NW EUROPE | Toulouse | COLONVAL, Benoît-Joseph | lic. théol. | théologie biblique | Nouveau Testament | 1972 | thèse de doctorat interrompue par charge de gouvernement | |
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | JALABERT, Cyrille | lic. théol. doc. Histoire | théol. Histoire | histoire de l’ordre | 1967 | ||
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | KÜHLEM, Albert-Henri | doct. théol.; lic. phil.; doctorant phil. | théologie philosophie | Centre Cormier (OP Marseille) | 1971 | ||
NW EUROPE | Toulouse | LAFFAY, Augustin | lic. théol. doc. Histoire | histoire | histoire de l’ordre | archives de l’ordre (Ste Sabine) | 1965 | |
NW EUROPE | France | AZAR SAQAT, Ephrem | Docteur théologie | Histoire des religions et anthropologie | 1948 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | BAZIK, Albert | Licence canonique | Droit canonique | 1989 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | BECHETOILLE, Marc-Antoine | Licence canonique | Théologie de la liturgie | 1978 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | BELLION, Marc | Docteur en biologie, Docteur théologie | Théologie dogmatique | 1976 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | BOUREUX, Christophe | Docteur théologie | Théologie spirituelle et dogmatique | Théologie de la vie religieuse Écologie | 1958 | ||
NW EUROPE | France | BURLE, Nicolas | Licence canonique | Théologie pastorale | 1983 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | CERBA, Denis | Licence canonique | Théologie analytique | 1967 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | CHAUVEAU, Marc | Licence canonique | Art sacré | 1962 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | CHENO, Rémi | Docteur théologie | Théologie dogmatique | 1959 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | DEMAISON, Michel | Licence canonique | Théologie morale | 1938 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | DESJOBERT, Charles | Licence canonique (en préparation) | Liturgie | Art sacré | 1987 | ||
NW EUROPE | France | FANTINO, Jacques | Docteur théologie | Théologie dogmatique | 1950 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | FOERSTER, Jean-Luc-Marie | Licence canonique | Exégèse Hébreu | 1961 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | GENTRIC, Lionel | Docteur sciences physiques Licence canonique en théologie | Théologie morale | 1975 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | GRANDLAUNAY (GUERIN DU), René-Vincent | Docteur théologie | Études arabes | 1964 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | HABERT, Yves | Licence canonique | Théologie et littérature | 1961 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | LINCK, Patrick-Dominique | Docteur théologie | Théologie spirituelle | 1961 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | LOPPINET, Xavier | Docteur théologie | Théologie spirituelle | 1969 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | MILLAIS, Marc | Licence canonique | Théologie dogmatique | Saint Thomas d’Aquin | 1967 | ||
NW EUROPE | France | NADAI (de), Jean-Christophe | Docteur Littérature, licence canonique | Théologie fondamentale | Blaise Pascal Saint Thomas d’Aquin | 1967 | ||
NW EUROPE | France | PALAYRET, Matthieu | Docteur biochimie | 1987 | ||||
NW EUROPE | France | POLLART, Xavier | Licence canonique | Théologie spirituelle | Spiritualité- psychologie | 1968 | ||
NW EUROPE | France | RENDU, Jean-Baptiste | Licence canonique | Théologie dogmatique | Théologie du mariage | 1985 | ||
NW EUROPE | France | ROUSSE-LACORDAIRE, Jérôme | Docteur théologie | Ésotérisme Lien à la franc-maçonnerie | 1962 | |||
NW EUROPE | France | VERBICKAS, Bernardas | Docteur en droit, licence canonique en théologie | 1980 | ||||
NW EUROPE | France | RUETSCH, Charles | Doctorant théologie | Théologie spirituelle | 1974 | |||
NW EUROPE | England | PEARSON, Gregory | JCL (PUST) | Canon Law | 1985 | Novice Master | ||
NW EUROPE | England | LEES, Toby | STL (PUST) | Moral Theology | 1980 | Assistant Parish Priest, London | ||
NW EUROPE | England | WHITE, Dominic | STL (ICP) | Theology and the Arts | 1973 | Blackfriars, Cambridge Works with Margret Beaufort Institute in Cambridge | ||
NW EUROPE | England | KENRICK, John Patrick | PhD (Cantab) | Political Theology | 1956 | Prior, Leicester | ||
NW EUROPE | Netherlands | STEENVOORDE, Richard | PhD (law), MA Oxon (Theol), STL | International law, theology | Political Theology | University of Louvain | 1973 | Working on PhD in field of political theology |
NW EUROPE | Netherlands | MAGIELSE, Michael-Dominique | MA, STL | Liturgy | Liturgy and social media | Tilburg school of catholic theology | 1971 | Working on PhD in field of liturgy and social media |
NW EUROPE | Ireland | CUNNINGHAM, John Mary | BA Lic et Dip Patrist STD | Theology | Patristics | 1969 | Provincial Archivist | |
NW EUROPE | Ireland | RYAN, Fergus Michael Timothy | SL. D | Theology | Liturgy | Pontifical Liturgical Institute (Ateneo di S. Anselmo) | ||
NW EUROPE | Ireland | DESMOND, Patrick | STL | Social Sciences | 1983 | |||
NW EUROPE | Switzerland | MARTIN DE MAROLLES, Pierre | Lic. can. theol. | Nouveau Testament | Exégèse et histoire de la réception du livre de l’Apocalypse | 1987 | Prépare actuellement un doctorat en théologie (Louvain/Genève) dans le domaine du Nouveau Testament, dont l’achèvement est prévu en 2024. | |
S EUROPE | Hispania | MEDIALDEA VILLABA, Antonio Rafael | Licenciado en Teología | Teología/Ecumenismo | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | MORALES GUTIÉRREZ, Néstor Rubén | Licenciado en Psicología y Bachillerato en Teología | Psicología/Telogía | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | NGUEMA NDONG, Jesús | Bachillerato en Teología | Teología/Eclesiología/Antropología | ||||
S EUROPE | Hispania | SASTRE ZAMORA, Bernardo | Licenciado en Física | Física/Teología | ||||
S EUROPE | Portugal | |||||||
