Historia de la Iglesia | Facultad de Teología San Vicente Ferrer (Valencia) | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | PRAENA SEGURA, Antonio | Doctor en teología | Teología Dogmática / Teología Moral / Estética | Trinidad / Moral teologal / Penitencia y Unción | Facultad de Teología San Vicente Ferrer de Valencia | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | GULLÓN PÉREZ, Miguel Ángel | Doctor en teología | Moral Social Cristiana y Doctrina Social de la Iglesia | Dignidad de la persona | Centro de Teología Santo Domingo de Guzmán - Santo Domingo, República Dominicana | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | ROMERO BLANCO, Manuel Jesús | Lic.Historia / Lic. Teología / Magister Dogmática | Historia de la Iglesia / Historia de la Evangelización | Hª Iglesia / América / Misionología | Facultad de Teología San Esteban de Salamanca | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | MARTÍNEZ JUAN, Manuel Ángel | Doctor en Teología | Eclesiología, Cristologìa y Tomismo | Eclesiología, Cristología y Tomismo | Facultad de Teología San Esteban de Salamanca y San Vicente Ferrer de Valencia | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | GONZÁLEZ BLANCO, Rafael | Licenciado en Sagrada Escritura y en Teología | Teología bíblica | Nuevo Testamento | Facultad de Teología San Esteban de Salamanca | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | WANKUN VIGIL, Daniel | Doctor en Filosofía | Filosofía practica, ética y política | Hermenéutica, identidad | Facultad de Teología San Esteban de Salamanca | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | HEREDIA OTERO, José Antonio | Doctor Teologia / Lic. Fª y Ciencias de la Educación | Teología Moral fundamental y de la persona | Teología Moral | Facultad de Teología San Vicente Ferrer (Valencia) | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | COLOMÉ ANGELATS, Rafael | Lic. Teologia y Lic. Psicologia | Moral y Psicología | Psicología y espiritualidad | Facultad de Teologia Buenos Aires (Argentina) | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | GARCÍA MATAMORO, Luis Aurelio | Dr. en Derecho Canónico | Derecho canónico | Derecho Procesal y Derecho de la Vida Consagrada | Facultad de Derecho Canónico de La Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | HERNÁNDEZ MARIANO, Félix | Doctor en Teología | Teología Fundamental | Teología del arte | Facultad de Teología San Esteban de Salamanca | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | CALLEJO DE PAZ, Rufino | Doctor en derecho canónico | Derecho canónico/Derecho eclesiástico del estado | Derecho de consgrados/derecho matrimonial | Facultad de derecho canónico de la Uiversidad Pontifica de Comillas | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | BENEDITO MORANTS, Vicente | Dr. en Derecho Canónico, Dr. en Derecho Civil | Derecho | Dº. Canónico, eclesiastico, Privado | ISCREB | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | LUCERO BIDONDO, Rubén Omar | Licenciado en Teología y Profesor en Ciencias Jurídicas, Políticas y Sociales | Teología Dogmática y Teología de la Vida Religiosa | Trinidad/Penitencia y Unción de los Enfermos/Seminario sobre la renovación de la Vida Religiosa en el Concilio Vaticano II | Facultad de Teología de Montevideo | ||||
S EUROPE | Portugal | NUNES, José | DTheol/ThD | Teología Pastoral | Teología Pastoral | Universidade Católica Postuguesa | Profesor Associado | 1956 | 1994 | |
S EUROPE | Portugal | DINIZ, Gonςalo | DTheol/ThD | Teología Moral | Teología Moral | Universidade Católica Postuguesa | Profesor Auxiliar | 1976 | 2022 | |
S EUROPE | Portugal/Angola | PAULO, José | DTheol/ThD | Teorias de la Comunicacíon | Ciencias de la Comunicacíon | Universidade de Angola | Profesor | 1967 | 2019 | |
S EUROPE | Portugal/Angola | MANUEL, José | Licenciado en Teología e Derecho | Teología | Universidade Católica de Angola | Profesor | 1969 | 2019 | ||
S EUROPE | Portugal/Angola | ESTÊVÃO, António | Licenciado en Teología | Teología Moral | Teología Moral | ICRA (Luanda-Angola) | Profesor | 1973 | 2019 | |
S EUROPE | Portugal/Angola | CHACACHAMA, Miguel | Licenciado en Teología | Teología Moral | Teología Moral | ICRA (Luanda-Angola) | Profesor | 1964 | 2012 | |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | AMBROSIO, Alberto Fabio | Dottorato in Storia moderna e contemporanea; Licenza in dialogo interreligioso ed ecumenismo; Master in Lingua e letteratura turca; Abilitato a dirigere le ricerche in teologia cattolica | Introduction à la théologie, Sciences des Religions, Islamologie, Oecuménisme | Storia delle religioni; Islamologia; Teologia e cultura; Spiritualità. | Luxembourg School of Religion & Society (Luxembourg) | Full Professor | 1971 | 2017 | 2036 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | ARICI, Fausto | Dottorato di ricerca in Storia delle dottrine politiche; Licenza in Teologia | Teologia morale; Etica sociale; Storia delle dottrine politiche; Storia del pensiero sociale cristiano | Teologia morale; Storia delle dottrine politiche; Dottrina sociale della Chiesa | ISSR Bologna; FTER; PUST; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | FTER, Preside della Facoltà e docente ordinario; PUST incaricato triennale, Università Cattolica cultore della materia | 1972 | 2006 | 2042 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | BENDINELLI, Guido | Dottorato in Teologia Patristica | Storia della Chiesa Antica e Patrologia | Teologia dei primi tre secoli | FTER, SFD, Istituto di Teologia Patristico-Ecumenico della Facoltà Teologica della Puglia | Professore emerito | 1951 | 1987 | 2021 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | BARZAGHI, Giuseppe | Dottorato eccelsiastico in Filosofia; Dottorato ecclesiastico in Teologia | Filosofia e Teologia | Filosofia teoretica e Teologia dogmatica e fondamentale | SFD, Direttore; FTER | SFD professore stabile; FTER professore incaricato | 1958 | 1984 | 2028 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | BENDINELLI, Guido | Dottorato in Teologia Patristica | Storia della Chiesa Antica e Patrologia | Teologia dei primi tre secoli | FTER, SFD, Istituto di Teologia Patristico-Ecumenico della Facoltà Teologica della Puglia | FTER stabile ordinario; Istituto di Teologia Patristico-Ecumenica FTP invitato | 1951 | 1987 | 2021 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | BERTUZZI, Giovanni | Dottorato ecclesiastico in Filosofia, Licenza in Teologia | Critica della conoscenza | Filosofia Teoretica | SFD | Professore emerito | 1946 | 1982 | 2021 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | CASELLA, Alberto | Licenza in teologia Laurea civile in Storia moderna e contemporanea | Teologia fondamentale; Etica e intelligenza artificiale | Teologia armena e tomismo in Armenia; etica e intelligenza artificiale | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | professore a contratto | 1982 | 2022 | 2052 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | CALAON, Paolo | Dottorato in Teologia | Liturgia | Liturgia; sacramentaria; Filosofia della religione | FTER | FTER professore incaricato triennale | 1964 | 2009 | 2039 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | CARBONE, Giorgio | Laurea civile in Giurisprudenza, Baccellierato in filosofia, Dottorato in teologia, Diploma di specializzazione in bioetica | Teologia morale, Istituzioni di bioetica | Teologia morale; bioetica | SFD, FTER | SFD invitato; FTER stabile straordinario | 1969 | 2003 | 2039 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | CARPIN, Attilio | Dottorato in Teologia | Antropologia teologica; Teologia sacramentaria; Ecclesiologia | Dogmatica | FTER | Professore emerito | 1949 | 1978 | 2025 (emerito dal 2020) |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | DERMINE, François-Marie | Dottorato in Teologia | Teologia morale | Teologia morale | FTER | Professore emerito | 1949 | 2003 | 2024 (emerito dal 2019 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | DRAGO, Daniele | Dottorato in Diritto canonico; Laurea civile in Giurisprudenza; avvocato per il patrocinio gratuito; giudice ecclesiastico | Diritto Canonico | Diritto matrimoniale; LCO | FTER, PUST | FTER professore incaricato; PUST professore invitato | 1976 | 2013 | 2046 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | FESTA, Gianni | Dottorato in Storia della Chiesa; Laurea civile in Lettere moderne, Diploma in Paleografia, Archivistica e Diplomatica | Storia della Chiesa; Teologia spirituale; Storia della teologia | Storia della Chiesa medievale e moderna; storia della teologia e della spiritualità; Storia medievale dell'Ordine domenicano | FTER | Professore stabile straordinario | 1961 | 1993 | 2031 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | GARUTI, Paolo | Dottorato in Scienze bibliche | Esegesi NT, Retorica antica, Rapporti fra Bibbia e Culture mediterranee, Religioni e letterature antiche comparate | Esegesi biblica | PUST, École biblique et archéologique française Gerusalemme | PUST ordinario, EBAF invitato annuale | 1955 | 1985 | 2025 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | GIORGIS, Roberto | Licenza Teologia, Dottore in psicologia clinica. Specializzato in psicoterapia | Teologia fondamentale | Psicologia. Teologia | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | Professore a contratto | 1968 | 2020 | 2038 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | GIULIANI, Rinaldo | Dottorato in Teologia Biblica e Baccellierato in Sacra Scrittura | Introduzione alla Bibbia, Antico testamento | Sacra Scrittura | ISSR Mater Ecclesiae e Facoltà di teologia della PUST | ISSR professore stabile, Teologia invitato | 1951 | 2009 | 2026 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | MANCINI, Massimo | Dottorato ecclesiastico in Storia Ecclesiastica, Laurea in Giurisprudenza, Baccellierato in Filosofia, Baccellierato in Teologia | Storia della Chiesa | Storia della Chiesa; Storia moderna e contemporanea; Storia dell'Ordine dei Predicatori | FTER | FTER professore stabile straordinario | 1966 | 2005 | 2036 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | MONGE, Claudio | Dottorato in Teologia | Teologia delle religioni, Islamologia, Teologia del dialogo interreligioso, Ecumenismo | Teologia fondamentale (specializzazione Teologia delle religioni) | Università di Friburgo, University of St. Michael’s College Toronto, Institut de Pastorale Montréal, FTER | Toronto e FTER professore invitato , Fribourg - Svizzera a contratto | 1968 | 2008 | 2038 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | OLMI, Antonio | Laurea in filosofia; Dottorato di ricerca in Filosofia; licenza in Teologia fondamentale; Dottorato in Teologia | De Deo uno, Metodologia teologica, Cristologia, Soteriologia, Escatologia | Teologia sistematica | FTER | Professore stabile ordinario | 1958 | 2001 | 2028 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | PARI, Fabio | Licenza in Sacra Scrittura | Ebraico Biblico | Esegesi biblica | FTER | professore incaricato annuale | 1987 | 2018 | 2057 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | PARI, Michele Roberto | Dottorato in Teologia | Teologia morale (virtù della speranza; virtù della prudenza e coscienza; virtù della fortezza) | Teologia sistematica | FTER | professore incaricato annuale | 1987 | 2019 | 2057 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | RIZZELLO, Raffaele | laurea civile in Filosofia; licenza in Filosofia presso la PUST-Roma | Filosofia Morale Fondamentale e Filosofia Politica e del Diritto | Storia della filosofia morale | Facoltà Teologica dell'Italia Settentrionale, Torino | Professore a contratto | 1949 | 1983 presso l'Istituto di Filosofia San Tommaso d’Aquino, Chieri (TO) | 2024 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | SALVIOLI, Marco | Laurea civile in Filosofia; Licenza in Teologia fondamentale e Dottorato in Teologia | Teologia fondamentale; Antropologia teologica; Antropologia filosofica | Teologia fondamentale; Filosofia | SFD, FTER, Direttore del Dipartimento di Teologia sistematica | SFD professore stabileocente Stabile, FTER professore incaricato triennale | 1976 | 2005 | 2047 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | SIMON, Dominique | Dottorato in Scienze ecclesiastiche | Teologia orientale, Teologia dogmatica | Teologia dogmatica e teologia orientale | FTER; Istituto domenicano di san Tommaso d'Aquino a Kiev, Seminario greco-cattolico di Knyazhitshi (vicino a Kiev) | FTER professore invitato | 1965 | ||
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | ZORZAN, Fabrizio | Dottorato in Teologia | Teologia morale | Teologia morale fondamentale | ISSR, Bologna | Professore invitato | 1963 | 2007 | 2033 |
S EUROPE | San Domenico in Italia | GALASSI, Piergiorgio | Dottorato in Teologia | Teologia fondamentale | Teologia fondamentale; Storia del pensiero cinese | FTER, Bologna | Professore incaricato annuale | 1988 | 2022 | 2058 |
S EUROPE | Romana - Santa Caterina da Siena | CORTESI, Alessandro | Laurea Lettere e filosofia Dottorato teologia e sicenze patristiche | Storia della teologia Teologia sistematica | Teologia dei segni dei tempi | ISSR Toscana s.Caterina da Siena Firenze | Docente incaricato | 1960 | 1993 | |
S EUROPE | Romana - Santa Caterina da Siena | STEINER, Christian | Licence in Theology | Thomistic | Theology of family | Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose (ISSR) Cagliari | Docente incaricato | 1965 | 2008 | |
S EUROPE | Romana - Santa Caterina da Siena | AUCONE, Daniele | Doctorate | Theology | Dogmatic | PUST LUMSA | Invited Professor Adjuncr Professor | 1975 | 2019 | |
S EUROPE | Romana - Santa Caterina da Siena | LUFRANI, Riccardo | PHD | Theology | Archaeology | EBAF, LUMSA, Angelicum, Cattolica Sacro Cuore | Lecturer, Invited Professor | 1965 | 2008 | |
S EUROPE | Romana - Santa Caterina da Siena | SANTARELLI, Luciano | Dottore | Giurisprudenza, Teologia | Teologia morale | LLSSA, SDT, Università dell’età libera, PUST, FTIC, FTER | Inviato, Incaricato | 1954 | 2009 | |
S EUROPE | Romana - Santa Caterina da Siena | ESPOSITO, Bruno | Dottore | Diritto Canonico | | |||||
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | ALBANO, Emmanuel | Dottorato | Patrologia | Cristianesimo antico | Facoltà Teologica Pugliese - Bari | Stabile | 1979 | 2013 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | BOVA, Ciro | Dottorato | Teologia Ecumenica | Teologia pastorale e spir. | Angelicum - Roma | Straordinario | 1960 | 2002 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | BUSIELLO, Giuseppe | Dottorato | Filosofia | Logica | Angelicum - Roma | Invitato | 1962 | 1995 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | CAPOTOSTO, Ciro | Dottorato | Teologia Biblica | Profeti e Sapienziali | ISSR - Bari | Invitato | 1968 | 2004 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | CATALANO, Sergio | Dottorato | Arte Sacra | Architettura | LUMSA - Palermo | Invitato | 1972 | 2015 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | CIOFFARI, Gerardo | Dottorato | Storia Eccl. | Storia e Teologia russa | Facoltà Teologica Pugliese - Bari | Emerito | 1943 | 1970 | 2015 |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | DE SANTIS, Luca | Dottorato | Sacra Scrittura | Vangeli , Scritti giovannei | Facoltà Teologica Pugliese - Bari | Ordinario | 1952 | 1983 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | DI TORA, Marcello | Dottorato | Dogmatica | Islamismo | Facoltà Teologica di Sicilia - Palermo | Incaricato | 1968 | 1999 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | GRAGNANO, Fabio | Dottorato | Filosofia | Filosofia della natura | Istituto filosofico domen. - Bologna | Invitato | 1968 | 2006 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | LORUSSO, Lorenzo | Dottorato | Diritto Canonico | Diritto Canonico Orientale | FTP - PUG - PUU - PIO | Ordinario | 1967 | 1997-98 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | PAGANO, Gianpaolo | Dottorato | Teologia Biblica | Profeti e Sapienziali | ISSR - Nola | Stabile | 1978 | 2010 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | SALVATI, Marco | Dottorato | Dogmatica | Trinitaria, Cristologia | Angelicum - Roma | Ordinario | 1953 | 1986 | 2023 |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | STANCATI, Tommaso | Dottorato | Dogmatica | Escatologia | Angelicum - Roma | Ordinario | 1951 | 1988 | 2021 |
S EUROPE | Malta | AGIUS, Joseph | Ph.L., STL & D, SSL, STM | Biblical Studies | Pentateuch, Historical Books, Prophetic Literature. | Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome. | Professor Emeritus | 1943 | 1974 | - |
S EUROPE | Malta | ATTARD, Ivan | BA, STB, Sc.Soc. Lic (Doct. Expected in 2026) | Social Sciences | Liberal Democracy | University of Malta | Visiting Lecturer | 1977 | 2017 | - |
S EUROPE | Malta | CARUANA, Bernard | BA., STD | Theology | Patristics | Catholic University, Tirana (Albania) State University of Tirana | Lecturer Visiting Lecturer | 1979 | 2021 | |
S EUROPE | Malta | CARUANA, Christopher | STB, MA, M.Phil (PhD expected in 2023) | Philosophy and Theology | Faith & Reason, Philosophical & Theological Anthropology | University of Malta | Visiting Lecturer | 1975 | 2015 | - |
S EUROPE | Malta | ELLUL, Joseph | S.Th.L & D., SA & IL (PISAI), STM. | Ecumenical and Islamic Studies | Oriental Orthodoxy and Islam, Islamic Thought and Scholasticism Islamic Studies | Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome University of Malta | Aggregate Professor Lecturer | 1960 | 1997 1991 | 2030 2024 |
S EUROPE | Malta | MUSCAT, Llewellyn | Ph.B, STB, Hist. & Bon. Ecc. Doct. | Church History | Mediaeval and Modern Church History | Researcher | 1984 | |||
S EUROPE | Malta | SCHEMBRI, Justin Jude | Ph.B, S.Th.B, SSL, STD | Biblical Theology | Luke, Synoptic Gospels, Wisdom, Prophets, Biblical Greek. | Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome | Aggregate Professor | 1981 | 2015 | - |
S EUROPE | Malta | TABONE, Carmel | STL & Lect., Sc. Soc. D, STM | Social Sciences & Moral Theology | Family, Human and Social Development. | University of Malta | Senior Lecturer Emeritus | 1957 | 1986 | - |
CE EUROPE | Teutonia | BARWASSER, Carsten | Dr. theol. | Dogmatics | Christian belief and the claim of modern reason; Theology of the 20th Century | Phil.-Theol. Hochschule SAC Vallendar | Lecturer | 1967 | 2019 | 2032 |
CE EUROPE | Teutonia | EGGENSPERGER, Thomas | Dr. theol., M.A. (phil.) | Social Ethics | Thomas Aquinas; Las Casas; Ethics of Leadership | Phil.-Theol. Hochschule OFMCap Münster University of Potsdam University of Hannover Catholic University of Eichstätt | Chair (Münster); Lecturer (others) | 1963 | 2028 | |
CE EUROPE | Teutonia | ENGEL, Ulrich | Dr. theol. habil. | Fundamental Theology | New Political Theology; Dominican Theology in 20th Century; Post-modern Philosophy in relationship to Theology | Phil.-Theol. Hochschule OFMCap Münster University of Potsdam | Chair (Münster); Lecturer (Potsdam) | 1961 | 1998 | 2026 |
CE EUROPE | Teutonia | EWERSZUMRODE, Frank | Dr. theol. habil. | Dogmatics | Oecumenical Theology | University of Flensburg | Chair representative | 1981 | 2020 | 2046 |
CE EUROPE | Teutonia | KNOLL OP, Franziskus | Dr. theol. | Pastoral Theology | Relation between Theology and Healthcare; Spiritual Healthcare | Phil.-Theol. Hochschule SAC Vallendar | Junior Professor | 1971 | 2015 | 2036 |
CE EUROPE | Teutonia | GRIESSBACH, Thomas | Dr. theol. | Homiletics / Rhetoric Communication | Rhetoric Communication for Artists and Politicians | Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart | Honorary professor | 1961 | 2026 | |
CE EUROPE | Teutonia | HALFT, Dennis | Dr. phil., Dipl.-Theol. | Islamic Studies | Shiite History in Iran; Controversial Theology between Jewish, Christian and Islamic Positions in History and Today | University of Trier Phil.-Theol. Hochschule OFMCap Münster | Chair administrator (Trier); Lecturer (Münster) | 1981 | 2020 | 2046 |
CE EUROPE | Teutonia | KAHL, Rodrigo Heinrich | Lect. Theol. | Liturgy / Spirituality | Pre-Vatican Liturgy, History of Dominican Liturgy | Seminary St. Peter Wigratzbad | Lecturer | 1941 | 2006(!) | |
CE EUROPE | Teutonia | KATZ, Heiner | Dr. phil. | Sociology | Sociology of Religion and Church | Phil.-Theol. Hochschule SJ Frankfurt/M. St. Georgen | Professor | 1935 | 2000(1) | |
CE EUROPE | Teutonia | KÖNIG, Philipp | Dipl.-Theol., M.Ed. | Patristic Theology | Link between New Testament and Old Church History | Phil.-Theol. Hochschule SJ Frankfurt/M. St. Georgen | Lecturer | 1986 | 2019 | 2051 |
CE EUROPE | Poland | GAŁUSZKA, Tomasz | Post-doctoral degree (Habilitation) in History, PhD in Theology | History | Medieval History of the Order of Preachers, History of Medieval Law and Psychology | Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | Associate Professor | 1978 | 2010 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | KALDON, Stanisław | Post-doctoral degree (Habilitation), | Theology | Pastoral Theology, Homiletics | Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw | professor emeritus | 1945 | 2015 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | KŁOCZOWSKI, Jan Andrzej | Post-doctoral degree (Habilitation), Master of Sacred Theology (OP) | Philosophy | Philosophy of Religion | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | Professor | 1937 | 1972 | 2024 |
CE EUROPE | Poland | KOCHANIEWICZ, Bogusław | Post-doctoral degree (Habilitation), Master of Sacred Theology (OP) | Theology | Mariology, Fundamental Theology | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | Professor | 1960 | 1995 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | KUPCZAK, Jarosław | Post-doctoral degree (Habilitation) | Theology | Theological Anthropology, Dogmatical Theology | Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków | Professor | 1964 | 2004 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | NOWAK, Marek | Post-doctoral degree (Habilitation) | Philosophy | Philosophy of Religion, Modern History of Religion, Gnosis, Esotericism, Romanticism, Interreligious Dialogue (esp. Christian-Jewish Dialogue) | University of Warsaw Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | Assistant Professor | 1964 | 1996 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | PRZANOWSKI, Mateusz | Post-doctoral degree (Habilitation) | Dogmatic Theology | Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków Thomistic Institute, Warsaw Pontifical Faculty of Theology, Warsaw | Director of the Institute, lecturer | 1974 | 2006 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | SALIJ, Jacek | Post-doctoral degree (Habilitation), Master of Sacred Theology (OP) | Theology | Dogmatic Theology | Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw | professor emeritus | 1942 | 1975 | 2017 |
CE EUROPE | Poland | SKONIECZNY, Piotr | Post-doctoral degree (Habilitation) | Canon Law | General Norms, Religious Law, Penal Law, Process Law | Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków Dominican House of Studies, Kraków Angelicum, Rome | Associate Professor | 1976 | 2009 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | BALOG, Petro | PhD | Theology | Dogmatic Theology, Ecumenism | Superior Institute of Religious Sciences of St. Thomas Aquinas, Kiev | Director of the Institute | 1977 | 2010 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | CHRZANOWSKI, Grzegorz | PhD | Philosophy | Philosophy of Religion | Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | Assistant Professor | 1965 | 1997 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | GOLUBIEWSKI Michał | PhD | Dogmatic Theology | Sacraments | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | Lecturer | 1975 | 2012 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | HĄCIA, Artur | Medical Doctor; PhD (Moral Theology); PhD (Medicine – Psychiatry) | Moral Theology, Medicine | Bioethics, Psychiatry | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | Lecturer | 1975 | 2019 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | JARCZEWSKI, Dominik | PhD | Philosophy | Epistemology, Contemporary Philosophy, Pragmatism | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków; Jagiellonian University, Kraków | Regent of studies; Assistant Professor | 1986 | 2017 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | JURCZAK, Dominik | PhD | Liturgy | Domican Liturgy | Angelicum, Rome; Pontificio Istituto Liturgico Sant’Anselmo, Rome; Dominican House of Studies, Kraków; Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków | Extraordinary Professor; Dean of the faculty og Theology - PUST-Angelicum | 1980 | 2016 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | KLIMCZAK, Paweł | PhD | Theology | Christology | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | lecturer | 1975 | 2012 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | KUSZ, Dawid | PhD | Music Arts | Conducting | Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | Lecturer | 1979 | 2007 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | LIS, Norbert | PhD | Theology | Interreligious Dialogue, Cross-cultural Dialogue, Pastoral Theology | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | Lecturer | 1976 | 2013 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | LISAK, Marcin | PhD | Sociology | Sociology of Religion and Migration, Catholic Social Teaching | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków Institute for Catholic Church Statistics, Warsaw University of Rzeszów | lecturer research fellow | 1975 | 2008 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | MODRAS, Krzysztof | PhD | Patrology | Coptic language, Hieroglyphs, Arabic, Islam, Religious Studies | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | lecturer | 1960 | 1994 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | MROZEK Michał | PhD | Theology | Moral Theology, Aretology, Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas (Prima Secundae) | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków Thomistic Institute, Warsaw Pontifical Faculty of Theology, Warsaw | Vice-director of the Thomistic Institute (Warsaw), lecturer | 1975 | 2004 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | MRUGALSKI, Damian | PhD (Theology and Patristic Sciences), MA (Philosophy) | Theology and Philosophy | Patristics, Ancient Philosophy, Christology, Trinitology, Doctrines of God | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków; Catholic Academy in Warsaw | Lecturer | 1978 | 2011 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | MŚCISŁAWSKI, Łukasz | PhD | Philosophy | Philosophy of Nature (Philosophical Cosmology), Philosophy of Science | University of Science and Technology, Wrocław | Lecturer | 1976 | 2011 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | PLICH, Robert | Medical Doctor, PhD (Theology) | Theology | Moral Theology, Bioethics | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków | Vice-Rector of the College, lecturer | 1966 | 2003 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | POPKO, Łukasz | PhD (SSD) | Biblical Science | Old Testament | EBAF Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | Associate Professor | 1978 | 2014 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | PYDA , Janusz | PhD | Dogmatic (Systematic) Theology, History of Medieval Theology | Philosophical and Theological Anthropology | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków Catholic Academy in Warsaw | Lecturer | 1980 | 2009 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | ROSZKOWSKI, Maciej | PhD | Theology | Fundamental Theology, History of Theology (Modern Age) | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | Moderator of the House of Studies, lecturer | 1973 | 2012 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | RYBKA, Ryszard | PhD | Theology | Moral Theology | Angelicum, Rome | Associate Professor (Professore straordinario) | 1959 | 2000 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | SANDER Mirosław | PhD | Canon Law | Penal Law | Angelicum, Rome | Lecturer | 1975 | 2009 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | TABACZEK, Mariusz | PhD | Philosophical Theology | Science-Religion Dialogue, Creation Theology, Philosophy of Nature, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Biology | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków Angelicum, Rome | Professor incaricato | 1980 | 2017 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | PALUCH, Michał | Post-doctoral Degree (Habilitation), Master of Sacred Theology (OP) | Theology | Aquinas’ Thought, Soteriology, Christology, Fundamental Theology | Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | Professor ordinario | 1967 | 2001 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | BINKIEWICZ, Cezary | PhD | Philosophy | Analytic Philosophy, Phenomenology | Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome | Professor incaricato | 1966 | ||
CE EUROPE | Poland | JAKUB, Bluj | PhD | Theology - Sacred Scripture | Old Testament: Sapiential & Deuterocanical Books | EBAF & Université de Lorraine | Lecturer | 1980 | 2021 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | BRONIEK, Radosław | PhD | Theology | Religiology (Sects, New Spiritual Movements) | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków; Dominican Center on Sects and New Spiritual Movements, Warsaw | lecturer | 1974 | 2022 | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | PIOTR, Janas | PhD | Social Sciences | Meaningful Work and Virtue Ethics | Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome; Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | Professor incaricato, vice-dean | 1980 | 2021 | |