S EUROPE | Italia - San Domenico | CODIGNOLA, Andrea | Licenza | Teologia Dogmatica | Teologia Dogmatica | Friburgo | 1992 | Conseguire il diploma di licenza. In autunno di quest'anno inizierà il Dottorato sempre a Friburgo. |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Domenico | LASI, Michele | Dottorato | Filosofia | Filosofia | Pontificia Università Angelicum San Tommaso D’Aquino in Urbe | 1990 | Ha in corso di stesura la tesi di dottorato in Filosofia all'Angelicum |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Domenico | ZAULI, Pietro | Licenza | Filosofia | Filosofia | Gregorian University, Rome | 1994 | Secondo anno della Licenza in Filosofia |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Domenico | PERUZZI, Paolo | Licenza | Teologia Morale | Teologia Morale | Pontificia Università Angelicum San Tommaso D’Aquino in Urbe | 1990 | Primo anno di Licenza in Teologia Morale presso l'Angelicum. |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Domenico | BENVENUTI, Claudio | Licenza | Liturgia | Liturgia | Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo | 1994 | Secondo anno di Licenza in Liturgia |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Domenico | LORENZON, Francesco | Licenza | Teologia Sistematica | Teologia Sistematica | FTER, Bologna | 1988 | Primo anno di Licenza in Teologia Sistematica |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Domenico | RIATTI, Marco | Dottorato | Teologia | Teologia | Pontificia Università Javeriana in Bogotà (Colombia) | Secondo anno di Dottorato in Teologia | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Domenico | GALASSI, Piergiorgio | Dottorato; Facoltà di Lingue, culture e società dell'Asia | Teologia Sistematica; specializzarsi in cinese | Teologia Sistematica; specializzarsi in cinese | FTER, Bologna; Università Ca' Foscari Venezia | 1988 | Attualmente frequenta la Facoltà di Lingue, culture e società dell'Asia, curricula in lingua cinese. |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Domenico | PRINA, Stefano | Studi di lettere classiche | Lingue antiche orientali | Università degli Studi di Torino | 1990 | Seguirà gli studi di lettere classiche, indirizzo lingue antiche orientali. | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Domenico | FRACCI, Giuseppe | studi di lettere classiche | latino-greco | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan | 1992 | Seguirà gli studi di lettere classiche, indirizzo latino-greco | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Domenico | FILIPPINI, Giuseppe | Laureato in Storia medievale | Storia medievale | storia medievale dei paesi euro-asiatici | University of Macerata; Leuven, Belgium | 1987 | Andrà a Lovanio a perfezionarsi in storia medievale dei paesi euro-asiatici. |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Domenico | MAGARELLI, Tommaso | Laureato in Fisica | Studi di filologia e critica dei testi mediolatini | Studi di filologia e critica dei testi mediolatini | University of Bologna | 1991 | Dopo la teologia inizierà gli studi di filologia e critica dei testi mediolatini presso l'Università di Bologna per poi proseguire con un Dottorato in storia della Teologia lavorando sopra un testo di san Tommaso. |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Domenico | MENEGHIN, Marco | laureato in matematica e informatica; | Matematica e informatica; Filosofia | Matematica e informatica; Filosofia della scienza e delle nuove discipline tecnico-scientifiche. | Leuven, Belgium | 1991 | Studiare Filosofia per specializzarsi in Filosofia della scienza e delle nuove discipline tecnico-scientifiche |
S EUROPE | Romana - Santa Caterina da Siena | CAMBI, Fabrizio | Dottorato in Filosofia | Filosofia | Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome | 1992 | ||
S EUROPE | Romana - Santa Caterina da Siena | SCARDOCCI, Gabriele | Laurea Specialistica; Licenza; Cultore della materia | Filosofia Politica e Morale; Teologia Dogmatica | Pensiero filosofico moderno (giusnaturalismo; J.J. Rousseau) Tomismo; Teologia Sacramentaria; Teologia del matrimonio; Teologia e Handicap | Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza Pontificia Università Angelicum San Tommaso D’Aquino in Urbe | 1984 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | CAPOTOSTO, Ciro | SSL, SThL, SThD | Bible | Old Testament, New Testament | PIB, University of Fribourg, PUST-Angelicum | 1968 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | SCOGNAMIGLIO, Rosario | Dottorato | Teologia | Patristica | Angelicum | 1944 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | DI TORA, Marcello | Licenza, Laurea, Dottorato | Teologia, Studi Islamici, Teologia | Fondamentale, Islamogia, Teologia | Angelicum, Istituto Universitario Orientale-Napoli, Facoltà Teologica Palermo | 1968 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | MONTELEONE, Elio | Dottorato | Teologia | Cristologia | Angelicum | 1944 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | GRAGNANO, Fabio | Dottorato | Filosofia | Filosofia della natura | Pontificia Facoltà S. Tommaso d’Aquino | 1968 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | MATERA, Giovanni | Licenza | Teologia | Dogmatica | Friburgo | 1968 | |
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | NUARA, Vincenzo | Licenza | Teologia | Dogmatica | Angelicum | ||
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | PAGNOTTA, Santo | Licenza | Teologia | Friburgo | 1969 | ||
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | CATALANO, Sergio | Laurea con abilitazione, Licenza | Architettura, Teologia | Restauro e progetto, Arte e architettura sacra | UNIPA, Institut Catholique Paris | ||
S EUROPE | Italia - San Tommaso | LORUSSO, Lorenzo | Licenza | Teologia | Diritto e teologia | Institut Catholique Toulouse | 1995 | Ha esperienze d’insegnamento |
S EUROPE | Malta | TONNA, Charles | S.Th.Lic | Theology | Spirituality | PUST | 1951 | |
S EUROPE | Malta | ZAHRA, Aaron | B.A., S.Th.B., M.Ed (Dubl.) | Pedagogy | Education (Leadership & Management) | University of Malta; Dominican Studium (Dublin) Trinity College, Dublin | 1987 | |
S EUROPE | Malta | MALLIA MILANES, Tonio | S.Th.Lic | Theology | Spirituality | University of Malta | 1966 | |
S EUROPE | Malta | GATT, Paul | S.Th.B & Lic | Theology | Spirituality | Dominican Studium (Malta) PUST | 1956 | |
S EUROPE | Malta | GATT, RAYMOND | S.Th.B & Lic. | Theology | Dogmatic | University of Malta; Institut Catholic de Toulouse | 1966 | |
S EUROPE | Malta | MICALLEF, Vincent | Ph. Lic., M.A. | Theology | Religious Sciences | Dominican Studium (Malta), PUST, Pont. Catholic University, Sao Paulo | 1950 | |
S EUROPE | Malta | MUSCAT, Reno | E.L.H.E., S.Th.B., D.Scim | Theology | Mass Media | FTER (Bologna); LUMSA | 1965 | |
S EUROPE | Malta | BUGEJA, Geoffrey | S.Th.B. | Theology | FTER (Bologna) | 1979 | ||
CE EUROPE | Teutonia | BORDOWSKI, Andreas | Dr. phil. | Canon law | Canon Law and School Law in Germany | (IPH) Institut für Pastoralhomiletik, Düsseldorf | 1972 | |
CE EUROPE | Teutonia | FÜLLENBACH, Elias | Dr. theol. | Church History | Dominican History in 20th Century; Dominicans and Jews in History and Today | (IMDC) Institut M.-Dominique Chenu, Berlin | 1977 | |
CE EUROPE | Teutonia | HENRICH, Peter | Dr. rer oec., Dipl.-Theol. | Economics | Social Ethics and Economics | 1975 | ||
CE EUROPE | Poland | CHABEREK, Michał | PhD | Systematic Theology | Fundamental Theology | 1980 | “En Arche” Foundation | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | KACZMAREK, Hieronim | PhD | Social Sciences | Politology | 1961 | ||