CE EUROPE | Bohemia | JINDRACEK, Efrem | PhD., MA, Lect. | Philosophy, Theology | Metaphysic, Logic, History of Medieval Philosophy and History of Thomism | Faculty of Philosophy, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome (Angelicum) | Extraordinary Professor | 1975 | 2010 | |
CE EUROPE | Bohemia | NĔMEC, Damián | Prof. | Cannon Law And religion Law | Law consecrated life, Law of sacraments, Penal Law, State-Church relations especially concordats, Healthcare chaplaincy | Palacky University Olomouc, Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology, Department of Church History and Church Law; Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Arts, Department of History; Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Law, Department of Constitutional Law; University of Trnava, Slovakia, Department of Law, Institute of Legal Aspects of Religion Freedom; Charles University Prague, Faculty of Law, Department of Legal History | Ordinary professor, academic teacher | 18.6.1960 | 1.9.1991; 31.8.1992 | |
CE EUROPE | Bohemia | FOŠUM, Lukáš | Th.D. | Moral Theology | Ethics end Moral Theology | Charles University Prague, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Department of Philosophy and Systematic Theology | Prof. Adsistens | 1.5.1977 | ||
CE EUROPE | Bohemia | MOHELNÍK, Benedikt | Th.D. | Sacramentology | Charles University Prague, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Department of Philosophy and Systematic Theology | 5.11.1970 | ||||
CE EUROPE | Bohemia | ŠIKLAR, Irenej | Dr.Des. | Moral Theology | Charles University Prague, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Department of Philosophy and Systematic Theology | Prof. Visiting | 31.7.1970 | |||
CE EUROPE | Bohemia | TRETERA, Rajmund | Prof. | Cannon Law | Charles University Prague, Faculty of Law, Department of Legal History | 8.6.1940 | 1990 | |||
CE EUROPE | Croatia | SLIŠKOVIĆ, Slavko | Histoire de l’Eglise | Histoire de l’Eglise auprès des Croates | Faculté de théologie catholique de l’Université de Zagreb | Professeur Associé | 1975 | 2001 | 2040 | |
CE EUROPE | Croatia | ĆUBELIC, Alojz | Philosophie | Ontologie Théodicée | Faculté de théologie catholique de l’Université de Zagreb | Professeur Associé | 1972 | 1998 | 2037 | |
CE EUROPE | Croatia | GAVRIĆ, Anto | Philosophie | Philosophie médiévale | Faculté de Philosophie et de Sciences des religions de l’Université de Zagreb; Faculté d’études croates de l’Université de Zagreb | Professeur Associé Vice-doyen Regent d'études | 1968 | 2000 | 2034 | |
CE EUROPE | South Germany and Austria | STEYMANS, Hans Ulrich | Dr. theol. habil. | Theology | Old Testament | Emeritus theol. Fac. Friburg | 1961 | |||
CE EUROPE | South Germany and Austria | MÜLLER, Wolfgang | Dr. theol. habil. | Theology | Dogmatics | Emeritus theol. Fac., Luzern | 1956 | |||
CE EUROPE | South Germany and Austria | SCHON, Dietmar | Dr. theol. habil. | Theology | Eastern Churches Science | a) Eastern Churches Institute of the diocese of Regensburg; b) theol. fac. Univ. Regensburg | a) director b) lecturer | 1959 | ||
CE EUROPE | South Germany and Austria | STASZAK, Martin | Dr. theol. habil. | Theology | Old Testament | École biblique, Jerusalem | Professor | 1959 | ||
CE EUROPE | South Germany and Austria | DOCI, Viliam | Dr. theol. | Theology | Church History | Historical Institute OP, Rome | Director | 1978 | ||
CE EUROPE | South Germany and Austria | HOLZER, Philippe-André | Dr. phil. | Philosophy | theol. Fac. Fribourg | lecturer | 1961 | |||
CE EUROPE | South Germany and Austria | MAYER, Rupert Johannes | Dr. theol. habil. | Philosophy | Franciscan University Gaming | visiting professor | 1962 | |||
CE EUROPE | South Germany and Austria | SPINDLER, Wolfgang Hariolf | Dr. theol. | Theology | Social Teaching of the Church | Fridolin-Utz-Foundation | director | 1968 | ||
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | FOTTA, Peter | Master of Theology, PhD of Philosophy, PhDr. of Philosophy | Metaphysics, Social and Political, Philosophy, Phil. Anthropology | Personalism, Theory of Civilization, The Classical Conception of Politics | Faculty of Theology, Catholic University in Ruzomberok | Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Church History | 1958 | 37135 | Retired in 2020 |
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | ŠAJDA, Česlav | Master of Theology, PhD of Philosophy, Master of Classical Philology | Systematic Philosophy, Søren Kierkegaard | Philosophical Anthropology, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Existence and Dialogue | Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Science; Faculty of Arts, University of Trnava | Researcher, Professor, Department of Philosophy | 1977 | Academy of Science since 2008 Trnava university, September 2020 | |
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | LETZ, Dominik | Master of Theology, RNDr. of Biology, PhD of Botany | Plant systematics | Taxonomy, Morphometry and Flow Cytometry in Vascular Plant Biosystematics | Plant Science and Biodiversity Center, Slovak Academy of Science | Researcher | 1969 | 2004 He also used to teach botany for several years | |
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | MICKOVIC, Ján | Doktor der Theologie – Dr. (UNI Wien) | Systematic and fundamental Theology | Fundamental Theology, Political Theology (J. B. Metz), Theodicy | Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien (A) | Scientific Lecturer | 1976 | October 2015 | |
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | SLAVKOVSKÝ, Reginald | Master of Theology, RNDr. of Mathematics, PhD of Philosophy | Philosophy, Cognitive studies, Spirituality | Logic, Paradoxes, Limits of Rationality, Information Theory | Faculty of Theology, Palacky University of Olomouc (CZ) | Associate professor | 1963 | September 1996 He used to teach at the University of Trnava | |
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | HUNČAGA, Gabriel | Master of Theology, Master of History and Museology, PhDr. of Slovak History, PhD of Medieval History | Medieval History - Religious Movements, Mendicant Orders, | Introduction to Study of the Middle Ages, Medieval Institutions, Religious Movements, Heterodoxy | Faculty of Theology, University of Trnava | Assistant professor | 1971 | September 2011 He used to teach at several other universities | |
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | HAJAS, Benedikt | Master of Theology | Biblical Greek and Hebrew, Prophet Jeremiah | Biblical Exegesis of the Old Testament – Prophets (Jeremiah) and Psalms | Higher School of Education - St. John's College, Prague (CZ) | External Lecturer | 1969 | September 2014 | |
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | ADAM, Konštanc | Master of Theology, MVDr. of Veterinarian, ICDr. of Canon Law, Lector of Theology (OP) | Canon Law | Processual Canon Law, Canon Law of Particular Churches | Fculty of Canon Law, Angelicum (I) | Appointed Professor | 1963 | October 2005 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | EH, Edmond | Doctor | Philosophy | Philos | USJ Macau | Assist. Prof | 1975 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | GONZALEZ, Javier | Doctor | Canon Law | Canon Law | USJ Macau | Assist. Prof | 1949 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | GOMEZ, Fausto | Doctor | Theology | Moral Theology | USJ Macau | Emeritus | 1937 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | SANCHEZ, Vicente | Doctor | Psychology | Psychology | Hongkong | Professor | 1963 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | GARCIA, Prudencio | Doctor | Biblical Theology | Bible | Taiwan | Professor | 1968 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | MIGUEL, Tomas | Lic. | missiology | Missiology | Taiwan | Professor | 1953 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | GARCIA, David | Lic. | Theology | Bioethics | Singapore | Professor | 1967 | 2000 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | SAIZ, Santiago | Lic. | Theology | Theology | Timor Oriental | Professor | 1955 | 2015 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | SHING, Mathew | Lic. | Canon Law | Canon Law | Manila | 1986 | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | APARICIO, Angel | Lic. | Sacred Scripture | Bible | UST Manila | Professor | 1948 | 1979 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | GONZALEZ, Mariano | Lic. | Canon Law | Canon Law | Matsuyama | Professor | 1967 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | SAN MIGUEL, Jovino | Lic. | Philos. Theology | Philos | Matsuyama | Professor | 1941 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | ARRIBAS, Vicente | Lic. | Philosophy | Philos | Matsuyama | Professor | 1943 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | VILLASMIL, Angel | Lic. | Theology | Theology | Maracaibo | Professor | 1969 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | DE PAZ, Jose Juan | Bac. | Theology | Theology | Caracsa | Professor | 1968 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | MONTILLA, Oswaldo | Doc. | Eclessiastical Hitory | History | Caracsa | Professor | 1989 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | MARTINEZ, Felicísimo | Doctor | Theology | Theology | Rome | Emeritus | 1943 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | GONZALEZ, Pedro Luis | Doc. | Theology | Theology | Rome | Emeritus | 1938 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | ALONSO, Pedro Juan | Doc. | Biblical Theology | Biblical Theology | Madrid | Professor | 1953 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | MEDINA, Miguel Angel | Doc. | Missiology | Theology, Missiology | Madrid | Professor | 1953 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | BARREDA, Jesús Angel | Doc. | Missiology | Missiology | Rome | Emeritus | 1948 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | JABARES, Mario | Doc. | Philosophy | Philosophy | Burgos | Emeritus | 1947 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | TRIGUEROS, Felipe | Doc. | Philosophy | Philosophy | Angelicum | Professor | 1964 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | HE, Hyacinth | Doc. | Canon Law | Canon Law | Macau | Professor | 1976 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | KIM SANG TAE, John | Doc. | Spiritual Theology | Spritual Theology | Korea, Macau | Professor | 1972 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | ARAGON, Isidro | Lic. | Sacred Scripture | Bible | Madrid | Profssor | 1958 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | HERNANDEZ, Jesus Maria | Doc. | Theology | Theology | San Cristobal, Venezuela | Professor | 1966 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | LOBO, José Gregorio | Lic. | Sacred Scripture | Biblical Theology | San Cristobal, Venezuela Profe | Profesor | 1974 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | MUÑOZ, Vicente | Doc. | Canon Law | Canon Law | Madrid | Emeritus | 1945 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | SY HAO, Jarvis | Lic. | Philosophy | Philosophy | Taiwan | Professor | 1964 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | ZIQUIANG, Bai | Doc. | Theology | Theology, Philosophy | HongKong | Professor | 1982 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | PAKHU, Joseph | Lic. | Theology | Theology | Myanmar | Professor | 1983 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | AUNG , Paul | Lic. | Patristics | Patristics | Myanmar | Professor | 1986 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | GONZALO, Juan Manuel | Lic. | Biblical Theology | Biblical Theology | Matsuyama | Professor | 1969 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | KAWAKAMI, Peter | Lic. | Theology | Theology | Matsuyama | Professor | 1975 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | MARTINEZ, Emilio | Lic. | THeology | Theology | Tokio | Professor | 1960 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | MENDEZ, Guillermo | Lic. | Theology | Theology | Barquisimeto | Professor | 1974 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | MERINO, Timoteo | Doc. | Theology | Theology | Avila | Emeritus | 1942 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | PUEBLA, Ceferino | Lic. | Philosophy-Theology | Philosophy, Theology | Valladolid | Emeritus | 1946 | 1976 | 2021 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | DIEZ, Virgilio | Lic. | Philosophy- Psychology | Psychology | Valladolid | Emeritus | 1946 | 1996 at YTU 2018 at CTC | 2024 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Australia | VNUK, Joseph | PhD | Systematic Theology | Grace, Sacraments | Catholic Theological Institute (Port Moresby) | Senior Lecturer | 1962 | 2005 | 2036 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Australia | KENNEDY, Philip | PhD | Systematic Theology | Schillebeeckx | Oxford University | Chairman, Faculty of Theology and Religion | 1954 | 1992 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Văn Chữ | STD | Theology | Missiology | Diocesan Seminaris Inter-Congregational Theological Centers (for Sisters) | ||||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Hữu Cường, O.P. | STL | Theology | Dogma | Dominican Center of Studies Inter-Congregational Theological Center of St. Thomas (for Sisters) | Lecturer | 1972 | 2007-2008 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Đình Chiến, O.P. | STD | Theology | Biblical Theology | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1976 | 2017-2018 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | PHẠM, Đình Chiến, | Philosophy | Oriental Philosophy | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1972 | 2012-2013 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | ĐỖ, Anh Dũng | MA | Theology | Consecrated life | Inter-Congregational Theological Centers (for Sisters) | ||||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGÔ, Sĩ Đình | STL | Theology Philosophy | Moral Theology; Scohlastic Philosophy | Dominican Center of Studies; The Catholic Institute of Vietnam; Inter-Congregational Theological Center of St. Thomas (for Sisters) | Lecturer | 1955 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | VŨ, Văn Hảo | STD | Theology | Missiology | Inter-Congregational Theological Centers (for Sisters) | Lecturer | 1977 | 2022-2023 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Văn Hiển | STL | Theology | Liturgy | Dominican Center of Studies Inter-Congregational Theological Center of St. Thomas (for Sisters) | Lecturer | 1976 | 2015-2016 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | ĐÀO, Trung Hiệu | Theology | History of the Church | Dominican Center of Studies Inter-Congregational Theological Center of