CE EUROPE | Poland | KRUPA, Paweł | DEA (Master II) in anthropology and history of religion (EPHE, Paris); PhD (Angelicum, Rome) | History of Medieval Theology | Doctrinal disputes, Spirituality, Preaching | 1965 | 1996-2010: Socius of the Leonine Commission, "Socius emeritus" of the LC since 2010; Prior of Sankt-Petersburg, Russia |
CE EUROPE | Poland | NORKOWSKI, Jacek Maria | PhD (Medicine), MA (Philosophy), BA (Theology) | Moral Theology, Bioethics | Moral status of the patients with the limited level of the cosciousness, end of life decisions, controversial procedures in medicine; relativism in philosophy, natural law, social teaching of the Catholic Church | 1957 | 2012-2016 Angelicum | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | WIELGOSZ, Karol | PhD | Theology | Dogmatic Theology | 1979 | Prior (Tarnobrzeg) | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | WYTRWAŁ, Tomasz | PhD | Canon Law | 1969 | |||
CE EUROPE | Poland | KOMARNYTSKYY, Viktor | SLL (Sacred Scripture Lic., Jerusalem) | Biblical Sciences and Archaeology, Biblical Theology | Old Testament (Book of Judges) | Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome | 1974 | Doctoral student (Biblical Sciences) |
CE EUROPE | Poland | KUBICZ, Michał | Licenciate | Fundamental Theology | Contemporary Theology | Lateran University | 1985 | Doctoral student (Theology) |
CE EUROPE | Poland | MAGDZIARZ, Marcin | MA (Theology) | Theology | Patrology | University of Fribourg | 1975 | Doctoral student (Theology) |
CE EUROPE | Poland | OŚKO, Krzysztof | STL (Fribourg) | Theology, Philosophy | Christology, Metaphysics, Natural Theology | John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Thomistic Institute, Warsaw | 1985 | Doctoral student (Philosophy) |
CE EUROPE | Poland | PAWLINA, Arnold | MA (Theology) | Dogmatic Theology | Eschatology | University of Fribourg | 1986 | Doctoral student (Theology), assistant (University of Fribourg) |
CE EUROPE | Poland | MODRAS, Krzysztof | PhD | Patrology | Coptic language, Hieroglyphs, Arabic, Islam, Religious Studies | 1960 | Prior of Lublin | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | WIŚNIEWSKI Łukasz | PhD | Dogmatic Theology | Ecclesiology | 1984 | Prior Provincial | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | WYSOKIŃSKI Ireneusz | PhD | History | History of Historiography, Premodern Church History (late medieval - until 17th century) | 1958 | Provincial Archivist | |
CE EUROPE | Poland | GŁODEK Jarosław | PhD | Political sciences | Secularism | 1965 | ||
CE EUROPE | Poland | RAFAL, Wędzicki | SLL (Sacred Scripture Lic., Rome) | Biblical sciences | New Testament | Dominican House of Studies, Kraków | 1986 | Doctoral student (Biblical Sciences), lecturer at the Dominican House of Studies, Kraków |
CE EUROPE | Bohemia | GRUNDMANN, Ludvík | Th.D. | Ecclesiology | 17.8.1984 | |||
CE EUROPE | Bohemia | RAJLICH, Jan | Th.Lic. | Pastoral Theology | 4.11.1944 | |||
CE EUROPE | Bohemia | MIKULKA, Kliment | Th.D. | Philology | 20.12.1985 | Working on doctorate from patrology | ||
CE EUROPE | South Germany and Austria | MEHLHART, Robert | Dr. phil. | Church Music | a) director Vokalkapelle der Theatinerkirche b) lecturer Hochschule für Musik und Theater München | 1982 | ||
CE EUROPE | South Germany and Austria | HELLMEIER, Paul Dominikus | Dr. phil. | Theology | Thomism | 1977 | actually doing his habilitation | |
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | MAČURA, Damián | ThLic. | Dogmatic Theology | Thomistic Christology | Any theological Faculty in Slovakia or any Dominican Study Center | 1978 | Temporarily interrupted doctor's degree at University of Fribourg (Provincial) |
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | ŽILÁK, Lukáš | ThLic. | Fundamental Theology | without providing any information | Any theological Faculty in Slovakia or any Dominican Study Center | 1976 | Currently in Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Theology, Palacky University of Olomouc (CZ) |
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | FINTOR, Irenej | ThLic. | Dogmatic Theology | Ecclesiology, Theology of Laity (Y. Congar) | Any theological Faculty in Slovakia or any Dominican Study Center | 1978 | |
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | LOVÁS, Samuel | ThLic., JUDr. of Law (utriusque) | Moral Theology | Moral Theology in Thomistic Tradition | Faculty of Theology, Palacky University of Olomouc (CZ) | 1984 | Currently in Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Theology, Palacky University of Olomouc (CZ) |
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | DELY, Alan | ThLic., RNDr. of Physics, PhD of Physics | Dogmatic Theology | Thomistic Christology and Mariology, Theoretical Studies of Classical and Quantum Heisenberg Models | Faculty of Theology, Catholic University in Ruzomberok or any Dominican Study Center | 1981 | Currently in Doctoral Studies at the Angelicum |
CE EUROPE | Slovakia | MITRO, Vavrinec | M.A. in theology | Biblical studies | 1986 | Currently in Doctoral Studies at the Papal Biblical institute in Rome |
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | EH, Edmond | PHD | Philosophy | ||||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | KO, John Baptist | PHD candidate | Biblical Theology | ||||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | AUNG, Mynt Paul | Licentiate | Patristics | ||||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | HONG SEUNG, Isaiah | Licentiate | Spirituality | ||||
ASIA PACIFIC | Our Lady of the Rosary | ARAGON, Isidro | LSE | Bible | ||||
ASIA PACIFIC | Australia and New Zealand | WALLACE, Martin | JCL | Canon Law | Canon Law of Parishes | 1955 | Has commitments that prevent teaching. | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Australia and New Zealand | BAXTER, James | PhD | Moral Theology | Aquinas | 1981 | Just finished PhD, currently a parish priest. | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Australia and New Zealand | KRISHNA, Robert | PhD | History and Philosophy of Science | Medieval Philosophy of Nature | 1980 | About to start higher studies in Scripture. | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Australia and New Zealand | SNELL, Dominic | PhD | Philosophy | Analytic Philosophy | 1992 | Still a student in simple vows. | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỂN, Trị An | STL Program | Theology | Thomistic Theology | Angelicum, Rome | 1988 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN , Văn Chung | STL Program | Theology | Pastoral Theology | Université de Leuven, Belgium | 1984 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | PHẠM, Chuyên | STL Program | Theology | Pastoral Theology | Université de Leuven, Belgium | 1985 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | ĐINH, Trí Dũng | STL Program | Theology | Moral Theology | Angelicum, Rome | 1984 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGÔ, Vinh Sơn Đức Duy | STD Program | Theology | Consecrated life | ICLA, PHILIPPINES | 1982 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | PHÊNY, Gioan Ngân Giang | STD Program | Theology | Dogma | Institut Catholique de Paris | 1981 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Văn Giới | STL Program | Theology | Mariologia | Institut Catholique de Lyon | 1983 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | HỒ, Sỹ Hiền | STL Program | Theology | Dogma | University of Salamanca, Spain | 1987 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | VŨ, Thái Hiệp | STL Program | Theology | Moral Theology | UST, Philippines | 1982 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | ĐỖ, Huy Hoàng | STL Program | Theology | Consecrated life | ICLA, PHILIPPINES | 1981 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Giuse Hữu Phúc | STL Program | Theology | Ecclesiastical Theology | Institut Catholique de Paris | 1977 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | LÊ, Quốc Quang | STD Program | Theology | Dogma | Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara, Berkeley – California | 1980 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | PHẠM, Vũ Hải Sơn | STL Program | Theology | Biblical Theology | Angelicum, Rome | 1987 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | TRẦN, Văn Thiên | STL Program | Theology | Ecumenical Theology | Angelicum, Rome | 1986 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Đình Thiện | STL Program | Theology | Dogma | UST, Philippines | 1987 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | TRẦN, Ngọc Thiện | Master Program | Theology | Religious Study | Assumption University, Thailand | 1983 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | TRẦN, Công Thượng | STD Program | Theology | Biblical Theology | Institut Catholique de Toulouse | 1984 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NINH Tú Toàn | STD Program | Theology | Moral Theology | Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara, Berkeley – California | 1981 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN, Quốc Minh Tuấn | STL Program | Philosophy | Thomistic Philosophy | Angelicum, Rome | 1989 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | NGUYỄN Hoàng Vinh | STD Program | Theology | Ecumenical Theology | Angelicum, Rome | 1978 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Vietnam | VŨ, Thạch Vịnh | STL Program | Theology | History of the Church | University of Leuven, Belgium | 1985 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | ADIREDJO, Adrian | STh.D; S.Th.L.; M.A. | Theology | Thomism (Charism in St. Thomas) | Rumah Santo Tomas Aquino, Indonesia | 1975 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | BELTRAN, Franklin | Ph.D. in Southeast Asian Studies | Sociology | 1949 | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | CORONEL, Louie | Doctorate in CHurch History | Church History | Church History (Ancient, Medieval, Philippine Church) | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | 1975 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | DACUMA, Arden | J.C.L. | Canon Law | Consecrated Life | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | 1988 | To start doctoral studies next year |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | DELOS REYES, Felix | Ph.L.-M.A. | Philosophy | Metaphysics | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | 1987 | Completing S.Th.D. in PUST (Angelicum) |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | FERNANDEZ, Alfred | Ph.D. in Counseling Education | Psychology | Counseling | 1955 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | GARINGGANAO, Christopher | Ph.L.-M.A. | Philosophy | Phenomenology and Existentialism | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | 1979 | To start doctoral studies next year in UST-Manila. |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | GATELA, Maximo | Ph.L. | Philosophy | Metaphyscs | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | 1960 | Compelting Ph.D. in UST, Manila |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | GONZALES, Jayson | S.Th.L.-M.A. | Theology | Bioethics | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | 1988 | Completing S.Th.D. in PUST (Angelicum) |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | MENDEZ, Ramonclaro | Ph.D. in Foundations and Administration of Higher Education | Education | School Administration | 1955 | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | OLIVAR, Rommel | M.A. in Philosophy | Philosophy | Contemporary Philosophy | Colegio de San Juan de Letran | 1973 | Completing Ph.D. in UST, Manila |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | PANGAN, Arvin | S.Th.L.-M.A. | Biblical Theology | New Testament | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | 1988 | Completing Ph.D. in Theology at the Catholic University of Leuven |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | PADILLA, Wenifredo, III | S.S.L. | Biblical Theology | Old Testament | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | 1978 | Completing S.Th.D. in University of Fribourg |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | PONCE, Juan | Ph.D. in Developmental Education | Education | 1952 | |||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | ROSANJANA, Manoj | S.Th.L.-M.A. | Theology | Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | 1980 | Completing S.Th.D. in Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | SEÑO, Rudolf | Ph.L.-M.A. | Philosophy | Cosmology | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | 1982 | Completing Ph.D. in PUST (Angelicum) |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | SICAT, Hilario | S.Th.L.-M.A. | Theology | Ecclesiastical History | 1989 | To start doctoral studies in Ecclesiastical History next year | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | RUSENO, Valentinus Bayuhadi | S.Th.L.-M.A. | Biblical Theology | 1987 | To start doctoral studies next year. | ||
ASIA PACIFIC | Philippines | YAP, Jessie | E.H.L. | Theology | Ecclesiastical History | University of Santo Tomas, Manila | 1979 | Completing E.H.D. in Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome |
ASIA PACIFIC | Pakistan | |||||||