St. Thomas (for Sisters) | Lecturer | 1956 | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | LÂM, Phước Hùng | Theology | Catechetical pedagogy | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1967 | 2015-2016 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | BÙI, Công Huy | Philosophy | Dominican Center of Studies Inter-Congregational Theological Center of St. Thomas (for Sisters) | Lecturer | 1956 | 2005-2006 | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | ĐINH, Tiến Hưng | STD | Theology | Moral Theology | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1973 | 2017-2018 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | PHẠM, Xuân Hưng | STL | Theology | Biblical Theology | Dominican Center of Studies Inter-Congregational Theological Center of St. Thomas (for Sisters) | Lecturer | 1964 | 2006-2007 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Duy Linh | STL | Theology | Moral and Spiritual Theology | Dominican Center of Studies; Nguyen Van Binh Inter-Congregational Theological Center. | Lecturer | 1984 | 2022-2023 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Cao Luật | STL | Theology | Liturgy; Pastoral Theology | Dominican Center of Studies Inter-Congregational Theological Center of St. Thomas (for Sisters) | Lecturer | 1951 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | VŨ, Văn Lượng | STL | Theology | Biblical Theology | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1974 | 2015-2016 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | PHẠM, Văn Mão | Theology Philosophy | Philosophical & Theological terminology | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1952 | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Thiên Minh | MA | Theology | Biblical Theology | Sedes Sapientiae; Nguyen Van Binh Inter-Congregational Theological Center. | ||||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Hữu Nghị | PhD | Philosophy | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1973 | 2013-2014 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | ĐỖ, Huy Nghĩa | STL | Theology | Patrology | Dominican Center of Studies Inter-Congregational Theological Center of St. Thomas (for Sisters) | Lecturer | 1974 | 2013-2014 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | PHẠM, Văn Ninh | STL | Theology | Diocesan Seminaris Inter-Congregational Theological Centers (for Sisters) | Lecturer | 1971 | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Văn Phương | STL | Theology | Moral Theology | Dominican Center of Studies; | Lecturer | 1974 | 2019-2020 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | TRẦN, Hưng Vĩnh Quang | SSL | Theology | Biblical Theology | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1979 | 2020-2021 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | ĐẶNG, Chí San | Philosophy | Oriental Philosophy | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1952 | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | LÂM, Văn Sỹ | STD | Theology | Christology; Scholastic Philosophy | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1961 | 2006-2007 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Trường Tam | STL | Canon Law | Dominican Center of Studies St. Joseph Major Seminary | Lecturer | 1974 | 2009-2010 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | PHAN, Tấn Thành | STD | Theology Canon Law | Dogma | Dominican Center of Studies | Professor | 1946 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | BÙI, Thiện Thảo | STD | Theology | History of the Church | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1971 | 2017-2018 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Hữu Thập | STD | Theology | Trinitarian Theology | Dominican Center of Studies; Nguyen Van Binh Inter-Congregational Theological Center. | Lecturer | 1974 | 2019-2020 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | LÊ, Đức Thiện | MA | Philosophy | Oriental Philosophy | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1981 | 2020-2021 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | LÊ, Minh Thông | STD | Theology | Biblical Theology | Dominican Center of Studies | Professor | 1962 | 2007-2008 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | LÝ, Văn Thưởng | MA | Theology | Missiology | Inter-Congregational Theological Centers (for Sisters) | Lecturer | 1968 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | TẠ, Văn Tịnh | Philosophy | Dominican Center of Studies; Franciscan Center of Studies; The Catholic Institute of Vietnam | Lecturer | 1979 | 2019-2020 | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Tất Trung | Theology | Biblical Languages | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1955 | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Thế Truyền | STL | Theology | Consecrated life; Dogma | Dominican Center of Studies | Lecturer | 1970 | 2009-2011 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | PHẠM, Quốc Văn | STL | Theology | Consecrated life; Moral Theology | Dominican Center of Studies; Nguyen Van Binh Inter-Congregational Theological Center. | Lecturer | 1974 | 2010-2011 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Trọng Viễn | Philosophy | History of Philosophy | Dominican Center of Studies; The Catholic Institute of Vietnam | Lecturer | 1955 | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | ĐINH, Khắc Vịnh | STL | Theology | Dogma | Diocesan Seminaris Inter-Congregational Theological Centers (for Sisters) | Lecturer | 1974 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | ABAÑO, Isidro | STL; MA in Higher Religious Studies | Theology | Theology of Ecumenism, Church Heritage and Arts | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | ABOGADO, Jannel | MA; STL; Doctorate in Theology and Patristic Sciences | Dogma; Patristics | Hilary of Poitiers; Fourth Century Theological Discourse | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Associate Professor, Dean - Faculty of Sacred Theology | 1978 | 2016 | 2043 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | ACERON, Orlando | MA; Docorate in Education | Education; Administration & Supervision | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Instructor, Faculty of Theology | ||||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | ADALID, Reynaldo | Licenciate in Philosophy | Philosophy | Latin | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Guest Professor, Faculty of Philosophy & Canon Law | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | ALAURIN, Edgardo | STL & MA; Doctorate in Sacred Theology | Theology; Dogma | Christian Art | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology; Regent, College of Fine Arts and Design | 1956 | 2012 | 2021 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | ALIGAN, Rodel | STL; MA; Doctorate in Sacred Theology | Moral Theology | Bioethical Issues at the End of Life | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Professor, Faculty of Sacred Theology ; Regent, Faculty of Arts and Letters | 1954 | 2000 | 2019 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | ANG, Richard | Doctor of Philosophy | Philosophy | Confucianism | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Professor, Faculty of Philosophy | 1968 | 2022 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | ARCEO, Ernie | Doctor of Philosophy | Philosophy | Thomistic Ethics | University of Santo Tomas, Legazpi | Lecturer, UST Faculty of Philosophy | 1956 | 2000 | 2021 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | AUSTRIA, Dexter | STL; MA; Doctorate in Sacred Theology | Theology | Christology and Soteriology | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology; Director, Facilities and Management Office | 1980 | 2020 | 2045 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | BAUTISTA, Ferdinand | STL; MA in Higher Religious Studies; Ph.D. in Education | Ethics & Moral Theology; Education | Educational Management | UST-Angelicum College, Quezon City | Pro-Vice Rector; Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology | 1964 | 2011 | 2029 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | BERNADAS, Joseto | Licenciate in Sacred Theology | Dogma | Interfaith Dialogue, Missiology, Dogma, Mission | Instructor, Faculty of Theology | ||||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | BOLO, Florentino, Jr. | JCL; Doctorate in Canon Law | Canon Law | Liturgical Law; Local Legislation Process and Dispensation | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Canon Law; Socius of the Master of the Order for Apostolic Life | 1973 | 2022 | 2038 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | CABADING, Winston Ferdinand | Licenciate in Sacred Theology | Theology | Dogma, History (Patrology) | Instructor, Faculty of Theology | 1965 | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | CABANATAN, Romualdo | JCL; Doctorate in Canon Law | Canon Law | Temporal Goods; General Norms, Associations of Christ’s Faithful and Institutes of Consecrated Life | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Instructor, Faculty of Canon Law; Novice Master - Manaoag, Pangasinan | 1978 | 2020 | 2035 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | CANCERAN, Delfo | MA; STL; Ph.D. in Advanced Theology; Ph.D in Sociology; Doctorate in Sacred Theology | Theodicy, Ethics, Pastoral Theology | Post-Secular Theology | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Instructor, Faculty of Theology | 1964 | 2004 | 2029 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | CASTIGADOR, Honorato | STL; Licenciate in Canon Law | Canon Law | Institute of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (cc. 573-746); Teaching Office of the Church (cc. 747-833); Oriental Law; Process of Beatification and Canonization | Angelicum School, Iloilo | Instructor, Faculty of Canon Law | 1944 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | CASTILLO, Norberto | Doctor of Philosophy; MA; STh.L | Philosophy | Philosophy of Science | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Professor Emeritus, UST Faculty of Philosophy | 1943 | 1978 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | CASTRO, Rolando | Licenciate in Sacred Theology | Theology | Theology of Christian Perfection | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Instructor, Faculty of Theology | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | CORONEL, Louie | Licenciate in Church History | Church History | Church History (Ancient, Medieval, Philippine Church) | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Instructor, Faculty of Theology | 1975 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | DACUMA, Arden Xerxes | JCL; Doctorate in Canon Law | Canon Law | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Instructor, Faculty of Canon Law | ||||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | DAGOHOY, Herminio, Jr. | Doctorate in Philosophy | Philosophy | Contemporary Philosophy (Hermeneutics) | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Professor and Dean, Faculty of Philosophy | 1964 | 2021 | 2024 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | DELA ROSA, Rolando | STL; MA & Ph.D in Higher Religious Studies; Doctorate in Sacred Theology | Theology | Ecclesiastical/Church History | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Professor, Faculty of Sacred Theology | 1953 | 1993 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | DE MESA, Pompeyo | Licenciate in Sacred Theology | Theology | Liturgy | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology | 1937 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | DE SAGON, Ermito | Licenciate in Sacred Scripture | Sacred Scriptures | Sacred Scriptures | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sacred Theology | 1953 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | ECLEO, Senen | Master of Arts | Theology | Catechetics, Pastoral Care, Marriage and Family | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Instructor, Faculty of Theology | 1954 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | FACTORA, Julius | JCL; Doctorate in Canon Law | Canon Law | Matrimonial Law | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Associate Professor, Faculty of Canon Law; Regent, College of Nursing | 1974 | 2012 | 2039 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | LUANZON, Roberto | STL; MA in Higher Religious Studies; Doctorate in Sacred Theology | Theology | Liturgy | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sacred Theology; Regent, Faculty of Engineering | 1965 | 2020 | 2030 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | MACTAL, Rolando | STL; Doctorate in Sacred Theology | Theology | Mariology | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Professor, Faculty of Sacred Theology; Regent, College of Tourism and Hospitality Management | 1968 | 2002 | 2033 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | MAGBOO, Vladimir | STL; Doctorate in Sacred Theology | Theology; Ecclesiology | Ecumenism; Church History / Dogma (Ecclesiology) | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Instructor, Faculty of Sacred Theology | 1978 | 2020 | 2043 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | MARQUEZ, Clarence Victor | MA; SSL; Doctorate in Sacred Theology | Sacred Scriptures | Luke and Acts | Colegio de San Juan de Letran | Rector and President ; Assistant Professor, UST Faculty of Sacred Theology | 1968 | 2011 | 2043 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | MANLANGIT, Jerry | MA in Hospital Administration; Ph.D. in Human resources Management | Theology; Ethics, Bioethics, Professional Ethics and Hospital Administration and Human Resources Management | Bioethical Issues at the Beginning of Life | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Lecturer, Faculty of Theology and Faculty of Medicine and Surgery | 1955 | 2000 | 2020 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | MARIANTO, Robini | Doctorate in Sacred Theology | Theology | Ecclesiology; Trinity; Interreligious Dialogue | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Instructor, Faculty of Theology | 1969 | 2019 | 2034 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | MIRANDA, Jesus | Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Management | Education | Pedagogical Method | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Philosophy | 1971 | 2015 | 2034 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | OJOY, Virgilio | STL; MA; Doctorate in Sacred Theology, Ph.D in Higher Religious Studies | Dogmatic Theology | Social Teachings of the Church | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Guest Professor, Faculty of Sacred Theology | 1957 | 1993 | 2022 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | PADILLA, Wenifredo | STL & MA; Doctorate in Sacred Theology (SThD Candidate on Biblical Studies); Licenciate in Sacred Scriptures | Sacred Scriptures | Old Testament (Pentateuch and Prophets); New Testament (Synoptic Gospels and Johannine Corpus); Narrative Biblical Criticism; Biblical Preaching and Homiletics; Catechetical Formation | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Instructor, UST Faculty of Sacred Theology; Regent of Studies; Member, Society of Biblical Literature; Visiting Lecturer, Divine Word Seminary, Tagaytay | 1978 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | PAMA, Hermel | Ph.D. in Anthropology | Social Science | Cultural Anthropology; Critique of Postmodern Thought | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Assistant Computing Studies, Faculty of Philosophy; Regent, Institute of Computing Studies | 1967 | 2015 | 2032 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | PEDREGOSA, Quirico, Jr. | Ph.D (Honoris Causa); M.A. In Theology | Theology | Christian Spirituality; Spiritual Theology; Theology of Religious; Fundamental Moral Theology; Grace and Sin; Dominican Spirituality; Priestly and Religious Formation | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Instructor, UST Faculty of Sacred Theology; Rector - UST Central Seminary | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | REDILLAS, Stephen | Ph.D. in Sociology of Education | Social Science | Sociology of Education | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy | 1968 | 2019 | 2033 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | RIVERA, Efren | S.L.L.; STL | Sacred Scriptures | Sacred Scriptures | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Associate Professor, UST Faculty of Theology | 1937 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | RODRIGUEZ, Romulo | JCL; Doctorate in Canon Law | Canon Law | Christ’s Faithful; Hierarchical Constitution of the Church | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Associate Professor, Faculty of Canon Law | 1966 | 2002 | 2031 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | SALIBAY, Ramon | Licenciate in Sacred Theology | Theology | Dogma | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Instructor, Faculty of Theology | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | TIONG, Pablo | MA in Earth Literacy; Licenciate in Sacred Theology | Theology | Dogma | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Instructor, Faculty of Theology | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | TIONGCO, Isaias | JCL; Doctorate in Canon Law | Canon Law | Temporal Goods of the Church, Sanctions in the Church, Special Procedures II, General Norms, Sources of Canon Law. | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Vice Rector - UST Manila; Dean - Faculty of Canon Law; Associate Professor, Faculty of Canon Law | 1957 | 2002 | 2022 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | TINOKO, Jose Maria | JCL; Doctorate in Canon Law | Canon Law | Philosophy of Law, Constitutional Law, Theology of Law, Local Legislation | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | Guest Professor, Faculty of Canon Law | 1936 | 1969 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Pakistan | |||||||||
ASIA PACIFIC | Australia and New Zealand | DOWD, Christopher | PhD | Church History | Australian Church History | Catholic Theological College. Melbourne | Part-time lecturer | 1949 | 1996 | 2024 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Australia and New Zealand | MINNS, Denis | DPhil (Oxon) | Patristics | Irenaeus, Justin Athanasius | Catholic Institute of Sydney | Lecturer | 1949 | 1985 | 2025 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Australia and New Zealand | KENNEDY, Philip | PhD | Systematic Theology | Christology, Liberation Theology, Schillebeeckx | Oxford University | Senior Research Fellow, Mansfield College | 1954 | 1992 | 2029(?) |
ASIA PACIFIC | Australia and New Zealand | VNUK, Joseph | PhD | Systematic Theology | Sacraments, Grace, Aquinas | Catholic Theological College, Melbourne | Part-time lecturer | 1962 | 2005 | 2036 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Australia and New Zealand | ROWSE, Paul | DPhil (Oxon) | Scripture | Pauline Reception, Pre-Nicene Patristics | Catholic Theological College, Melbourne | Lecturer | 1981 | 2015 | 2056 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | ANTONY, Savarimuthu Charles | STL | Theology | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Visiting Professor | 1985 | 2020 | 2050 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | ARACKAL, Francis Macias | PhD, PhL, M.A., PG Diploma in Media Studies | Social Sciences; Philosophy; Media | Western Philosophy; Media | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur; Gyanadhara, Dominican Institute of Philosophy | Visiting Professor | 1961 | 1988 | 2026 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | CHALLAVAYALIL, Thomas | M.Th. | Missiology | Inter-religious Dialogue | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Visiting Professor | 1949 | 1981 | Emeritus |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | CHETTIPARAMBIL, Biju Sebastian | M.A. B.Ed. | Philosophy | Western Philosophy | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Visiting Professor | 1973 | 2009 | 2038 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | CHITTEDATHU, Sunil Jose | M.A. | Communications | Broadcast Journalism | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur; Gyanadhara, Dominican Institute of Philosophy | Visiting Professor | 1978 | 2012 | 2043 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | CREADO, Cyprian | JCL | Canon Law | Canon Law | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Visiting Professor | 1967 | 2017 | 2032 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | D’ MELLO, Reginald Edward | STL | Ecumenism | Ecumenism | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Visiting Professor | 1965 | 2008 | 2030 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | D’SOUZA, Anil Prakash | STL | Dogmatic Theology | Christology, Trinity, ecclesiology, Theology of religions; Cardinal Charles Journet | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Staff member | 1981 | 2018 | 2046 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | D’SOUZA, Herald | MSW; PhD student | Social Analysis (Social Work) | Social Analysis (Social Work) | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Visiting Professor | 1969 | 2005 | 2034 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | D’SOUZA, Praveen | MA, MPh | Philosophy | Western & Indian Philosophy | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur & St. Francis De Sales Collage, Nagpur | Visiting Professor & Assistant Professor (in the College) | 1975 | 2013 | 2040 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | D’SOUZA, Sunil Christopher | STL | Theology | Systematic Theology | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Visiting Professor | 1985 | 2018 | 2050 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | EDATHINAYIL, John Paul Thomas | STL | Theology | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Staff member | 1982 | 2018 | 2047 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | FERNANDES, Peter | JCL; MA | Canon Law | Marriage Tribunal | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Visiting Professor | 1970 | 2015 | 2035 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | PRASAD, George | STL | Biblical Theology | Biblical Theology | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Visiting Professor | 1964 | 1996 | 2029 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | GODINHO, Roger | MA | Psychology | Psychology | Gyanadhara, Dominican Institute of Philosophy | Staff member | 1975 | 2013 | 2040 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | JOSEPH, Ashil | PhL | Philosophy | Western | Gyanadhara, Dominican Institute of Philosophy | Staff member & Student Master | 1987 | 2018 | 2052 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | KADUPPUTHALACKAL, Sunoj M. | MA; MPh | Philosophy | Western Philosophy | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur & Gyanadhara Dominican Institute of Philosophy | Visiting Professor (Novice Master) | 1976 | 2009 | 2041 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | KANNAMPUZHA, Paulson Deepak | MA; MA; Diploma in Hindu Theology; Sanskrit Language | Philosophy | Western & Indian Philosophy; Shaiva Philosophy | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur & Gyanadhara Dominican Institute of Philosophy | Visiting Professor (Former Rector of the seminary & Director of Philosophate) | 1957 | 1994 | 2022 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | KARUKAYIL, Joseph | STL | Liturgy | Liturgy | St. Charles Seminary | Visiting Professor (Emeritus) | 1953 | 1998 | 2020 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | KUMBLUMOOTTIL, George Antony | STD | Biblical Theology | Johannine Lit. | St. Charles Seminary | Visiting Professor | 1963 | 2000 | 2027 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | KUSUMALAYAM, John | Ph. D (STD) and Masters in Indian Philosophy & Religion | Moral theology and Indian Philosophy | Moral theology and Indian Philosophy | St. Charles Seminary | Staff member | 1961 | 1994 | 2026 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | LAKRA, Rajen | Ph. D in Philosophy and Religion | Philosophy | Indian Philosophy | St. Charles Seminary | Staff member; Dean of Philosophy | 1982 | 2014 | 2047 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | LEWIS, Lesly | MSW | Sociology | Sociology | St. Charles Seminary | Visiting Professor | 1979 | 2016 | 2044 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | LOBO, Peter | STD | Theology | Grace; Trinity; Creation | St. Charles Seminary | Professor Emeritus | 1946 | 1983 | emeritus |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | MENDONCA, Dominic | STD | Scripture | Synoptic Gospels | Ecole Biblique Jerusalem | Lecturer | 1957 | 2014 | 2022 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | MENDONSA, Peter | STD | Theology | Pastoral Theology; Inter-Religious Dialogue; Ecclesiology | St. Charles Seminary | Rector of St. Charles Seminary | 1967 | 2007 | 2032 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | MOONJAPILLY, Joshua Joseph | MTh | Biblical Theology | Biblical Theology | St. Charles Seminary | Visiting Professor | 1984 | 2016 | 2049 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | MORRIS, Glenn | PhL | Philosophy | Western Philosophy | Mater Ecclesiae, Rome | Professor | 1947 | 2010 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | NORONHA, Melwin Praveen | PhL | Philosophy | Western Philosophy | Gyanadhara, Dominican Institute of Philosophy | Staff Member | 1981 | 2016 | 2046 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | NORONHA, Aquin | STL | Church History | Church History | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Rector | 1972 | 2015 | 2037 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | PAIKKATTU, Vinoy Thomas | PhD | Philosophy | Western Philosophy | Gyanadhara, Dominican Institute of Philosophy, St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Regent of Studies; Visiting Professor | 1977 | 2012 | 2042 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | PAUL, Justus | STD | Theology | Spiritual Theology | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Professor Emeritus (Staff member) | 1952 | 1997 | 06/01/2019 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | PEREIRA, Paul | PhL | Philosophy | Western Philosophy | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Staff Membeer | 1969 | 2003 | 2034 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | PULIKKAPADATH, Xavier | MTh | Missiology | Missiology | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Visiting Professor | 1971 | 2013 | 2036 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | PULLAN, Paul | Lic. Catechetics | Catechetics | Applied Missiology; Catechetics ; Youth ministry ; Liberation Theology ; Relogious fundamentalism | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Visiting Professor | 1962 | 1995 | 2027 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | PUTHUPARAMBIL, Thomas | PhL | Philosophy | Western Philosophy | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur & Gyanadhara Dominican Institute of Philosophy | Visiting Professor Staff member (Prior) | 1964 | 2000 | 2029 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | SALDANHA, Naveen | STL, Lic. in Formation | Moral Theology | Moral Theology | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Visiting Professor | 1972 | 2011 | 2037 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | THAIPARAMBIL, Shiju Francis | MSc Counselling Psychology | Psychology | Counselling Psychology | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Visiting Professor (Master of Students) | 1974 | 2016 | 2039 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | THARAMANGALAM, JOBY Joseph | MPh | Philosophy | Philosophy of Religion, Cosmology | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur & Gyanadhara Dominican Institute of Philosophy | Visiting Professor | 1981 | 2014 | 2046 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | THUNDIYIL, Bosco George | STL; PhD | Philosophy; Patristics; Linguistics | Cosmology; Patristic Theology; Greek; Latin | St. Charles Seminary | Visiting Professor | 1956 | 1992 | 2021 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | VAZHACKAPARA, Joy Mathew | PhL; Masters Counselling Psychology | Philosophy; Counselling | Western Philosophy | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Staff member; Procurator | 1966 | 2015 | 2031 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | VEIGAS, Daniel Sampath | JCL | Canon Law | Canon Law | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Staff member | 1982 | 2017 | 2047 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | WALDER, Cyril Francline | LSS | Scripture | Scripture | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Staff Member | 1983 | 2017 | 2048 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | XAXA, Dilip Raphael | MTh | Liturgy | Liturgy | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | Staff member | 1981 | 2016 | 2046 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Taiwan | PAN, Philp | S.T.D. | Theology | Dogma | Theological faculty of Fu- Jen Catholic University | Assistant Professor | 1955 | 2000 | 2017 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Taiwan | PAN, Vincent | PhD in Education | Education | Education | Educational Department of Fu-Jen Catholic University | Assistant Professor | 1952 | 1986 | 2018 