ASIA PACIFIC | India | AKKARA, Francis | Masters + Licentiate (in progress) | Moral Theology | Major Theological Ethics (Biomedical Ethics) | KULeuven, Belgium | 1990 | Pursuing studies in KULeuven, Belgium |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | CHTTEDATH, Jobins George | MTh | Catechetics | Catechetics | Kristu Jyoti College, Bengaluru, India | 1983 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | D’SILVA, Maxim | STL | Theology | Systematic Theology | Visiting Professor to St. Albert’s College, Ranchi, India | 1971 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | D’SOUZA, Anil Prakash | Masters and Licentiate degree in Dogmatic Theology | Dogmatic Theology | Christology, Trinity, ecclesiology, Theology of religions Cardinal Charles Journet | University of Fribourg, Switzerland | 1981 | Due to complete Doctoral studies in 2022-23, Fribourg, Switzerland. |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | SORENG, Anthoney | MPh | Philosophy | Indian Philosophy (Tribal Philosophy) | JDV Pune, India | 1987 | Will complete MPh studies in 2021 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | ARACKAL, Francis Macias | PhD, PhL, M.A., PG Diploma in Media Studies, B.Th. | Social Sciences, Philosophy, Media, | Western Philosophy, Journalism, Mass Communication, New Media, Social Media, Writing Skills, Media Research Methodology, Development Communication, International Communication, Political Communication; Sociology, History, Human Rights. | Seminary, College, Universities. | 1961 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | EKKA, Praful | M.Th. | Theology | Catechetics | Kristu Jyoti College, Bengaluru, India | 1982 | Just completed studies (2020) |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | KALAPURAKKAL, Jobin Jose | STL | Moral Theology | Moral Theology | Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bengaluru, India | 1976 | Just completed studies (2020) |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | KOLAMKUZIYIL, Thomas | STD | Theology | Dogmatic Theology | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | 1964 | presently working in a parish in Switzerland |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | KOCHUPARAMBIL, Saju | MTh | Biblical Theology | Biblical Theology | St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute, Bengaluru, India | 1982 | Will complete MTh studies in 2021 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | MONTEIRO, Praveen | LLB, Post- Graduation Diploma in Cyber Laws | Legal Studies | Civil and Criminal Law | Karnataka State Law University, India. | 1987 | Pursuing studies |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | NORONHA, Albert | STD | Theology | Dogmatic Theology | St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur | 1969 | presently working in a parish in Switzerland |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | PAYIKATTU, Kiran Joy | Masters + Licentiate (in progress) | Systematic Theology | Systematic Theology | KULeuven, Belgium | 1990 | Pursuing studies |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | RODRIGUES, Naveen | MTh | Theology | Spiritual Theology | Jnanadeepa Vidhyapeeth, Pune | 1985 | Will complete MTh studies in 2021 |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | THARAMANGALAM, Joby Joseph | MPh/ PhD student | Philosophy | Philosophy of Religion, Cosmology | Jnanadeepa Vidhyapeeth Pune | 1981 | Pursuing studies |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | THARAMANGALAM, Joby Joseph | B. Com, CA (pursuing) | CA (pursuing) | CA (pursuing) | ICAI | 1987 | Pursuing studies |
ASIA PACIFIC | India | TIRKEY, Sunil | Masters | Islamic Studies | Inter-religious dialogue. | American University in Cairo, Egypt | 1985 | Completing in 2020 |
ASIA PACIFIC | Taiwan | ESTRELLA, Narciso Jr. | S.T.L. & S.T.D. (candidate) | Theology | Biblical Theology | PUST Angelicum Rome | 1973 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Taiwan | ZALEWSKI, Tomasz | MA | Psychology | Identity Narrative | Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei | 1982 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Taiwan | WOJCIK, Andrzei | S.T.L. | Theology | Fundamental Theology | Department of Theology, Poznan, Poland | 1973 | |
ASIA PACIFIC | Taiwan | HO, Solomon | MA PhD (candidate) | Philosophy | Scholastic Philosophy | Philosophy Department Fu- Jen Catholic University, Taipei | 1970 | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | FEYISETAN, Gabriel | PhD | Philosophy | Philosophy of Science | 1956 | Not teaching | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | IKEMEH, John Bosco | PhD | Theology | Systematics | 1964 | Not teaching | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | UKWE, Stan | D.Min | Theology | Music | 1966 | Not teaching | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OGOKO, Callistus | PhD | Theology | Systematics | 1963 | Not teaching | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | UJU-ECHEMNU, Paulinus | PhD | Psychology | 1960 | Not teaching | ||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | EBIDO, Augustine | MA; PhD | Theology | Systematics | 1963 | Not teaching | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AKPOGHIRAN, Michael | PhD | Philosophy; English | St Thomas; Literature | 1974; 1968 | Second PhD | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AKINLOLU, Anthony | PhD | Administration | Hospital Administration | 1971 | Not teaching | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | NWABUEZE, Lawrence | Med | Education | Administration | 1965 | PhD student | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | UCHE, Anthony | JCD | Canon Law | 1974 | On Exclaustration | ||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AGBALI, Bonaventure | STL | Theology | Moral Theology | 1975 | PhD student | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OKONDU-UGBA, Michael-Alex | Med | Education | Management | 1977 | PhD student | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OKOYE, Dominic | SSL | Scripture | Old Testament | 1982 | SSD student | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | IGBOALISI, John-Mark | STL | Theology | Thomism | 1983 | STD student | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AKPOMIE, Paul | MA | Islamic Studies | 1982 | MA student | ||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OLORUNTOBA, Clement | MA | Communication | Broadcasting | 1985 | PhD student | |
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | MBUKANMA, Jude | MA (Rel. St., Philo); PhD | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ENWEREM, Iheanyi | M.Th, M.A, PhD | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OTUIBE, Chris Angelo | L.S.S., Ph.D | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OYESHOLA, Dokun | M.A., Ph.D {Peace/ Conflict Resolution and International Relations} | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OKURE, Aniedi | M.A., M.Sc., PhD | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ISICHEI FRANCIS | PGDE., M.Ed., Ph.D | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AITSEBAOMO, Martin | M.A., D.Min | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | MADUMERE, Ignatius | S.T.L., Ph.D | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | NWABUZO , Cletus | M.A., Ph.D | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OGU, Emmanuel | M.A., MS.Ed., Ph.D | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | FANAYE, Benedict | M.A., Ph.D | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ORJI, Chibuzo Cyril | M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OYE, Paul Bola | M.A., M.Ed | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ADEMOYE, Abiodun | MPA | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OZOEMENE, Alphonsus | MTH, S.T.L | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | KORIE, Ikechi | J.C.Lic | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AGWULONU, Augustine | M.A., Ph.D | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | MOMOH, Augustine | M.A., Ph.D | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AKIN-OTIKO, Paul | M.A [Phil].,Ph.D. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ONIWE, Bernard | M.A., Ph.D | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AKUNNE, Patrick | M.A [Phil], Ph.D | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | KWAGHGBA, Benjamin | M.A., S.T.D | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OKEKE, Nicolas | M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D | Mathematics | ||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | EWUOSO, Cornelius | M.A, M.Sc, Ph.D. | Bioethics | ||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | IHEME , Callistus | STL | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | CHEZEY, Dan | M.A., M.R.S | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AMOAKA-ATTAH, ANTHONY | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | DIOKA, Clement | S.S.L | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | MACAULAY, Thomas | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | EDEM, Michael | PGDE | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OZOEMENE, Alphonsus | MTH, S.T.L | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ESHIKENA, Dominic | M.A {Phil}, M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | NKADI, Kenneth | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OSEI ATTAH, Moses | PGDE., M.Ed | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ADEWOLE, Henry Sola | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ORANYELI, Chris | M.A., BCC. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AHUKANNA, Joseph | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ESHIKENA, Nathaniel | M.A | Guidance & Counselling | ||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | NGWU, Modestus | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | NWOSUH, Francis | M.A, S.T.D | Theology; Accountancy | ||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OGBE, Stephen | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | NWABUEZE, Lawrence | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OGEDENGBE, Richard | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | TAIWO, Oluyemi | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | UKPAI, MacDonald | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AGBA, Alexius Paul | M.A., PGDE | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | MBOMSON, Dominic | M.A., PGDE., M.Ed | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | UGWU, Paschal | PGDE., M.A | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ERHARIEFE, Emmanuel | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | NNAMANI, Christopher | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ANOLIEFO, Chukwudi | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AVBENAKE, Gabriel | M.A., M., MSc | Computer Science; Information Science | ||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OGOKE, Raphael | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | MORRISON, Patrick | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ODIN, Gabriel | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ORJI, Celestine | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | UDOLISA, felix | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | AWODIPE, Augustine | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OKOTIE, Joseph Clarence | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OWOH, Jude-Mary | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | SAIKI , Ignatius | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | TETTEY, Frederick | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ARUNG, Moses | M.A., M.Sc., | Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution | ||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ONYIBA, Samuel | M.A., MRRP | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OSUNDE, Joseph | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | UZOANYA, Clement | M.A., M.Ed | Education | ||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | EJEMBI, Lawrence | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ODOK, Richard | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OLORUNTOBA, Clement | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ONWUAMA, Charles | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | ANI, Moses | M.A. | |||||
AFRICA | Nigeria & Ghana | OGUNDIPE, Victor | M.A.; M.SC | Human Resource Management | ||||
AFRICA | Congo | BAMBU, Louis-Marie | Licence | Théologie | Dogmatique | Université Catholique d’Abidjan | 1970 | |
AFRICA | Congo | MWINDILAY, Frédéric | Licence | Théologie | Bible (AT) | Université de Valence | 1982 | La rédaction de la thèse est très avancée |
AFRICA | Congo | MOGHA, Christophe | Diplôme d’études Approfondies | Philosophie | Morale | Université Catholique de Paris | 1971 | Défend la thèse en décembre 2020 |
AFRICA | Congo | WATO, Julien | Licence | Droit Canonique | Toulouse | 1977 | ||
AFRICA | Congo | BARAKA, Joseph | Licence | Philosophie | Morale | Université Catholique de Louvain | 1985 | |
AFRICA | Congo | SENGI, Christian | Diplôme d’études Approfondies | Philosophie | Morale | Université de Kisangani | 1968 | |
AFRICA | Congo | KAWUSU, Pierre Rodin | Diplôme d’étude Approfondie | Lettres et Civilisation africaine | Civilisation africaine | Université Pédagogique National | 1969 | |
AFRICA | South Africa | DEEB, Mike | MA (Theology) | Theology | Pastoral (Practical) Theology | University of KwaZulu Natal | 1953 | N/A |
AFRICA | South Africa | KAWISI, Walter | MA (Ethics) | Philosophy and Religion | Ethics | University of KwaZulu Natal | 1973 | |
AFRICA | South Africa | MARAMBANYIKA, Guide | BA (Honours) | Public Policy | Policy and development | University of KwaZulu Natal | 1989 | |
AFRICA | South Africa | MOTANYANE, Chaka | MA | Behavioural Sciences | Psychology | University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg | 1968 | |
AFRICA | South Africa | MUYEBE, Stanslaus | PhD | Theology | Theology and Canon Law | Stellenbosch | 1969 | |
AFRICA | South Africa | JAMES, Mark | PhD | Theology | Theology | University of KwaZulu Natal | 1963 | |
AFRICA | South Africa | MWALE, Myke | MA | Philosophy | African Literature | University of KwaZulu Natal | 1981 | |