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Taiwan | PAN, Vincent | S.T.D. | Theology | Moral | Pastoral Center Archdiocese of Taipei | Assistant Professor | 1957 | 1987 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | MBUKANMA, Jude | PhD | Philosophy | Moral Psychology | Dominican University | Professor | 1943 | 1980 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ENWEREM, Iheanyi | PhD | Philosophy | Political Philosophy | Dominican Institute | Professor | 1950 | 1994 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OTUIBE, Chris Angelo | PhD | Biblical Theology | Old Testament | Dominican Institute | Retired | 1945 | 1984 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OYESHOLA, Dokun | PhD | International Relations | International Environmental Ethics | Dominican University | Lecturer; Dean of Humanities and social sciences | 1951 | 2022 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | DIOKA, Clement | SSL | Scripture | New Testament | Dominican Institute | Lecturer | 1955 | 1994 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ISICHEI, Francis | PhD | Education | Adult Education | University of Lagos | Retired | 1946 | 2011 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | MADUMERE, Ignatius | PhD | Theology | Moral Theology | Dominican Institute | Lecturer | 1952 | 1996 | Health challenge |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AKINWALE, Anthony | PhD | Theology | Systematics | Dominican University | Professor | 1962 | 1996 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | NWABUZO, Cletus | PhD | History | Medieval History | Dominican University | Lecturer | 1961 | 2001 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | UKWE, Charles | JCD | Canon Law | Marriage | Dominican Institute | Lecturer | 1959 | 2006 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OGU, Emmanuel | PhD | Education | Administration | Dominican Institute | Lecturer | 1958 | 2011 | LOA |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | BOGNE, Raymond | Lic | Islamic Studies | Islamic Studies | Dominican Institute | Lecturer | 1956 | 1998 | Health challenge |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | FANEYE, Benedict | PhD | Philosophy | Philosophical Ethics | Dominican Institute | Lecturer | 1966 | 2005 | Health challenge |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ORJI, Cyril | PhD | Theology | Systematics | Dayton | Professor | 1966 | ||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | UKWE, Stan | D.MIN | Ministry | Liturgical Music | Dominican University | Lecturer | 1966 | 2021 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AGWULONU, Augustine | PhD | Biblical Theology | New Testament | PUST | Lecturer | 1969 | 2012 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | MOMOH, Augustine | PhD | Theology | Pastoral Theology | Dominican Institute | Part-time lecturer | 1961 | 2017 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AKIN-OTIKO, Paul | PhD | Philosophy | Traditional Religion | University of Lagos | Lecturer | 1971 | 2012 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | EKONG, Joseph | PhD | Philosophy | Logic | Dominican University | President - Dominican Institute; Professor | 1971 | 2000 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | NKADI, Kenneth | MA | Communication | Communication | Dominican University | Lecturer | 1964 | 1998 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AKPOGHIRAN, Michael | PhD | Philosophy | St. Thomas Aquinas | Dominican University | Lecturer | 1974 | 2005 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | NWOSUH, Emeka | STD | Theology | Patriology | Dominican University | Head of the Dept. - Philosophy; Professor | 1967 | 2002 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AGBALI, Bonaventure | STL | Theology | Moral Theology | Dominican University | Lecturer | 1975 | 2021 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OKONDU-UGBA, Michael Alex | PhD | Education | Child Education | Dominican University | Lecturer | 1977 | 2022 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AKUNNE, Patrick | PhD | Philosophy | Philosophy of Science | Dominican University | Lecturer | 1975 | 2006 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | KWAGHGBA, Benjamin | STD | Theology | Patriology | Dominican University | Director Academic Planning/Dean | 1976 | 2008 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OKEKE, Nicholas | PhD | Mathematics | Mathematics | Dominican University | Lecturer | 1973 | 2014 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AVBENAKE, Gabriel | MSc | Computer Science | Information Science | Dominican University | Lecturer | 1981 | PhD student | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | EWUOSO, Cornelius | PhD | Philosophy | Bioethics | Dominican Institute | Lecturer | 1985 | 2015 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | IGBOALISI, John-Mark | PhD | Theology | Systematics | Dominican University | Lecturer | 1983 | 2021 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AKPOMIE, Paul | MA | Religious Studies | Islam | Dominican University | Lecturer | 1982 | 2022 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ONYIBA, Samuel | MSc | Policy Sciences | Research and Public Policy | Dominican University | Registrar/lecturer | 1986 | 2016 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ONWE, Peter | BSc | Computer Science | Information Technology | Dominican University | Lecturer/Head of the Dept. | 1983 | 2018 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OGUNDIPE, Victor | MA | Education | Resource Management | Dominican University | Lecturer | 1986 | 2021 | |
AFRICA | Congo | TSHIDIBI, Donatien | Docteur | Théologie | Bible | Université d’UELE | Professeur et Administrateur de budget | 1958 | 1997 | 2025 |
AFRICA | Congo | GAISE, Roger | Docteur | Théologie | Dogmatique | Université d’UELE et Université Catholique du Congo | Professeur Ordinaire et Recteur | 1961 | 2006 | 2030 |
AFRICA | Congo | NDOLOMO, Dominique | Docteur | Théologie | Dogmatique | Université d’UELE | Professeur Associé | 1962 | 2013 | 2035 |
AFRICA | Congo | MADRAGULE, Jean- Bertrand | Docteur | Théologie et Philosophie | Dogmatique et Morale | Université d’UELE | Professeur Associé | 1963 | 2016 | 2035 |
AFRICA | Congo | WILIWOLI, Augustin | Docteur | Philosophie | Morale | Université d’UELE | Professeur Associé | 1977 | 2019 | 2035 |
AFRICA | Congo | MUNKUOMO, Jean Rufin | Docteur | Sciences de l’Environnement | Ecologie urbaine | Université Pédagogique Nationale | Professeur Associé | 1962 | 2017 | 2030 |
AFRICA | Congo | ADOBA, André | Docteur | Théologie | Dogmatique | Université d’UELE | Professeur Associé | 1965 | 2019 | 2035 |
AFRICA | Congo | NTAWENGE, Corneille | Docteur | Théologie | Morale | Docteur | 1960 | |||
AFRICA | South Africa | MUTELO, Isaac | PhD | Philosophy | Politics and Religion | Arrupe Jesuit University | Lecturer | 1986 | 2019 | N/A |
AFRICA | South Africa | MHLANGA, Brian | MBA, MM | Business Leadership/Management | Venture creation, entrepreneurship & Finance | St. Augustine’s College of SA | Lecturer | 1981 | 2017 | N/A |
AFRICA | South Africa | TSURO, Lewis | PhD | Management Sciences | Business Management, Leadership, Ethics and Project Management | The Catholic University of Malawi | Lecturer | 1976 | 2018 | N/A |
AFRICA | South Africa | MITCHELl, Neil | PhD | Systematic Theology | Soteriology Eco-theology | St Augustine College, Johannesburg | Developer of course materials Supervisor postgraduate student dissertations | 1960 | 2020 | N/A |
AFRICA | South Africa | PHILIPPE, Denis | PhD | History | Church History | University of Kwa-Zulu Natal | Senior Professor | 1952 | 1994 | N/A |
AFRICA | South Africa | NGOMA, Damazio | PhD | Theology | Bioethics | The Catholic University of Malawi | Lecturer | 1969 | 2017 | N/A |
AFRICA | South Africa | BADENHORST, Martin | MA | Theology | Interrelions dialogue and world religions | St Augustine College, Johannesburg | Lecturer | 1960 | 2017 | N/A |
AFRICA | South Africa | ALAHOU, Georges | PhD | Philosophy | Philosophy of Science | *Capuchin’s philosophate (Rep. of Benin) *Institut Saint Thomas d’Aquin de Yamoussoukro (Côte d’Ivoire) *Saint Joseph’s Theological Institute (South Africa) | Lecturer | 1971 | 2007 | N/A |
AFRICA | West Africa | BINI, Brice Kézié | Professeur Titulaire | Théologie | Ethique et Morale ; Doctrine Sociale de l’Eglise | Université Catholique en Afrique de l’Ouest (UCAO); Université Saint-Dominique d’Afrique de l’Ouest (USDAO); Institut Saint-Thomas d’Aquin de Yamoussoukro (ISTAY) | 1. à l’UCAO -Directeur 2ème cycle de théologie -Responsable du Département de Morale -Directeur Formation Théologique des Laïcs 2. à l’USDAO - enseignant 3. à l’ISTAY -Directeur | 1965 | 2007 | Retraite à l’ucao : 30 juin 2030 |
AFRICA | West Africa | SARR, Sombel Benjamin | Professeur Titulaire Doctorat en philosophie | Théologie Philosophie | Théologie dogmatique; Théologie du développement integral; Philosophie moderne et contemporaine | Université Catholique en Afrique de l’Ouest (UCAO); Université Saint-Dominique d’Afrique de l’Ouest (USDAO) | Professeur; Recteur | 1967 | 2007 | Retraite à l’ucao : 30 juin 2030 |
AFRICA | West Africa | KPONYO-HILLAH, Ayayi Cyrille | Doctorat | Théologie | Dogmatique Théologie de l’art sacré africain | Ecole de la Foi ISTAY | Professeur | 1967 | 2012 2018 | 2032 |
AFRICA | West Africa | ANZIAN, Pierre | Master Doctorat | Philosophie Théologie Théologie | Philo allemande Développement Systématique | Université Catholique en Afrique de l’Ouest (UCAO); Institut Saint-Thomas d’Aquin de Yamoussoukro (ISTAY) | Professeur Invité Permanent | 1974 | 2011 2018 | 2039 |
AFRICA | West Africa | ALAHOU, Georges | Docteur | Philosophie | Philosophie des Sciences & Epistémologie-Logique | Institut: Centre Saint-Augustin de Dakar (Sénégal) & Grand Séminaire: Philosophat de Brin (Casamance/ Sénégal) | Professeur | 1971 | 2021 | Indéterminé |
AFRICA | West Africa | AHOUANDJINOU Clément | Docteur | Environnement | Ethique de l’environnement | -Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar -Institut Supérieur de Développement Local de Dakar -Centre Saint Augustin de Dakar -Université Saint Dominique d’Afrique de l’Ouest | Professeur | 1978 | 2021 | Indéterminé |
AFRICA | West Africa | AVONYO, Emmanuel Sena | Doctorat Août 2020 | Philosophie | Philosophie politique et sociale | UCAO -UUA ISTAY CELAF | Professeur | 1979 | 2016 | 2031 |
AFRICA | West Africa | SEDAGBANDE Stanislas Pendelakys | Docteur | Biologie | Nutrition-Santé et Comportement | Université Saint-Dominique d’Afrique de l’Ouest (USDAO); Institut de Technologie des Eudistes | Professeur | 1983 | 2022 | Indéterminé |
AFRICA | Afrique Equatoriale | NDODÉ-SIKOSSI, Patrick | Doctorant | Théologie dogmatique | Université catholique d’Afrique centrale, Yaoundé | professeur associé | 1980 | 2014 | ||
AFRICA | Afrique Equatoriale | KAMAHEU, Jean-Paul | Docteur | Philosophie | Université catholique d’Afrique centrale, Yaoundé | Professeur associé | 1974 | 2013 | ||
AFRICA | Afrique Equatoriale | ÉLIMÉ-BOUGOUMÉ, Damien | Doctorant | Patristique | Université catholique d’Afrique centrale, Yaoundé | Chargé de cours | 1976 | 2017 | ||
AFRICA | Afrique Equatoriale | NGOMBE, Alain Francis | Histoire de l’Église/Histoire | Grand Séminaire, Brazzaville/Université Marien Ngouabi, Brazzaville | Professeur | 1972 | 2012 | |||
AFRICA | Afrique Equatoriale | ZIKOUTOULOU | Docteur | Droit | droit des changements climatiques | Université catholique d’Afrique centrale, Yaoundé | Enseignant | 1970 | 2017 | |
AFRICA | Afrique Equatoriale | BASSE Aristide | Docteur | Droit | Environnement et developpement durable | Université catholique d’Afrique centrale, Yaoundé | ||||
AFRICA | Afrique Equatoriale | NDEMA, Justin | Docteur | Philosophie | Grand Séminaire, Bangui/Université de Bangui | Enseignant/Professeur | 1980 | 2014 | ||
AFRICA | Afrique Equatoriale | TOUMANDJI, Further de Borgia | Docteur | Droits de l’homme | Université de Bangui | Enseignant | 1981 | 2019 | ||
AFRICA | Afrique Equatoriale | KERESSÉ, Léon-Cyrille | Docteur | Bible | Grand Séminaire, Bangui | Enseignant | 1969 | 2017 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | ALLARD, John | PhD | Theology | Historical Theology | Providence College | Assistant Professor | 1954 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | AUSTRIACO, Nicanor | PhD / STD | Biology / Moral Theology | Providence College | Professor | 1968 | 2005 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | BARRERA, Albino | PhD | Economics | Providence College | Assistant Professor | 1956 | 1993 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | BATTS, Peter | PhD | Church History | 19th Century/Lacordaire | Providence College | Assistant Professor | 1948 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | BRENT, James | PhD | Philosophy | Dominican House of Studies | Assistant Professor | 1975 | 2016 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | BROPHY, Justin | PhD | Political Philosophy | Providence College | Assistant Professor | 1984 | 2020 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | CESSARIO, Romanus | PhD, STM | Moral Theology | Ave Maria University | Research Fellow | 1944 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | CHRZASTEK, Brian | PhD | Philosophy | Dominican House of Studies | Assistant Professor | 1958 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | COLE, Basil | STD | Spiritual/Moral Theology | Dominican House of Studies | Professor | 1937 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | CUDDY, Cajetan | PhD | Moral Theology | Dominican House of Studies | Assistant Professor | 1984 | 2020 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | DAVENPORT, Thomas | PhD | Physics / Philosophy | Angelicum | Assistant Professor | 1982 | 2015 | 2021 | |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | DERBES, Cassian | STD | Spiritual Theology | Angelicum | Assistant Professor | 1975 | 2015 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | GARRET, Thomas More | JD | Civil Law | Providence College | Instructor | 1975 | 2018 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | GIAMBRONE, Anthony | PhD | Sacred Scripture | New Testament | Ecole Biblique | Extraordinary Professor | 1977 | 2015 | |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | GUIDO, Joseph | PhD | Psychology | Providence College | Assistant Professor | 1953 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | HOFER, Andrew | PhD | Patristics | Dominican House of Studies | Associate Professor | 1972 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | KILANOWSKI, Humbert | PhD | Mathematics | Providence College | Assistant Professor | 1982 | 2018 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | KOZLOWSKI, John | JCD | Canon Law | Dominican House of Studies | Assistant Professor | 1981 | 2017 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | KU, John Baptist | STD | Dogmatic Theology | Trinity | Dominican House of Studies | Associate Professor | 1965 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | LANGEVIN, Dominic | STD | Dogmatic Theology | Sacraments | Dominican House of Studies | Assistant Professor / Editor of The Thomist | 1976 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | LEGGE, Dominic | STD, JD | Dogmatic Theology | Dominican House of Studies | Associate Professor / Director of the Thomistic Institute | 1970 | 2015 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | LITKE, Austin | PhD (cand.) | Patristics | St. Paul's Seminary (St. Paul, MN) | Instructor | 1982 | 2022 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | LITTLE, Ambrose | PhD | Philosophy | Dominican House of Studies | Instructor | 1984 | 2021 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | LOMBARDO, Nicholas | PhD | Historical and Dogmatic Theology | Catholic University of America | Associate Professor | 1975 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | LYNCH, Reginald | PhD | Dogmatic Theology | Dominican House of Studies | Assistant Professor | 1980 | 2020 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | MARQUIS, William | PhD | Economics | Providence College | Professor | 1954 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | MCCREESH, Thomas | PhD | Sacred Scripture | Old Testament | Providence College | Associate Professor | 1943 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | MORALES, Isaac | PhD | Sacred Scripture | New Testament | Providence College | Instructor | 1976 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | MULCAHY, Bernard | PhD | Dogmatic Theology | Pontifical College Josephinum | Associate Professor | 1969 | 2018 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | NOWEL, Mark | PhD | Biology | Providence College | Associate Professor | 1952 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | O’CONNOR, Michael | STD | Moral Theology | Dominican House of Studies | Assistant Professor | 1981 | 2020 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | O’DONNELL, Gabriel | STD | Spiritual Theology | Dominican House of Studies | Professor | 1943 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | PETRI, Thomas | STD | Moral Theology | Dominican House of Studies | Assistant Professor | 1978 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | PIETRZYK, Pius | JCD, JD | Canon Law | Angelicum | Assistant Professor | 1972 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | PIVARNIK, Gabriel | STD | Sacramental Theology | Providence College | Assistant Professor | 1967 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | POWELL, Matthew | PhD | Continuing Education | Providence College | Adjunct Professor | 1943 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | REESE, Philip Neri | PhD | Philosophy | Angelicum | Instructor | 1985 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | REISENAUER, Augustine | PhD | Historical Theology | Providence College | Instructor | 1981 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | RYAN, Stephen | PhD | Sacred Scripture | Old Testament | Dominican House of Studies | Associate Professor | 1961 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | SAMY, Antoninus | PhD | Economics | Providence College | Instructor | 1979 | 2020 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | SCHMIDT, Jordan | PhD | Sacred Scripture | Old Testament | Dominican House of Studies | Assistant Professor | 1980 | 2017 | |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | SCHNAKENBERG, Gregory | PhD | Church History | Dominican House of Studies | Instructor | 1978 | 2019 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | SHAH, Bruno | PhD | Theology | Providence College | Instructor | 1976 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | SMITH, Innocent | PhD | Theology | Liturgy | St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore | Assistant Professor | 1986 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | SULLIVAN, Ezra | STD | Moral Theology | Angelicum | Professor | 1982 | 2017 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | TORCHIA, Joseph | PhD | Philosophy | Providence College | Professor | 1953 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | TRUDEL, Albert | Dphil | Classics | Dominican House of Studies | Assistant Professor | 1964 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | VERNER, Dominic | PhD | Theology | Moral Theology | Providence College | Assistant Professor | 1986 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | VIDMAR, John | STD | Church History | Providence College | Associate Professor | 1950 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | WHITE, Thomas Joseph | Dphil | Dogmatic | Angelicum | Professor | 1971 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | ZAJAC, Jordan | PhD | English Literature | Providence College | Instructor | 1982 | 2020 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | BLANKENHORN, Bernhard | STD | Theology | Systematic Theology | University of Friburg | Professor | 1973 | 2021 | N/A |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | BUCKLES, Luke | STD | Theology | Spiritual Theology | DSPT (fall), Notre Damer Seminary, New Orleans spring) | Professor | 1949 | 2020 | 2020 |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | CROSTHWAITE, Alejandro | PhD | Social Sciences | Social Sciences | Angelicum | Dean, Professor | 1968 | 2006 | N/A |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | DODDS, Michael | STD | Theology | Theology and Science, Divine Action | DSPT | Professor | 1950 | 1985 | 2025 |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | GABLE, Justin Charles | PhD | Philosophy | Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Bioethics | DSPT | Associate Professor | 1977 | 2014 | N/A |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | GUMBERT, Kenneth | M.F.A. | Film/Arts | Film/Arts | Providence College | Professor | 1955 | 1992 | N/A |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | KLEIN, Dennis | STD | Theology | Systematic Theology | DSPT | Assistant Professor | 1972 | 2020 | N/A |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | KRASEVAC, Edward | PhD | Theology | Moral Theology, Christology | DSPT | Professor | 1949 | 1984 | 2024 |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | KROMHOLTZ, Bryan | STD | Theology | Eschatology, Systematic Theology | DSPT | Professor | 1966 | 2008 | N/A |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | MARTIN, Hilary | PhD | History | History of Christianity, St. Thomas | DSPT | Professor Emeritus | 1929 | 1996 | 1999 |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | MELLEIN, John Thomas | M.A., A.B.D. | Philosophy | St. Thomas, Metaphysics | DSPT | Adjunct Professor | 1977 | 2016 | 2022 |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | ORIQUE, David | PhD | History/Latino Studies | History/Latin American Studies | Providence College | Assistant Professor | 1959 | 2013 | N/A |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | RAMELOW, Anselm | PhD | Philosophy | Aesthetics, Modern Philosophy | DSPT | Professor | 1964 | 2005 | N/A |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | RENZ, Christopher | Ph.D. (Microbiology) | Theology | Liturgy | DSPT | Professor | 1959 | 2000 | N/A |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | SALZILLO, Raphael Mary | PhD | Philosophy | St. Thomas, Analytic Thomism | University of St. Thomas, Houston | Assistant Professor | 1976 | 2019 | N/A |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | SCHENK, Richard | D.Theol. | Philosophy and Theology | Philosophy of Religion, Systematic Theology | Albert-Ludwigs Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau | Honorary Professor | 1951 | 2018 | N/A |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | SHERWIN, Michael | PhD | Theology | Moral Theology | Angelicum | Professor | 1963 | 2022 | N/A |
USA - Holy Name (West) | SIGMAN, Ambrose | PhD | Theology | Patristics | DSPT | Assistant Professor | 1980 | 2022 | N/A | |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | THOMPSON, Augustine | PhD | History | Medieval History, History of Christianity | Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Toronto | President | 1954 | 2022 | 2027 |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Albert (Central) | |||||||||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | ALMAZÁN, Leobardo (on exclaustration, diocese of Austin, Texas | STL, STD | Moral Theology | Social Justice | 1971 | ||||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | AUSTIN, Charles Gerald | STD, STM | Liturgical Theology | Litrugical resources, sacraments, ecclesiology, and minsitry | Barry University, Miami | Scholar in Residence | 1932 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | BOUDREAU, George | Ph.D. | Biblical Studies | Hebrew Scripture | Barry University, Miami | Visiting Professor of Biblical Studies | 1948 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | DAHL, Minlib | Ph.D. | Inter-religious studies | Islamic Studies, Love in Religion | Regent’s Park College (Oxford University), UK | Research Fellow | 1968 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | JOHNSON, Herman de Porres | Ph.D. | Spanish | Spanish | Xavier University, New Orleans | Assistant Professor of Spanish | 1958 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | MARKEY, John | Ph.D. | Philosophy/Theology | Foundational theology, systematic theology, ecclesiology and contemporary spirituality | Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio | Associate Professor & Director of PhD in Spirituality Program | 1961 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | PADILLA, José David | STL, STHD | Biblical Studies | New Testament | Barry University, Miami | Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Theology and Philosophy | 1973 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | POWELL, Phillip Neri | Ph.D. Ph. L. | Literature | Homelitics, Literature & Philosophy | Notre Dame Seminary and Graduate School of Theology, New Orleans | Director of Homiletics and Formation faculty, Professor of Philosophy | 1964 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | PRESMANES, Jorge | DMIN | Theology | Hispanic/Latino theology, practical theology, theology and cinema | Barry University, Miami | Assistant Professor of Theology and Director of the Institute for Hispanic/Latino Theology and Ministry | 1956 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | RAMOS, Marcos Antonio | Th.M., Ph.D. | Historical Theology | Early Church, Preaching | Assumption Seminary and Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio | Resident Formation Faculty, Coordinator of Spiritual Life, Director of Music; Assistant Professor | 1967 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | SEID, David | M. Div., M.A. | Psychology | Counseling Psychology and Systematic Theology | St. Joseph Abbey and Seminary College, Louisiana | Senior Professor of Psychology; Chair of the Division of Social, Behavioral and Natural Sciences; Adjunct Spiritual Director | 1959 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | SICILIANO, Jude | S.T.B. | Preaching | A long career of preaching and teaching and writing about homiletics | Promoter of Itinerant Preaching | 1939 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | SOLORZANO, Marcelo | S.T.L. S.T.M | Spirituality | Dominican Spirituality | PUST Angelicum, Rome | Secretary General and Professor | 1939 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | WEDIG, Mark | Ph.D. | Liturgical Studies | Intersection of between culture studies, liturgy, and the hermeneutics of the visual arts | Barry University, Miami | President of Aquinas Institute (until recently Dean for Graduate Studies, College of Arts and Sciences); Professor of Theology and Philosophy | 1959 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | WILLIAMS, Richard | Extensive experience in Preaching and Formation | Itinerant preacher | ||||||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | ALLARD, Maxime | Ph.D., M.A. | Théologie Philosophie | Philosophie moderne et herméneutique | Collège universitaire dominicain | Professeur titulaire Faculté de philosophie | 1962 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | F. CADRIN, Daniel | M.A. M. | Théologie Éducation | Théologie spirituelle et théologie pastorale | Collège universitaire dominicain | Professeur titulaire Faculté de théologie | 1946 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | CAENEPEEL, Didier | Ph.D. Ph.D. | Théologie Physique | Théologie morale et bioéthique | Collège universitaire dominicain | Professeur titulaire Faculté de théologie | 1970 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | DEMERS, Bruno | D.Th. M.A. | Théologie Philosophie | Théologie systématique | Collège universitaire dominicain | Professeur titulaire Faculté de théologie | 1955 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | DOUTRE, Jean | Ph.D. M. | Théologie Psychologie | Exégèse du Nouveau Testament | Collège universitaire dominicain | Professeur adjoint Faculté de théologie | 1946 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | GOURGUES, Michel | D.Th. L.Th. M.S.T. | Théologie | Exégèse du Nouveau Testament | Collège universitaire dominicain | Professeur adjoint Faculté de théologie | 1942 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | ROY, Louis | Ph.D. M.A. M.S.T. | Théologie Philosophie | Théologie systématique | Collège universitaire dominicain | Professeur titulaire Faculté de théologie | 1942 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | TREMBLAY, Hervé | D.Th./Ph.D. L. | Théologie Écritures saintes | Exégèse biblique de l’Ancien Testament | Collège universitaire dominicain | Professeur titulaire Faculté de théologie | 1960 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | BELLUSCI, David | Ph.D. M.A. | Philosophie Théologie | Philosophie et études religieuses | Catholic Pacific College/Trinity Western University à Langley, B.C. | Professeur assistant | 1960 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | DIAS, Darren | Ph.D. | Théologie | Théologie systématique | University of Saint Michael’s College, Toronto School of Theology | Professeur agrégé Faculté de théologie | 1974 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | HARADA, Masaki | D.Ph. M.A. | Philosophie Théologie | Philosophie des sciences Herméneutique | Kwansei Gakuin University. | Professeur Faculté de philosophie | 1967 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | KANNO, Kota | Ph.D. | Théologie | Théologie systématique | Junior College of Sophia Grand Séminaire de Fukuoka. | Chargé de cours | 1974 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | MIYAMOTO, Jean | Ph.D. M.A. M.S.T. | Théologie Philosophie | Philosophie médiévale | Université de Tôkyô | Professeur honoraire | 1945 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | YONEDA, Akio | D.Th. | Théologie | Sciences religieuses et théologiques | Université de Seisen | Professeur | 1947 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | YONEDA, Akio | D.Ph. | Philosophie | Philosophie | Université du Burundi Grand Séminaire de Bujumbura. | Professeur émérite | 1947 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | YONEDA, Akio | D.Th./Ph.D | Théologie | Exégèse biblique de l’Ancien Testament | Grand Séminaire St-Charles Borromée de Nyakibanda, Butare | Professeur | 1981 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | YONEDA, Akio | D.Ph. M.A. | Philosophie Théologie | Philosophie/éthique | Grand Séminaire de Kabgayi | Professeur | 1966 | ||