AFRICA | West Africa | MISSEHOUNGBE, Pierre-Paul | Docteur | Communication | Communication pour le Développement | USDAO | 1973 | Secrétaire Général de l’USDAO |
AFRICA | West Africa | AMEKA, Joseph | Docteur | Communication | Journalisme | Édition d’un mensuel XEGBE | 1952 | |
AFRICA | West Africa | BAMBU LIKOSO, Louis-Marie | Docteur | Dogmes | Théologie fondamentale et Révélation | Studium bénédictin à Bouaké | 1970 | |
AFRICA | West Africa | NIANG, Pierre-Marie | Docteur | Théologie systématique | Islamologie | ISTAY; ITCJ | 1977 | |
AFRICA | West Africa | SOME, Joachim | Doctorant | Théologie | Dogme | Étudiant à Insbruck (Autriche) | 1973 | |
AFRICA | West Africa | YEBOU, Martial Darius | Doctorant | Théologie | Droit Canonique | Étudiant à Rome | 1975 | |
AFRICA | West Africa | HESSAVI, Jean-Baptiste | Doctorant | Science de Gestion | Gestion des stocks | Étudiant à Dakar UCAD | 1970 | |
AFRICA | West Africa | DA SILVA, Aurel | Doctorant | Sociologie | Sociologie | Étudiant à Dakar UCAD | 1979 | |
AFRICA | West Africa | AKONWOUNKPAN Didier | Doctorant | Administration | Administration | Étudiant à Abidjan UFHB | 1980 | |
AFRICA | West Africa | GNANGORAN Anicet | Doctorant | Agronomie | Agronomie | Étudiant à Yamoussoukro INP | 1985 | |
AFRICA | West Africa | AMETONOU Silvère Holali | Doctorant | Théologie | Dogme | UCAO-UUA | 1985 | |
AFRICA | West Africa | KOUADIO Rodrigue Yao | Doctorant | Science et Gestion de l’environ-nement | Environnement et Développement Durable | UNIVERSITE NANGUI ABROGOUA Abidjan | 1982 | |
AFRICA | West Africa | DOSSOU Dominique | Doctorant | Droit | Droit de l’Homme | Étudiant à Abidjan UFHB | 1987 | |
AFRICA | Afrique Equatoriale | MANDABA Romaric | Docteur | Droit canonique | 1983 | |||
AFRICA | Afrique Equatoriale | SAMBA Gabriel | Docteur | Théologie pastorale | 1966 | |||
AFRICA | Afrique Equatoriale | TAGHEU Jean Paul | Docteur | Dogmatic Theology | 1974 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | BELLAMAH, Timothy | PhD | Dogmatic Theology | Leonine Commission | 1960 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | BURCHILL, John | STD | Theology | Preaching Ministry | 1938 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | CICCONE, Michael | PhD | Parochial Ministry | 1945 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | CORBETT, John | PhD | Moral Theology | Novitiate; parochial ministry. | 1951 | Retired 2021 | |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | DINOIA, Augustine | PhD, STM | Theology | Adjunct Secretary, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith | 1943 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | ENDORF, Boniface | J.D., STL | Pastor, St. Joseph's parish, NYC | 1977 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | FARREN, John | STD | Theology | 1938 | Retired | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | FOX, Joseph | JCD, STL | Episcopal vicar for canonical services, Archdiocese of Los Angelas and Detriot | 1948 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | GUILBEAU, Aquinas | STD | Moral Theology | Director of Campus Ministry, CUA | 1976 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | HAYES, Stephen | JD | Parochial Ministry | 1953 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | HENRITZY, Elias | STD | Moral Theology | Chaplain at Mohun Health Care Center | 1952 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | JONES, Carleton | STD | Theology | 1943 | Retired | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | KEEGAN, Terrance | SSL, STD, STM | Sacred Scripture | 11939 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | KELLER, Paul | STD | Dogmatic Theology | Sacraments/Liturgy | 1957 | Recently returned to Western Dominican Province |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | MARTINY, Martin | JD | Parochial Ministry | 1949 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | MORAN, Allen | PhD, STL | Economics | President of DSPT | 1970 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | PARETSKY, Albert | STD | Sacred Scripture | New Testament | 1944 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | PERKINS, Ignatius | PhD, RN | Nursing, Biomedical Ethic | 1940 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | QUIGLEY, Ferrer | STD | Theology | Retreat Preacher | 1938 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | SCHEPERS, Maurice | STD | Theology | Director, Lonergan Research Institute | 1928 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | SHANLEY, Brian | PhD | Philosophy | President of St. John's University, NYC | 1958 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | SICARD, Kenneth | PhD | President of Providence College | 1956 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | SOULE, Becket | JCD, PhD | Canon Law | Parochial Ministry | 1957 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | THOMAS, Columba | MD | 1985 | Priestly Ordination 2023 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | WAGNER, Walter | JD | Parochial Ministry | 1962 | |||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Joseph (East) | WHITT, Reginald | JD, JCD | Canon Law | Parochial Ministry; Metropolitan Tribunal | 1949 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | AKERMAN, Anthony Maria | Ph.D | Religion/Theology | Philosophy of Religion and Theology | Claremont Graduate University | 1988 | In Formation (Simply Professed) |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | BRANNAN, Christopher | S.S.L. | Theology | Biblical Studies | Catholic University of America | 1978 | Working toward PhD |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | CAREY, Michael | J.D., S.T.D. | Theology | Moral Theology | Retired | 1948 | 1948 |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | CONNOR, Paul | S.T.D. | Theology | Spiritual Theology | Retired | 1937 | 1937 |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | ELLIOT, Bradley | STL | Theology | Moral Theology | Catholic University of America | 1979 | Working toward STD |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | HANNAH, Peter | SSL | Sacred Scripture (S.S.L.) | Old Testament | DSPT | 1978 | Working toward PhD |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | MOORE, James | Ph.D | Music | Choral Conducting | Catholic University of America | 1976 | Not Teaching |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | MULLADY, Bryan | S.T.D. | Theology | Systematic and Moral Theology | Retired | 1946 | Itinerant Preaching |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | PICKETT, Thomas Aquinas | S.T.L. | Theology | Moral Theology | Pontifical Faculty of Immaculate Conception (DHS) | 1989 | Working toward STD |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - Holy Name (West) | WINKOWITSCH, John | Ph.D. | Philosophy | Metaphysics | Catholic University of America | 1979 | Working as Parochial Vicar, St. Raymond Parish, Menlo Park, California |