LAC | México | RUBIO, Luis Javier | Maestría | Teología | Moral Fundamental y Social, Economía Vida Religiosa | CEI – IFTIM | Profesor | 1967 | 1999 | |
LAC | México | BEUCHOT, Mauricio | Doctorado | Filosofía | Filosofía, Historia, Escolástica y Hermeneútica | UNAM Y CEI | Profesor | 1950 | 1977 | |
LAC | México | DÍAZ, David | Licenciatura | Teología | Teol. Sistemática, Eclesiología Historia de la Iglesia y Vida Religiosa | IFTIM – CEI | Profesor | 1961 | 1997 | |
LAC | México | REYES, Armando | Maestría | Teología | Teol. Sist, Sacramentos, Antropología | CEI E IFTIM | Profesor Rector Moderador | 1959 | 1998 | |
LAC | México | MENDOZA, Miguel | Maestría | Teología | Sistemática | CEI, CEFTA, Sem San Cristobal de las Casas | Profesor | 1969 | 2008 | |
LAC | México | REYES, Armando | Maestría | Teología | Teol. Sist, Sacramentos, Antropología | CEI E IFTIM | Profesor Rector Moderador | 1959 | 1998 | |
LAC | México | HERNÁNDEZ, Francisco | Maestría | Filosofía | Filosofía, Sistemática, Antropología | CEFTA – CEI | Profesor | 1965 | 1998 | |
LAC | México | ALEJANDRO, Aarón | Licenciatura | Derecho Canónico | CEI Y CEFTA | Profesor | 1985 | 2021 | ||
LAC | México | CASTRO, Misael | Licenciatura | Teología | Teol. Sistemática, Teología Fundamental y Antropología | CEI E IFTIM | Profesor | 1984 | 2016 | |
LAC | México | NAVA, José | Maestría | Teología | Sistemática | IFTIM – CEI | Profesor | 1972 | 2018 | |
LAC | México | VÁZQUEZ, Juan Jesús | Maestría | Filosofía | Filosofía Sistemática, Posmodernidad Antropología | CEFTA – CEI | Profesor-moderador-director | 1982 | 2018 | |
LAC | México | VARGAS, Jorge | Maestría | Teología | Biblia | École Biblique Jerusalén | Doctorando | 1974 | 2019 | |
LAC | México | JASSO, Alfonso | Maestría | Teología | Biblia | Sem. San Cristobal de las Casas | Profesor | 1968 | 2010 | |
LAC | México | DÍAZ, Jorge | Licenciatura | Teología | Sistemática | CEI E IFTIM | Profesor | 1952 | 2000 | |
LAC | México | FLORES, Jesús | Licenciatura | Teología | Hist. Eclesiástica | CEI E IFTIM | Profesor | 1972 | 2015 | |
LAC | México | GARCÍA, Martín | Maestría | Teología | Sistemática | Sem. De Chihuahua Sem. De Puebla | Profesor | 1980 | 2019 | |
LAC | México | SIERRA, Leobardo | Licenciatura | Teología | Sistemática | Sem. De Aguascalientes | Profesor | 1973 | 2018 | |
LAC | México | ARMENTA, Javier | Licenciatura | Teología | Patrología, H. de la Iglesia | CEI Y CEFTA | Profesor | 1985 | 2020 | |
LAC | Perú | ANGUERRY PRECIADO, Juan | Bachiller en Teología y Magister en Filosofía | Filosofía | Seminario de Chimbote | Profesor contratado | 1967 | |||
LAC | Perú | DE LA TORRE VIÑATI, Benjamín | Bachiller en Teología Magister en Educación Magister en Psicología organizacional | Ética y Deontología | Pedagogía Psicología organizacional | Universidad San Martín de Porres | Profesor contratado | 1973 | 2010 | 2022 |
LAC | Perú | LEURIDAN HUYS, Juan | Doctor en Teología | Filosofía, Ética y Valores | Universidad San Martín de Porres | Ex. Decano de la Facultad de Comunicación | 1937 | 2022 | ||
LAC | Perú | MEDINA IBARCENA, César | Licenciado en pedagogía; Licenciado en teología; Doctor en filosofía | Filosofía sistemática y Teología dogmática. | Pedagogía ; Teología y Filosofía | Universidad de San Marcos de Lima; Universidad Católica de Bolivia; Instituto superior de estudios teológicos (ISET) Lima; Seminarios de Ica y de Cusco | Profesor contratado | 1950 | 1993 | |
LAC | Perú | PALOMINO ZULUETA, José Oswaldo | Bachiller en Teología ; Licenciado y Maestría en Psicología | Psicología de la Personalidad y Psicología Dinámica (Psicoanálisis | Psicología clínica | Universidad San Martin de Porres | Profesor contratado | 1970 | 2014 | |
LAC | Perú | PIMENTEL CARRANZA, Eduardo | Bachiller en Teología ; Licenciado en Arqueología | Universidad Católica los Ángeles, Chimbote. Universidad San Martín de Porres. | Profesor contratado | 1973 | ||||
LAC | Perú | SALAVERRY, Juan José Villarreal | Licenciatura Canónica en Derecho - Maestría Civil en Derecho Canónico | Derecho canónico ; Liturgia ; Teología de los Sacramentos | Derecho de la vida consagrada | Instituto superior de estudios teológicos Juan XXIII | Rector - Profesor permanente principal | 1969 | 2007 | |
LAC | Perú | SEJEMPO, Hegel Simón | Licenciatura en Teología ; Maestría en educación | Filosofía y ética I | Teología fundamental ; Educación (Gestión y acreditación de calidad) | Universidad San Martín de Porres | Profesor contratado | 1968 | 1990 Colegio Secundario ; 2019 Universidad | |
LAC | Perú | LUNA UMERES , Rodolfo | Licenciado en Teología Fundamental | Dogmática | Sacramentos, Mariología Creación | Seminario Arquidiocesano del Cusco; Instituto Superior de Estudios Teológicos Juan XXIII-Lima | Profesor contratado | 1969 | ||
LAC | Perú | VÁSQUEZ ALARCÓN, Wiliam | Doctor en Teología bíblica, Licenciado en Teología Bíblica Diplomado en la Escuela Bíblica de Jerusalén Diplomado en Investigación Teológica Magíster en Filosofía Latinoamericana | Sagrada Escritura | Teología Bíblica; Filosofía Latinoamericana | Universidad de Santo Tomás (USTA) ; Seminario Mayor de Bogotá (Unimonserrate) ; Fundación Universitaria San Alfonso (FUSA) ; Universidad Católica de Manizales (UCM) ; Conferencia de Religiosos de Colombia (CRC). | Profesor contratado | 1973 | 2009 | |
LAC | Perú | GALINDO SILVA, Luis | Licenciado en Espiritualidad Licenciado en Teología Moral | Biblia | Evangelios Libros proféticos | Seminarios Arquidiocesanos de Cusco y Trujillo | Profesor contratado | 1974 | ||
LAC | Perú | ROMERO BLANCO, Manuel | Licenciado en Geografía e Historia Licenciado en Teología Magíster en Teología dogmática | Teología | Historia de la Iglesia | Instituto Superior de Estudios Teológicos Juan XXIII-Lima Centro de Teología en República Dominicana | Profesor contratado | 1966 | ||
LAC | Colombia | |||||||||
LAC | Ecuador | |||||||||
LAC | Argentina | BATTAGLIA, Patricio | Lic. en Teología y en Ciencias. Bíblicas | Antiguo Testamento | Antiguo Testamento | CEOP/Buenos Aires UNSTA/Tucumán | Profesor de Antiguo Testamento | 1956 | 1996 | |
LAC | Argentina | CABRERA, José María | Lic. en Teología Lic. en Psicología | Teología Dogmática | UNSTA/Tucumán | Profesor en DFHC | 1959 | 2011 | ||
LAC | Argentina | CLAVIN, Oscar | Ing. Electrónico Mag. en Cs., Ing. eléctrica y computación Profesor en Filosofía y Cs. de la Religión | Bioética | UNSTA/Tucumán | Profesor en DFHC | 1951 | 2008 | 2023 | |
LAC | Argentina | CONDRAC, Pablo José | Licenciado en Teología | Teología Moral | Doctrina Social de la Iglesia | UNSTA/Tucumán | Profesor en DFHC | 1968 | 1999 | 2033 |
LAC | Argentina | CÚNSULO, Rafael R | Doctor en Filosofía | Antropología | Antropología Hermenéutica | CEOP/Buenos Aires UNSTA/Tucumán | Profesor de Antropología filosófica | 1958 | 1985 | |
LAC | Argentina | EMERY, John | Doctor en teología | Teología Dogmática | Cristología | CEOP/Buenos Aires | Profesor de Cristología | 1974 | 2007 | 2039 |
LAC | Argentina | HERRERA, Juan J | Lic. en Teología Doctor en Filosofía | Metafísica | Metafísica | UNSTA/Tucumán | Profesor de Metafísica y de Teodicea | 1970 | 2008 | 2035 |
LAC | Argentina | JUÁREZ, Guillermo A | Doctor en Teología | Teología Dogmática | Trinidad; Bioética | CEOP/Buenos Aires | Profesor de Misterio de Dios | 1965 | 1993 | 2030 |
LAC | Argentina | MAZA, Sebastián | Licenciado en Teología | Historia de la Iglesia | Seminario Arquidiocesano de Mendoza | Profesor de Historia de la Iglesia | 1954 | |||
LAC | Argentina | POSE, Javier | Licenciado en Teología | Teología Moral | CEOP/Buenos Aires | Profesor de Introducción al estudio de santo Tomás - Teología pastoral | 1965 | 1993 | 2030 | |
LAC | Argentina | ROSAZ, Eduardo | Licenciado en Teología Doctorando | Teología Dogmática | CEOP/Buenos Aires | Profesor de Misterio de Dios | 1984 | 2021 | 2049 | |
LAC | Argentina | SAGUIER FONROUGE, Alberto | Licenciado en Teología | Teología Dogmática | CEOP/Buenos Aires | Prof. Teología Dogmática | 1954 | 1993 | ||
LAC | Argentina | SCAMPINI, Jorge | Doctor en teología | Teología dogmática | Ecumenismo Eclesiología Sacramentos | CEOP/Buenos Aires UCA/Buenos Aires | Prof. Teol. Dogmática, Ecumenismo, | 1957 | 1991 | |
LAC | Argentina | SCHEIDL, Álvaro | Licenciado en filosofía y Profesor en Ciencias Sagradas | Filosofía Teología dogmática | UNSTA/Tucumán | Profesor en DFHC | 1987 | 2019 | 2052 | |
LAC | Argentina | SICOULY, Pablo | Doctor en teología | Teología dogmática | CEOP/Buenos Aires | Profesor en cursos de posgrado | 1954 | 1995 | ||
LAC | Argentina | SÖCHTING, Julio | Doctor en filosofía Doctor en teología | Metafísica,, lógica, antropología filosofía contemporánea teología fundamental | Fenomenología filosofía del lenguaje, filosofía del derecho | CEOP/Buenos Aires UNSTA/Tucumán | Profesor en varias asignaturas y seminarios de investigación | 1974 | 2017 | 2039 |
LAC | Brazil | SASSATELLI, Marcos | Doctor | Teología/Filosofía | PUC-SP/USP | 1939 | 1970 | 2000 | ||
LAC | Brazil | FORALOSSO, Mariano | Doctor | Ciencias Sociales | Angelicum/Roma | 1945 | 1980 | 2000 | ||
LAC | Brazil | DAS NEVES, Marcelo Santos | Doctor | Derecho Canónico / Filosofía | Angelicum/Roma y Unicamp | 1964 | 1990 | |||
LAC | Brazil | BOCCATO DE ALMIEDA, André Luiz | Doctorado y Post-Doctorado | Teología moral/ética | Lateranense/Roma | 1981 | 1990 | |||
LAC | Brazil | QUIRINO DE OLIVEIRA, Eduardo | Maestro | La Sagrada Escritura | Jerusalén (EB) | 1935 | 1970 | 2000 | ||
LAC | Brazil | COUTO, Márcio Alexandre | Maestro | Teología moral | Friburgo - Suiza | 1946 | 1970 | 2019 | ||
LAC | Brazil | BELEI, Marcos Antonio | Maestro | La Sagrada Escritura | PIB - Roma | 1961 | 1994 | |||
LAC | Brazil | MESQUITA, Wanderley | Maestro | Teología - Liturgia | PUC - SP | 1964 | 2009 | |||
LAC | Brazil | DA SILVA, Luis Carlos | Maestro | Filosofía | PUC - SP | 1969 | 2003 | |||
LAC | Brazil | GOMES, José Almy | Maestro | Patrística latina | Augustinianum - Roma | 1973 | 2010 | |||
LAC | Brazil | ANTONIO, Luis | Maestro | Teología - Pastoral | PUC - SP | 1968 | 2008 | |||
LAC | Brazil | DE JESÚS CARRARA, Elvécio | Maestro | Teología - Sistemática | PUC - SP | 1969 | 1998 | |||
LAC | Brazil | DE ALMIEDA PAZ, Roberto | Maestro / Doctorando | Teología - Sagrada Escritura | PUC - SP | 1974 | ||||
LAC | Brazil | DE MIRANDA, Bruno | Maestro | Bioética | PUC - SP | 1977 | ||||
LAC | Brazil | SUAVE, Tonyglei | Maestro | Teología - Sagrada Escritura | PUC - SP | 1980 | 2018 | |||
LAC | Brazil | TAVARES, André Luis | Doble Doctorado | Teología y filosofía | UNIFESP/Católico de París | 1981 | 2013 | |||
LAC | Brazil | BHERING, Cristiano | Maestro | Teología - Eclesiología | San Esteban - Salamanca - España | 1986 | 2019 | |||
LAC | Brazil | DOS SANTOS, Edivaldo | Maestro | Historia | Universidad Católica de Goiás - GO | 1950 | 1990 | |||
LAC | Brazil | DE PADUA GARCIA, Célio | Doctor | Ciencias de la Religión | PUC - GO | 1965 | 2005 | |||
LAC | Brazil | CATANHEIDE, Paulo | Doctor | Educación/Pedagogía | Universidad de Goiás - GO | 1971 | 2008 | |||
LAC | Brazil | DOMINGUES DA SILVA, Mateus | Doctor | Letras/Filosofía (estudios islámicos) | USP/Canadá/Egipto | 1986 | 2019 | |||
LAC | Central America | ROBLES ROBLES, José Amando | Doctorado | Sociología | Sociología de la Religión | Investigador Centro Dominico de Investigación, CEDI, Heredia, Costa Rica | 1944 | En la Universidad Nacional, Heredia Costa Rica, 1976. En el CEDI 1991 | Jubilado de la UNA en 2004. Activo en el CEDI |
LAC | Central America | OTERO RODRÍGUEZ, Luis Miguel | Licenciatura | Teología | Dando curso a distancia con Jesuitas | 1944 | 1977 | |||
LAC | Central America | TAPUERCA CEBALLOS, Jesús | Licenciatura Carrera terminada | Teología Antropología social | 1946 | 1990 | ||||
LAC | Central America | VÁSQUEZ, Óscar Antonio | Licenciatura en Psicología, Bach en Teología, Diplomado en Terapia Cognitiva Conductual. | Psicología. Teología Filosofía. | Terapeuta. | Catedrático Seminario Mayor San José. Panamá/Universidad Católica Santa María La Antigua. Panamá. | 1973 | 2009 Universidad Católica de Honduras. 2016 Seminario Mayor San José. Panamá. | ||
LAC | Central America | ALDANA LIMA, Carlos Manuel | Licenciatura Maestrante | Teología Estudios Eclesiásticos | Administración Educativa (maestría pensum cerrado) | UNIAV | 1985 | 2018 | 2040 | |
LAC | Central America | VALLEJOS TROESCHT, Fernando | Licenciatura en estudios eclesiásticos Máster Doctorando | Teología Psicopedagogía | Teología Orientación psicopedagógica en el entorno socio-laboral Mediación pedagógica | Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA) Universidad de Comillas Universidad de Barcelona UNIAV | 1985 | 2012 2017 | ||
LAC | Central America | QUESADA RAMÍREZ, Victor Julio | Licenciatura | Teología feminista | 1958 | 2022 | ||||
LAC | Central America | LÓPEZ MILIÁN, Tomás Estuardo | Bachillerato Licenciatura Maestría Doctorando | Teología Tecnología informática Educativa Educación | Énfasis en mediación pedagógica | Colegio Santa Catalina de Siena de Pavas | Director Académico | 1972 | ||
LAC | Central America | MOLINA LARA, Alfonso Martín | Bachiller Egresado Licenciado | Teología Psicología Derecho Canónico | UTAC, Juez del Tribunal Eclesiástico Provincial de Costa Rica | Profesor | 1967 | 2014 | ||
LAC | Central America | IRÍAS AMAYA, Carlos Enrique | Doctor | Educación | Pedagogía | Universidad Internacional Antonio de Valdivieso | Rector | 1972 | 2012 | 2038 |
LAC | Bolivia | ROBLES SEGOVIA, Osvaldo | Licenciatura | Teología | Biblia | Universidad Católica Boliviana Facultad de Teología | Profesor titular de Nuevo Testamento y director de la carrera teología pastoral | 1973 | 2018 | 2035 |