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Albert (Central) | |||||||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | Williams, Richard | J.D. M.A. | Extensive Experience in Preaching and Formation | Law, Preaching | 1943 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | USA - St. Martin de Porres (South) | Cavalier, Wayne | Ph.D. | Theology and Education | Faith formation/religious education | 1959 | ||
NORTH AMERICA | Canada | |||||||
LAC | Colombia | |||||||
LAC | Ecuador | |||||||
LAC | Argentina | BALDINI, Juan José | Licenciado en teología | 1976 | ||||
LAC | Argentina | BRAVO, Javier | Licenciado en teología | 1974 | ||||
LAC | Argentina | CIMA, Sebastián | Profesor en Cs. De la religión – Contador público | 1975 | ||||
LAC | Argentina | DÍAZ DÍAZ, Manuel | Licenciado en teología | 1977 | ||||
LAC | Argentina | FERNANDEZ BERET, Guillermo | Doctor en teología | Teología pastoral | 1957 | |||
LAC | Argentina | GÓMEZ, Juan Pedro | Licenciado en Filosofía Licenciado en Teología | Nuevo testamento | 1966 | 2031 | ||
LAC | Argentina | IZAGUIRRE, Carlos María | Licenciado en Sagrada Escritura | 1959 | ||||
LAC | Argentina | RETA, Fernando | Licenciado en Teología | Teología Dogmática | 1960 | 2025 | ||
LAC | Argentina | RIOS VIVANCO, Miguel Ángel | Licenciado en Teología | 1958 | ||||
LAC | Argentina | WERNLY, Alberto | Licenciado en teología | Teología moral | 1986 | 2051 | ||
LAC | Brazil | BOCCATO DE ALMEIDA, André Luiz | Doctorado y Post-Doctorado | Teología moral/ética | Lateranense/Roma | Actualmente es profesor en la PUC-SP tanto en teología de grado como de posgrado; tiene otros títulos en otras áreas | ||
LAC | Brazil | TAVARES, André Luis | Maestría y Doctorado | Teología y filosofía | ITESP/UNIFESP/Católico de París | |||
LAC | Brazil | DOMINGUES DA SILVA, Mateus | Maestro (Estudiante de doctorado) | Letras/Filosofía (estudios islámicos) | USP/Canadá/Egipto | |||
LAC | Central America | SASSU Ottavio (1952) | Licenciatura | Teología | Moral | Eap Tivolí Profesor | 1985 | |
LAC | Central America | BURGUET HUERTA, José Luis (1943) | Licenciatura | Teología y filosofía | Moral | Eap Tivolí Profesor | 1969 | |
LAC | Central America | AGUILAR LEAL, Luis Roberto | Licenciatura | Pastoral y catequesis | Catequesis | Eap Tivolí Profesor | 1991 | |
LAC | Central America | ILLESCAS HERNANDEZ, Martín Eduardo (1968) | Maestro de educación primaria; pos-grado en educación con enfásis en didactica superior; bachillerato de teología | Educación Teología y filosofía | Eap Tivolí Profesor | 2005? | ||
LAC | Central America | VILLALOBOS RODRÍGUEZ, Carlos Alberto | Licenciatura | Teología | Bíblico | 1997 | Investigación doctoral en PUST | |
LAC | Central America | RAMÍREZ DONOSO, Gregorio | Licenciatura | Teología | Pastoral | 1984 | ||
LAC | Central America | RIVERA MURILLO, Francisco Javier | Licenciado en Teología Fundamental | Iglesia El Rosario (Párroco) Formador (Prenoviciado) | 1 de junio de 2017 1 de junio de 2017 (Estudiantado) |
LAC | Central America | TRAUFFER, Roland Bernhard | Licenciado y Doctor | Teología | Doctor en Derecho Canónico | |||
LAC | Central America | GARCÍA MATABUENA, Antonio Javier | Bach; Licenciado en estudios eclesiásticos, filosofía y misionología | Teología | Dogmática | |||
LAC | Central America | GEMPP, Christoph Peter | Licenciatura | Teología | Dogmática | |||
LAC | Central America | COTZALO CALO, Felipe | Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras | |||||
LAC | Central America | GUARDADO FLORES, Ricardo | Licenciatura | Teología | Moral | |||
LAC | Central America | CÁCERES PEREIRA, Carlos Antonio | Licenciatura Maestría Doctorando | Teología Ciencias de la Educación Teología | Prior Provincial | |||
LAC | México | MIGUEL, Ramírez | Licenciatura | Teología | Sistemática | Universidad Pontificia de México | 1992 | |
LAC | México | LÓPEZ, José | Licenciatura | Teología | Pastoral Urbana | Universidad Pontificia de México | 1983 | |
LAC | México | BALANDRÁN, Mauricio | Licenciatura | Teología | Sistemática | Pontificia Facultad de Teología “San Esteban” | 1983 | |
LAC | México | COBIÁN, Eduardo | Licenciatura | Teología | Espiritual | Universidad Pontificia de México | 1983 | Actualmente realiza la Maestría en la UPM en Teol. Espiritual y Formación de Vocaciones |
LAC | Bolivia | SERRUDO BETANZOS, Félix | 1.-Licenciatura en Teología 2.-Mrg. En Teología, doctrina social de la Iglesia | 1.-Teología fundamental 2.-Teología (Doctrina social de la Iglesia) | Teología fundamental | Universidad San Esteban (Madrid/Salamanca-España) | 1963 | |
LAC | Bolivia | CABA LLANOS, Alfonso | 1.-Licenciatura en misionología 2.-Licenciatura en teología espiritual | Teología | Teología pastoral | Universidad Católica Boliviana (Cochabamba) | 1972 | |
LAC | Bolivia | VENTURA ERAZO, Adhemar | 1.-Licenciatura en Teología 2.-Licenciatura en Psicología 3.-Maestría en Psicología | 1.-Teología 2.-Psicología 3.-Psicología | Teología dogmática y Psicología clínica | 1.-Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá-Colombia) 2.- Pontificia Universitá Gregoriana (Roma) 3.-Universidad Católica Boliviana (Cochabamba) | 1972 | |
LAC | Bolivia | GUZMAN, Rafael | 1.- Licenciatura civil en Ingeniería 2.- Postgrado en Gas y petróleo | 1.-Ingeniería Ambiental 2.- Postgrado en Ingeniería | Ingeniería | 1.-U.N.E. (Universidad Nacional Ecológica: Santa Cruz de la Sierra-Bolivia) 2.- UDAE (España) | 1981 | |
LAC | Bolivia | VELASCO, Julio | Licenciatura en ciencias jurídicas y políticas | Derecho | Abogado | Universidad San Simón (Cochabamba-Bolivia) | 1964 | |
LAC | Bolivia | GONZALEZ, Edwin | Licenciatura en Filosofía | Filosofía | Filosofía anitgua | Universidad Católica Boliviana (Cochabamba) | 1966 | |
LAC | Bolivia | ÁLVAREZ, Floriano | Licenciatura en Misionología | Teología | Teología pastoral | Universidad Católica Boliviana | 1982 | |
LAC | Bolivia | ÁLVAREZ, Floriano | Licenciatura en Antropología | Antropología | Filosofía contemporánea | Universidad Católica Boliviana | 1955 | |
LAC | Bolivia | TORRES, Aldo | Licenciatura en Teología | Teología | Teología fundamental | Universidad San Esteban (Salamanca-España) | 1976 | |
LAC | Bolivia | ROBLES SEGOVIA, Osvaldo | Licenciatura en Teología, con acento en Biblia | Teología | Biblia/Nuevo Testamento/San Pablo | Universidad Católica de Buenos Aires-Argentina | 1973 | |
LAC | Bolivia | LUJÁN, Jhonny | Licenciatura en Teología | Teología | Teología fundamental | Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá-Colombia | 1963 | |
LAC | Bolivia | DELGADO FLOREZ, Fernando | Licenciatura en Teología espiritual | Teología | Teología espiritual | Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá-Colombia | 1971 |